Category:Taxa named by Ferdinand von Mueller
Botanical taxa named by Ferdinand von Mueller (1825−1896), a 19th-century German−Australian botanist and taxonomist.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Ferdinand von Mueller"
The following 90 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,356 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Tasmannia membranea
- Telopea oreades
- Templetonia stenophylla
- Tephrosia rosea
- Terminalia bursarina
- Terminalia circumalata
- Terminalia oblongata
- Terminalia platyphylla
- Terminalia platyptera
- Tetracera daemeliana
- Tetracera nordtiana
- Tetragonia diptera
- Tetrastigma nitens
- Tetratheca aphylla
- Tetratheca bauerifolia
- Tetratheca efoliata
- Tetratheca harperi
- Teucrium betchei
- Teucrium grandiusculum
- Teucrium puberulum
- Teucrium teucriiflorum
- Thelymitra epipactoides
- Thelymitra × mackibbinii
- Thespidium
- Thismia rodwayi
- Thomasia petalocalyx
- Thomasia tenuivestita
- Thryptomene baeckeacea
- Thryptomene denticulata
- Thryptomene elliottii
- Thryptomene ericaea
- Thryptomene johnsonii
- Thryptomene oligandra
- Thryptomene urceolaris
- Thyridolepis mitchelliana
- Toechima daemelianum
- Toechima erythrocarpum
- Tribulus macrocarpus
- Trichanthodium
- Triumfetta winneckeana
- Triunia youngiana
- Trochocarpa clarkei
- Typhonium alismifolium
- Typhonium angustilobum
- Typhonium eliosurum
- Typhonium liliifolium