Category:Scottish football managers
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Association football coaches from Scotland.
Pages in category "Scottish football managers"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,237 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Sammy Kean
- Steve Kean
- Hughie Kelly
- Jeremiah Kelly
- Tom Kelly (footballer, born 1964)
- Phil Kelso
- Bobby Kennedy (footballer)
- John Kennedy (Scottish footballer)
- Brian Kerr (Scottish footballer)
- Jerry Kerr
- Jim Kerr (footballer, born 1959)
- Mark Kerr (footballer)
- Peter Kerr (footballer, born 1891)
- Shelley Kerr
- Steve Kerrigan (footballer)
- Stuart Kettlewell
- Dave Kevan
- Charlie King (footballer, born 1979)
- Jake King (footballer, born 1955)
- Steven Kinniburgh
- Steve Kirk
- Willie Kirk
- Billy Kirkwood
- Davie Kirkwood
- Harry Kinghorn
- Archie Knox
- Keith Knox
- Willie Knox
- Paul Lambert
- John Lambie (footballer, born 1941)
- Billy Lamont
- Martin Lauchlan
- Jimmy Lawrence
- Mickey Lawson
- Paul Lawson (footballer)
- Jimmy Leadbetter
- Graham Leggat
- Jim Leishman
- Tommy Leishman
- Scott Leitch
- Danny Lennon
- Peter Leonard (footballer)
- Craig Levein
- Andy Liddell
- David Lilley
- Jimmy Lindsay (footballer, born 1958)
- Billy Little
- Chris Little
- Ian Little (footballer)
- Jimmy Littlejohn
- Bobby Livingstone
- Doug Livingstone
- George Livingstone
- Arthur Lochhead
- Duggie Lochhead
- Gary Locke (Scottish footballer)
- Tom Lockie
- James Logan (footballer, born 1885)
- Graeme Love
- John Love (footballer)
- Paul Lovering
- Norman Low
- John Lowe (footballer)
- Ronnie Lowrie
- Jimmy Lumsden
- Andy Lynch (footballer)
- Lou Macari
- Archie Macaulay
- Alex MacDonald (footballer, born 1948)
- Billy Macdonald (footballer, born 1976)
- Kevin MacDonald (footballer)
- Malky MacDonald
- Pauline MacDonald
- Peter MacDonald (footballer)
- Willie MacFadyen
- Ian MacFarlane (footballer, born 1933)
- Neil MacFarlane (footballer)
- Sandy MacFarlane
- Willie MacFarlane (footballer, born 1930)
- Dave Mackay
- Dave Mackay (footballer, born 1981)
- Don Mackay
- Duncan MacKay (footballer)
- Gary Mackay
- Malky Mackay
- Steven Mackay
- Scott MacKenzie (footballer)
- Alex Mackie
- George Mackie (footballer)
- Alan Mackin (footballer)
- John Mackin
- Dave MacLaren
- Steven MacLean (footballer)
- Ally MacLeod
- Murdo MacLeod
- John Maconnachie
- John MacPhail
- Austin MacPhee
- Gus MacPherson
- Johnny Madden
- Paul Maguire (footballer)
- Alf Maitland
- Allan Maitland
- Bob Malcolm
- Stuart Malcolm
- Alex Maley
- Tom Maley
- Willie Maley
- Danny Malloy (footballer)
- Shaun Maloney
- Maurice Malpas
- Arthur Mann
- Leigh Manson
- Scott Marshall (footballer)
- George Martin (Scottish footballer)
- John Martin (footballer, born 1985)
- Neil Martin
- Paul Martin (Scottish footballer)
- David Martindale
- Alex Massie (footballer)
- Don Masson
- Alex Mathie
- Ross Mathie
- Andy Matthew
- Ally Mauchlen
- Ally Maxwell
- William Maxwell (footballer)
- Eddie May (Scottish footballer)
- Gerry Mays
- Craig McAllister
- Gary McAllister
- Kevin McAllister
- Willie McAndrew
- Jim McAnearney
- Tom McAnearney
- Alex McAnespie
- Kieran McAnespie
- Steve McAnespie
- Bob McAuley
- Frankie McAvoy
- Neil McBain
- Kevin McBride (footballer)
- Gerry McCabe
- Rhys McCabe
- Andy McCall (footballer, born 1911)
- Ian McCall (footballer)
- Stuart McCall
- Jim McCalliog
- Don McCalman
- Hugh McCann
- Neil McCann
- John McCartney (footballer, born 1866)
- Mike McCartney (footballer)
- Willie McCartney
- Philip McCloy
- Ally McCoist
- Ian McColl
- Jimmy McColl (footballer, born 1892)
- John McCormack (footballer, born 1955)
- David McCracken
- Walter McCrae
- Alex McCrae
- James McCrae (footballer)
- Eddie McCreadie
- Bobby McCulley
- David McCulloch
- Lee McCulloch
- Willie McCulloch (footballer, born 1927)
- Willie McCulloch (footballer, born 1948)
- Jamie McCunnie
- Jim McDewitt
- Amy McDonald (Scottish footballer)
- Greig McDonald
- Joe McDonald (footballer)
- Ken McDonald (footballer)
- Kevin McDonald (footballer, born 1988)
- Mike McDonald (footballer)
- Tommy McDonald (footballer, born 1930)
- James McDonaugh
- Davy McDougall
- Murdo McDougall
- Les McDowall
- Duncan McDowell
- Isaac McDowell
- Murray McDowell
- Billy McEwan (footballer, born 1951)
- Craig McEwan (footballer)
- Frank McGarvey
- James McGhee
- Mark McGhee
- Billy McGhie (footballer, born 1961)
- Charlie McGillivray
- John McGinlay
- Brian McGinty
- John McGlashan (footballer)
- John McGlynn (Scottish footballer)
- Kevin McGoldrick
- Allan McGonigal
- John McGovern (footballer)
- Jon-Paul McGovern