Category:Officers of the Order of Canada
The Order of Canada is composed of three ranks of membership:
- Members (see Category:Members of the Order of Canada)
- Officers (this category)
- Companions (see Category:Companions of the Order of Canada)
Officers of the Order of Canada (OC) have demonstrated an outstanding level of talent and service to Canadians. Up to 64 Officers are appointed each year, although there is no limit to how many may be living at one time. This category contains all of the Officers both living and deceased about whom there exist an article on Wikipedia. The template {{Post-nominals|country=CAN|OC}} may be added immediately after the first mention of their names in the article's lead sentence. Honorary Officers are categorized at Category:Honorary officers of the Order of Canada.
Pages in category "Officers of the Order of Canada"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,633 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Laura Sabia
- Michael Sabia
- Marcel Sabourin
- David Sackett
- Ann Saddlemyer
- David Saint-Jacques
- Fernande Saint-Martin
- Sima Samar
- Indira Samarasekera
- F. A. Sampson
- Camille Sandorfy
- Allen Sapp
- William Sauder
- Danièle Sauvageau
- John Savage (Nova Scotia politician)
- Félix-Antoine Savard
- Serge Savard
- Robert Savoie
- Henry Saxe
- Tito Scaiano
- William Schabas
- Michael Schade
- David Schindler
- William G. Schneider
- Seymour Schulich
- Joseph Schull
- Gerry Schwartz
- Irving Schwartz
- Barbara Ann Scott
- Beckie Scott
- Donna Scott
- Ian Scott (Ontario politician)
- James V. Scott
- Marianne Scott
- Richard J. Scott
- Sara Seager
- Daryl Seaman
- Mary V. Seeman
- Philip Seeman
- Alvin Segal
- Hugh Segal
- Gordon Walter Semenoff
- Pierre Sévigny (politician)
- James Sewid
- Doris Shadbolt
- Jack Shadbolt
- Bernard Shapiro
- Isadore Sharp
- Robert Sharpe (judge)
- William Shatner
- Donald Shaver
- JR Shaw
- Walter Russell Shaw
- Jennifer Shay
- Leslie Shemilt
- Frances Alice Shepherd
- Joseph H. Shoctor
- Molly Shoichet
- Howard Shore
- Martin Short
- Gordon Shrum
- Morton Shulman
- Morris C. Shumiatcher
- Frank Shuster
- Alain Simard (businessman)
- René Simard (health professional)
- Robert Simmonds
- F. Estelle R. Simons
- Jeffrey Simpson
- Adelaide Sinclair
- Christine Sinclair
- Gordon Sinclair
- Ian David Sinclair
- Lister Sinclair
- Peter A. Singer
- Jeffrey Skoll
- Gordon Slemon
- Wladimir Smirnoff
- Arnold Smith
- Arthur Ryan Smith
- John N. Smith
- Lois Smith (dancer)
- Muriel Smith (politician)
- Tricia Smith
- Wilfred I. Smith
- Wilfred Cantwell Smith
- John Smol
- Frank H. Sobey
- Nahum Sonenberg
- Theodore Sourkes
- Raymond Souster
- Raymond Speaker
- Doreen Spence
- Keith Spicer
- Irene Spry
- Peter St George-Hyslop
- Charles Perry Stacey
- Denis Stairs (political scientist)
- Mark Starowicz
- Steven Staryk
- Gilles Ste-Croix
- Harry Steele (businessman)
- Baldur R. Stefansson
- Sam Steinberg
- Ralph Steinhauer
- Maitland Steinkopf
- Charles R. Stelck
- Douglas Stephan
- Bette Stephenson
- Carol Stephenson
- Helga Stephenson
- William Stevenson (judge)
- Brian Stewart (journalist)
- Jane Stewart (scientist)
- Calvin Stiller
- Shirley Marie Stinson
- Ian Stirling (biologist)
- David Strangway
- Teresa Stratas
- Barry Strayer
- Marlene Streit
- Donald Stuss
- Peter Suedfeld
- Françoise Sullivan
- Rosemary Sullivan
- Josef Svoboda (scientist)
- Guy Sylvestre
- Stefan Sznuk
- Ian Tamblyn
- Larry Tanenbaum
- Ray Tanguay
- Elaine Tanner
- Roger Tassé
- Allan R. Taylor
- Carole Taylor
- Claude Taylor (transportation executive)
- D. R. Fraser Taylor
- James H. Taylor
- Kenneth D. Taylor
- Eric Teed
- William Teron
- Marc Tessier-Lavigne
- Pierre Théberge
- Yves Thériault
- Gordon Thiessen
- Robert Thirsk
- Ronald Thom
- Audrey Thomas
- Don Thompson (musician)
- Judith Thompson
- Paul Thompson (playwright)
- Robert N. Thompson
- Richard M. Thomson
- Raymond Thorsteinsson
- Arthur L. Thurlow
- Shirley M. Tilghman
- James Till
- Vianne Timmons
- Michelle Tisseyre
- Pierre Tisseyre
- Brian Tobin
- Richard H. Tomlinson
- Roger Tomlinson
- Stephen Toope
- Claude Tousignant
- Bramwell Tovey
- Peter Towe
- Harold Town
- Alex Trebek
- Alfred Tremblay
- Arthur Tremblay
- Gilles Tremblay (composer)
- Marc-Adélard Tremblay
- Richard E. Tremblay
- Thomas Tremblay
- Marilyn Trenholme Counsell
- Bruce Trigger
- Lorne Trottier
- Albert Trueman
- Peter Trueman
- Hieu C. Truong
- Lap-Chee Tsui
- Peter Tugwell
- Endel Tulving
- Verena Tunnicliffe
- William Ferdinand Alphonse Turgeon
- Neil Turok
- Yuli Turovsky
- W. T. Tutte
- Shania Twain
- D. Lorne Tyrrell