Category:Spiders of Asia
This category contains articles about spiders that have an Asian native distribution, rather than being limited to particular regions or countries in Asia.
Spiders native to Asia may also be found in categories covering larger areas:
- Category:Cosmopolitan spiders – spiders native worldwide
- Category:Holarctic spiders – spiders native to the Holarctic; includes the Palearctic
- Category:Palearctic spiders – spiders native to the Palearctic, a subregion of the Holarctic; includes northern Asia
- Category:Pantropical spiders – spiders native throughout the tropics
For guidance on categorizing spiders by distribution, see Category:Spiders by location.
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 22 total.
(previous page) (next page)C
- Spiders of Central Asia (19 P)
- Spiders of China (203 P)
- Spiders of Georgia (country) (36 P)
- Spiders of Indonesia (43 P)
- Spiders of Iran (20 P)
- Spiders of Korea (18 P)
- Spiders of Laos (3 P)
- Spiders of Mongolia (13 P)
- Spiders of Myanmar (7 P)
- Spiders of Pakistan (7 P)
- Spiders of the Philippines (13 P)
- Spiders of Sri Lanka (55 P)
- Spiders of Taiwan (38 P)
- Spiders of Tajikistan (3 P)
- Spiders of Thailand (12 P)
- Spiders of Turkey (35 P)
- Spiders of Vietnam (10 P)
Pages in category "Spiders of Asia"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,815 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)C
- Cebrenninus
- Cebrennus
- Cedicoides
- Cedicus
- Ceglusa
- Cephalobares
- Ceratinella
- Cerbalus
- Cerbalus aravaensis
- Cercidia
- Cetratus
- Chaetopelma
- Chaetopelma altugkadirorum
- Chaetopelma olivaceum
- Chalcolecta
- Chalcoscirtus
- Chalcotropis
- Charippus
- Cheiracanthium annulipes
- Cheiracanthium elegans
- Cheiracanthium insigne
- Cheiracanthium mildei
- Cheiracanthium punctorium
- Cheliceroides longipalpis
- Chiangmaia
- Chikunia
- Chikunia nigra
- Chilobrachys
- Chilobrachys andersoni
- Chilobrachys fimbriatus
- Chilobrachys huahini
- Chilobrachys jonitriantisvansickleae
- Chilobrachys nitelinus
- Chinattus
- Chorizopes
- Chorizopes frontalis
- Chrosiothes
- Chrysilla
- Chrysilla lauta
- Chrysilla volupe
- Chthonopes
- Cicurina
- Cicurina cicur
- Citharognathus
- Civizelotes
- Cladothela
- Claviphantes
- Clitaetra
- Clubiona alpicola
- Clubiona comta
- Clubiona corticalis
- Clubiona frutetorum
- Clubiona pseudoneglecta
- Clubiona silvestris
- Cnodalia
- Cobalt blue tarantula
- Cocalodes
- Cocalus (spider)
- Coddingtonia
- Coelotes
- Coenoptychus
- Colaxes
- Colaxes horton
- Colaxes wanlessi
- Colopea
- Colopea xerophila
- Colopsus
- Colyttus
- Comaroma
- Conculus
- Copa annulata
- Copa spinosa
- Corealithus
- Coremiocnemis
- Coreodrassus
- Coriarachne
- Corinnomma
- Coscinida
- Coscinida gentilis
- Coscinida novemnotata
- Coscinida triangulifera
- Cosmophasis
- Cosmophasis lami
- Cosmophasis thalassina
- Cosmophasis umbratica
- Cotinusa
- Cozyptila
- Crassignatha
- Cresmatoneta
- Crispiphantes
- Crockeria
- Crocodilosa
- Cryptoparachtes fedotovi
- Cryptothele (spider)
- Curubis
- Curubis annulata
- Curubis erratica
- Curubis tetrica
- Cybaeus angustiarum
- Cycais
- Cyclocarcina
- Cyclocosmia
- Cyclosa argenteoalba
- Cydrela
- Cymbacha
- Cymbacha simplex
- Cyphalonotus
- Cyphonetria
- Cyrba
- Cyriopagopus
- Cyriopagopus albostriatus
- Cyriopagopus paganus
- Cyriopagopus schmidti
- Cyrtarachne
- Cyrtarachne inaequalis
- Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis
- Cyrtarachne perspicillata
- Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis
- Cyrtophora
- Cyrtophora cicatrosa
- Cyrtophora exanthematica
- Cyrtophora moluccensis
- Cyrtophora parangexanthematica
- Cyrtophora unicolor
- Cytaea
- Dactylopisthes
- Decipiphantes
- Deelemanella
- Deione
- Deltshevia
- Dendrolycosa
- Dendronetria
- Dendryphantes nicator
- Dendryphantes quaesitus
- Depreissia
- Desis (spider)
- Devade
- Devendra amaiti
- Devendra pardalis
- Devendra pumilus
- Devendra saama
- Devendra seriatus
- Dexippus (spider)
- Dexippus pengi
- Diaea placata
- Diallomus
- Diallomus fuliginosus
- Diallomus speciosus
- Dicornua
- Dictis
- Dictyna turbida
- Dictynomorpha
- Dicymbium
- Didectoprocnemis
- Dimizonops
- Diphya
- Diplocanthopoda
- Diplocentria
- Diplocephaloides
- Dipoena sertata
- Dipoenura
- Diving bell spider
- Doenitzius
- Dolichognatha albida
- Dolichognatha deelemanae
- Dolichognatha incanescens
- Dolichognatha junlitjri
- Dolichognatha longiceps
- Dolichognatha mandibularis
- Dolichognatha nietneri
- Dolichoneon
- Dolomedes boiei
- Dolomedes karschi
- Dolomedes sulfureus
- Domatha
- Donacochara
- Dorjulopirata
- Doryonychus
- Draposa
- Draposa atropalpis
- Draposa lyrivulva
- Draposa subhadrae
- Drassodex
- Drepanotylus
- Dubiaranea
- Dumoga
- Duninia
- Dusmadiores
- Dysdera
- Dysdera aculeata
- Dysderella
- Dysderina
- Dysderoides