Category:Brachycera genera
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 4 total.
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- Monotypic Brachycera genera (946 P)
Pages in category "Brachycera genera"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,963 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Bellina
- Benhamyia
- Beridella
- Beridops
- Beris
- Berisina
- Berismyia
- Berkshiria
- Beskioleskia
- Betrequia
- Bezzimyia
- Bezziomyiobia
- Bicellaria
- Binghamimyia
- Biomeigenia
- Bistinda
- Bixinia
- Blastocera
- Blepharellina
- Blepharomyia
- Blepharopoda
- Blondelia
- Bolbocheta
- Bolbodimyia
- Bolbomyia
- Borboridea
- Boreoides
- Borgmeiermyia
- Bothrophora
- Botria
- Bourquinia
- Bracheliopsis
- Brachicheta
- Brachybelvosia
- Brachycara
- Brachychaetoides
- Brachycnephalia
- Brachymera
- Brachyodina
- Brachythrix (fly)
- Bracteola
- Braunsiomyia
- Brennania
- Brianmyia
- Brullaea
- Buestanmyia
- Burmabrithes
- Cacatuopyga
- Cacosis
- Cadurcia
- Caenacantha
- Caeniopsis
- Caenisomopsis
- Caenocephaloides
- Caenoprosopon
- Cahenia
- Calcageria
- Callopistromyia
- Calodexia
- Calohilara
- Calohystricia
- Caloparyphus
- Calotachina
- Caltagironea
- Calyptromyia
- Campeprosopa
- Camptophryno
- Camptopteromyia
- Campylia
- Carceliella
- Cardopomyia
- Catachlorops
- Catatasis
- Cechorismenus
- Celatoria
- Cenchrometopa
- Cephalia
- Cephalimosina
- Cephalocera
- Cephalocerodes
- Cephalochrysa
- Cephalops
- Cephalosphaera (fly)
- Ceratochaetops
- Ceriomydas
- Ceromasia
- Ceromasiopsis
- Ceromya
- Ceropterella
- Ceroxys
- Cesamorelosia
- Cesapanama
- Cestonia
- Chaetocnephalia
- Chaetocrania
- Chaetocraniopsis
- Chaetodemoticus
- Chaetodexia
- Chaetodromia
- Chaetoepalpus
- Chaetogaedia
- Chaetoglossa
- Chaetohermetia
- Chaetolixophaga
- Chaetonerius
- Chaetonodexodes
- Chaetonopsis
- Chaetophorocera
- Chaetoplagia
- Chaetopletha
- Chaetopodella
- Chaetoria
- Chaetosargus
- Chaetosifemur
- Chaetosturmia
- Chaetovoria
- Chalarus
- Chalcidomorphina
- Chalybosoma
- Charimydas
- Charisina
- Charitella
- Chasmia
- Chelonomima
- Chersodromia
- Chespiritos
- Chetogaster
- Chillcottomyia
- Chiloclista
- Chiloepalpus
- Chiricahuia
- Chiromyza
- Chlamydonotum
- Chlorohystricia
- Chlorolydella
- Chloromelas
- Chloromyia
- Chloropales
- Chlorotabanus
- Choeteprosopa
- Cholomyia
- Chordonota
- Chorisops
- Chorophthalmyia
- Chromatocera
- Chromatophania
- Chromatopoda
- Chrysanthrax
- Chrysochlora
- Chrysochlorina
- Chrysochromioides
- Chrysoexorista
- Chrysomikia
- Chrysopasta
- Chrysophryno
- Chrysophryxe
- Chrysopilus
- Chrysotachina
- Chrysotryphera
- Chyuluella
- Ciala
- Cibotogaster
- Cinochira
- Clairvillia
- Clairvilliops
- Clanoneurum
- Claraeola
- Clarissimyia
- Clastoneura
- Clausicella
- Clavimyia
- Clelimyia
- Clemaxia
- Clemelis
- Cleonice
- Clinogaster
- Clistoabdominalis
- Clitellaria
- Cluster fly
- Clytiomya
- Cnephalodes
- Cnephaotachina
- Cockerelliana
- Coenomyia
- Collinias
- Cololeskia
- Coloradomyia
- Comops
- Comopsis
- Comoromyia
- Compsilura
- Compsiluroides
- Compsoptesis
- Comyopsis
- Conactia
- Conactiodoria
- Conopomima
- Copecrypta
- Copidapha
- Coracomyia