Category:Screenshots of Super Nintendo Entertainment System games
![]() | This category contains files To place a file in this category, add the tag {{Non-free video game screenshot|Super Nintendo Entertainment System}} to the Licensing section of the file's description page. If you are not sure which category a file belongs to, browse Category:Screenshots of video games or request assistance from Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Video games. If this category is very large, please consider placing your file in a new or existing subcategory. |
Media in category "Screenshots of Super Nintendo Entertainment System games"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 409 total.
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- File:Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.png
- File:Ace Striker Cutscene.png
- File:Ace Striker Roberto Baggio.png
- File:Actraiser204.png
- File:Addams Family NSS.png
- File:AdventuresofYogiBearSNESTheyKilledYogi.png
- File:Aerobiz Supersonic-20101226-172426.png
- File:Aladdin Pic 3.png
- File:AlbertOdyssey1.png
- File:AlicenoPaintAdventureSNESScreenshot.jpg
- File:Arcana battle.gif
- File:Asterix SNES.png
- File:AstralBoutSuperFamicomScreenshot.png
- File:B.O.B snes.png
- File:BarbarossaSNESCombatImage.jpg
- File:BarbieVacationAdventureScreenshotSNESBarbievsMidge.png
- File:BassMastersClassicSNESscreenshot.png
- File:Batman Returns (SNES) gameplay.png
- File:Batman vs joker.png
- File:Battletoads DD gameplay.gif
- File:Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Battletoad Butt special move.png
- File:BebesKidsUSApril1994Screenshot.PNG
- File:BioMetalTooFastTooFurious.png
- File:BOF1battle.PNG
- File:BOF2 town.png
- File:Boxing Legends of the Ring060.png
- File:Boxing Legends of the Ring076.png
- File:Brandish 1 gameplay.png
- File:BrunswickWorldTournamentofChampionsSNESGameScreenshot.png
- File:BSZeldaInishienoSekibanTitle.png
- File:BSZeldaTitle.png
- File:Bubsy (SNES).png
- File:Cacoma Knight in Bizyland Boss 3.png
- File:Cacoma Knight in Bizyland Pic 1.png
- File:Captain Novolin gameplay.png
- File:ChaosEngine1 s11.png
- File:CheetahAquamanGame.jpg
- File:Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes screenshot.png
- File:ChronoTriggerInside.PNG
- File:Clock Tower (1995 video game - screenshot).png
- File:Contra III screenshot.png
- File:CoolWorldYouAreUnderArrest.png
- File:Crash Dummie SNES Title.jpg
- File:Cyber Formula Super Famicom.jpg
- File:DaffyDuckTheMarvinMissionsSNESScreenshot.PNG
- File:David Crane's Amazing Tennis - Gameplay.png
- File:Deathandreturnofsuperman4.JPG
- File:DekitateHighSchoolScreenshotSNES.jpg
- File:DemolitionManFirstSceneReenactment.jpg
- File:Desert strike gameplay.png
- File:Diddy Kong's Quest gameplay.jpg
- File:Dinocity.png
- File:DKCRereleaseComparison.png
- File:Donkey Kong Country 3 gameplay.jpg
- File:Donkey Kong Country Shot 2.png
- File:DoReMi96.png
- File:Dragon Quest 1 Remake screenshot.png
- File:Dragon Quest V.png
- File:Dragon View Outside Casdra.png
- File:Dragon View Title Screen.jpg
- File:Dragon Warrior III (screenshot montage).png
- File:Dragonquest6.png
- File:Drakkhen map.png
- File:Drakkhen Shadowman.png
- File:F1rocmooncity.jpg
- File:Far East of Eden Zero Village Kids screenshot.png
- File:FE Thracia 776 gameplay.png
- File:FE; Genealogy of the Holy War screenshot.png
- File:Fe3mapscreenshot.png
- File:FEDATheEmblemofJusticeSNES.png
- File:Ff4wiki.PNG
- File:FF5 trans compare.png
- File:Ffmq battlescreen.png
- File:Ffmq grapple2.png
- File:FFVI Siren Censorship.png
- File:Final Fantasy V Active Time Battle screenshot.png
- File:Final Fantasy V death crystal screenshot.png
- File:Final Fantasy VI battle.png
- File:Final Fight 3 - Gameplay.png
- File:FirestrikerScreenshotSNESBirdWoman.png
- File:Flammie Flying.gif
- File:Flintstone boss.png
- File:FlintstonesTreasureofSierraMadrockSNESHenpeckedHusbandBarney.png
- File:ForemanforRealSNESscreenshotViolentForce.png
- File:FrankThomasBigHurtBaseballScreenshotSNES.PNG
- File:Front Mission.png
- File:FushiginoDungeonHighLevelMonsterChase.png
- File:Jalecorallybigrunscreenshot.png
- File:JikkyouPowerProWrestling96MaxVoltageScreenshotSNES.png
- File:Jissen Kyotei sfc.png
- File:Jissen Kyotei.png
- File:JoeandMac2BossBattleScrenShotSNES.jpg
- File:Jpsnes fp.png
- File:Jpsnes shot.png
- File:JudgeDreddScreenshotSNESQuickJustice.png
- File:Jurassic Park 2 cut scene.JPG
- File:Jurassic Park 2 SNES screenshot.JPG
- File:KDL3Screenshot.png
- File:Kid Klown in Crazy Chase gameplay.png
- File:King Arthur and the Knights of Justice screenshot.gif
- File:Kirby Super Star gameplay screenshot.png
- File:Kirby's Avalanche screenshot.png
- File:KKPMOnthePitch.png
- File:KoutetsunoKishi2CapturingEnemyHQ.png
- File:KoutetsunoKishiCommanderFritz.jpg
- File:Majin tensei battle.png
- File:Majintensei2 battle.png
- File:Mario & Wario Level 3-7.PNG
- File:MarkDavisTheFishingMasterCaughtOne.png
- File:MarvelSuperHeroesSpidermanvsPuck.png
- File:Mega man 7 gameplay.jpg
- File:Mega Man X Armadillo stage running.png
- File:Megamanx2 gameplay.png
- File:MHSuperTrawlingBigFish.png
- File:Might magic3.jpg
- File:Miracle-Piano-Teaching-System-screenshot.png
- File:MK1 SNES vs MD.png
- File:MMPR.jpg
- File:MMPRTM first scene.gif
- File:Mortal Kombat II select screen.png
- File:Mother 2 Ness Magicant.png
- File:Mother 2 Summers.png
- File:Motoko-channoWonderKitchenCookingaMeal.png
- File:Mucs01.png
- File:Mucs02.png
- File:Munich track in Top Gear 2.png
- File:Nakajima Satoru F-1 Hero '94 gameplay.png
- File:Nakajima Satoru F-1 Hero '94.png
- File:Nba give n go screenshot.png
- File:NHLStanleyCupUSNovember1993.jpg
- File:Noah's Ark 3D SNES gameplay.gif
- File:NolanRyansBaseballBatterUp.jpg
- File:NontanKuruKuruPuzzleSFCScreenshot.png
- File:NosferatuStage2Bosses.png
- File:Pac-Attack SNES screenshot.png
- File:PDPwindystage.png
- File:Pilotwings hang.png
- File:Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday Screenshot.png
- File:PowerPiggsoftheDarkAgeFirstBoss.png
- File:Prehistorik Man Gameplay.jpg
- File:ProSportHockeySNESSlapShot.PNG
- File:PTOIIAerialBattleSNESVersion.jpg
- File:PuzzlenDesuStage1.png
- File:Radical Dreamers Frozen Flame.png
- File:Radical dreamers.png
- File:RealmSNESFiringatFires.png
- File:RedLineF1SNESRacingScreen.jpg
- File:Return of Double Dragon screenshot.gif
- File:Rex-Ronan-Experimental-Surgeon-game-screenshot.png
- File:Ringmenu.png
- File:RiseofthePhoenixScreenshotSNESCityUnderSiege.png
- File:RockNRollRacing2.png
- File:RRivalTurfFlakvsBullet.png
- File:Rsaga1.png
- File:RudranoHihou.PNG
- File:Rumblematchsnes.jpeg
- File:Run Sabre boss7.png