Category:Lost American drama films
Drama films made in the United States that are considered lost.
Pages in category "Lost American drama films"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,353 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Sackcloth and Scarlet
- The Sacred Flame (1931 film)
- Sacred Silence (1919 film)
- St. Elmo (1923 American film)
- A Sainted Devil
- Salomé (1918 film)
- Salvage (1921 film)
- Salvation Nell (1915 film)
- Sandra (1924 film)
- Sapho (1913 film)
- The Savage (1917 film)
- The Sawdust Paradise
- Say It with Sables
- The Scales of Justice (film)
- The Scar (1919 film)
- The Scarlet Letter (1908 film)
- The Scarlet Runner
- Scarlet Saint
- The Scarlet West
- The Scarlet Woman
- School for Wives (film)
- The Scuttlers
- Sea Horses (film)
- The Sea Tiger
- The Sea Wolf (1926 film)
- The Secret Code (film)
- The Secret Garden (1919 film)
- The Secret of Eve
- The Secret of the Storm Country
- Secret Orders
- Secret Service (1919 film)
- The Selfish Woman
- Sentimental Tommy
- Serenade (1927 film)
- The Serpent (1916 film)
- The Serpent's Tooth (film)
- The Servant in the House
- The Service Star
- Seven Faces
- The Severed Hand
- The Shadow of Tragedy
- Shadows (1919 film)
- Shadows of Paris (1924 film)
- Shame (1921 film)
- Shanghaied Love
- The Shark (1920 film)
- She Couldn't Say No (1930 film)
- She Stoops to Conquer (1910 film)
- She Wanted to Marry a Hero
- Shell 43
- The Shine Girl
- Shir Hashirim (film)
- Shirley of the Circus
- The Shooting of Dan McGrew (1915 film)
- Should a Mother Tell?
- Siberia (1926 film)
- The Silent Accuser
- The Silent Lie
- The Silent Mystery
- The Silent Partner (1923 film)
- The Silent Voice (film)
- The Silent Watcher
- Silk Stocking Sal
- Silken Shackles
- The Silver King (1919 film)
- The Silver Slave
- The Silver Treasure
- Silver Wings (film)
- Sin (1915 film)
- The Sin Flood (1922 film)
- The Sin of Olga Brandt
- The Sin That Was His
- The Sin Woman
- The Single Track
- Sinners (1920 film)
- The Six-Fifty
- The Sixth Commandment
- Skin Deep (1929 film)
- The Skywayman
- Slander (1916 film)
- The Slave (1917 drama film)
- A Slave of Vanity
- Sleeping Fires
- The Sleepwalker (1922 film)
- Slim Shoulders
- A Small Town Girl
- Smooth as Satin
- The Snob (1924 film)
- Snowed In (serial)
- So Big (1924 film)
- So This Is Marriage
- The Social Code
- A Society Exile
- Society for Sale
- A Society Scandal
- Sold (1915 film)
- A Soldier's Oath
- Soldiers of Fortune (1919 film)
- Something Different (1920 film)
- Somewhere in Georgia
- A Son of the Sahara
- The Song of Hate
- The Song of Songs (1918 film)
- The Song of the Soul (1918 film)
- A Soul Enslaved
- The Soul Market
- The Soul of Kura San
- Souls in Bondage
- Souls in Pawn (1917 film)
- Souls Triumphant
- The Source (1918 film)
- Sowers and Reapers
- The Spaniard (film)
- The Spark Divine
- Speakeasy (1929 film)
- The Speed Maniac
- The Sphinx (1916 film)
- The Spirit of '17
- The Spirit of '76 (1917 film)
- The Spirit of Good
- The Spirit of Romance (film)
- The Spitfire (1924 film)
- The Splendid Road
- The Splendid Romance
- The Splendid Sinner
- The Sporting Duchess (1915 film)
- The Sporting Duchess (1920 film)
- Sporting Life (1918 film)
- Spotlight Sadie
- The Spreading Dawn
- The Spy's Defeat
- St. Elmo (1910 Thanhouser film)
- St. Elmo (1910 Vitagraph film)
- Stage Struck (1911 film)
- The Star of Bethlehem (1912 film)
- The Star of the Sea
- Station Content
- Steady Company (1915 film)
- Steel Preferred
- The Stepping Stone
- The Stolen Invention
- Stolen Pleasures
- The Storm Daughter
- The Story Without a Name
- The Straight Way
- Stranded (1916 drama film)
- The Strange Case of Mary Page
- Strange Idols
- The Stranger (1924 film)
- The Street of Sin
- The Streets of New York (1922 film)
- Streets of Shanghai
- The Stronger Mind
- Stronger Than Death (1915 film)
- The Strongest (1920 film)
- The Struggle Everlasting
- Such Is Life (1915 film)
- Susan's Gentleman
- Tangled Lives (1910 film)
- Tangled Lives (1917 film)
- Tangled Threads
- Tarnish (film)
- Tarnished Reputations
- Tempest and Sunshine
- The Temple of Dusk
- Ten Nights in a Bar Room (1910 film)
- The Tenth Woman
- Terry of the Times
- Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1924 film)
- The Test of Honor
- The Test (1914 film)
- The Testing of Mildred Vane
- A Thanksgiving Surprise
- That Devil, Bateese
- Their Child
- Thelma (1910 film)
- Then I'll Come Back to You
- The Thief (1914 film)
- A Thief in Paradise
- The Thing We Love
- The Third Degree (1913 film)
- Thirty a Week
- Thirty Years Later
- Those Who Dance (1924 film)
- Thou Art the Man (film)
- The Thousand-Dollar Husband
- Threads of Destiny (1914 film)
- The Threads of Fate
- The Three of Us (1914 film)
- Three Sinners
- Thunder (1929 film)
- Thunder Mountain (1925 film)
- The Tie That Binds (1923 film)
- Tiger Love (1924 film)
- The Tiger Woman (1917 film)
- The Tigress (1927 film)
- Tin Gods
- To the Death (1917 film)
- To the Highest Bidder
- To-Day