Category:Birds of the Atlantic Forest
This category has only the following subcategory.
- Birds of the Selva Misionera (39 P)
Pages in category "Birds of the Atlantic Forest"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 328 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Bahia antwren
- Bahia spinetail
- Bahia tapaculo
- Bahia tyrannulet
- Bahian mouse-colored tapaculo
- Band-rumped swift
- Band-tailed antwren
- Banded cotinga
- Bare-throated bellbird
- Bay-chested warbling finch
- Bay-ringed tyrannulet
- Berryeater
- Bertoni's antbird
- Bicolored conebill
- Biscutate swift
- Black hawk-eagle
- Black jacobin
- Black-and-gold cotinga
- Black-and-white monjita
- Black-backed tanager
- Black-banded owl
- Black-bellied thorntail
- Black-billed scythebill
- Black-capped becard
- Black-capped foliage-gleaner
- Black-capped piprites
- Black-capped screech owl
- Black-cheeked gnateater
- Black-eared fairy
- Black-fronted piping guan
- Black-hooded antwren
- Black-legged dacnis
- Black-necked aracari
- Black-tailed leaftosser
- Black-tailed myiobius
- Black-throated grosbeak
- Blackish-blue seedeater
- Blue manakin
- Blue-backed manakin
- Blue-bellied parrot
- Blue-chinned sapphire
- Blue-headed parrot
- Blue-naped chlorophonia
- Brassy-breasted tanager
- Brazilian laniisoma
- Brazilian ruby
- Brazilian tanager
- Bright-rumped attila
- Brown tanager
- Brown tinamou
- Brown-backed parrotlet
- Brown-breasted bamboo tyrant
- Brown-winged schiffornis
- Buff-bellied puffbird
- Buff-throated purpletuft
- Buff-throated warbling finch
- Buff-throated woodcreeper
- Buffy-fronted seedeater
- Canebrake groundcreeper
- Chaco eagle
- Channel-billed toucan
- Cherry-throated tanager
- Chestnut-backed antshrike
- Chestnut-backed tanager
- Chestnut-bellied euphonia
- Chestnut-headed tanager
- Cinereous antshrike
- Cinnamon-vented piha
- Cocoa thrush
- Collared trogon
- Creamy-bellied gnatcatcher
- Crescent-chested puffbird
- Crested eagle
- Cryptic antthrush
- Cryptic forest falcon
- Cryptic treehunter
- Giant antshrike
- Gilt-edged tanager
- Golden-capped parakeet
- Golden-chevroned tanager
- Golden-tailed parrotlet
- Gray-headed elaenia
- Great potoo
- Great-billed hermit
- Green honeycreeper
- Green-and-rufous kingfisher
- Green-backed trogon
- Green-chinned euphonia
- Green-crowned plovercrest
- Green-headed tanager
- Greenish schiffornis
- Grey-bellied hawk
- Grey-capped tyrannulet
- Grey-crowned flatbill
- Grey-hooded attila
- Grey-hooded flycatcher
- Grey-rumped swift
- Grey-winged cotinga
- Greyish mourner
- Ochre-breasted foliage-gleaner
- Ochre-collared piculet
- Ochre-faced tody-flycatcher
- Ochre-lored flatbill
- Ochre-marked parakeet
- Ochre-rumped antbird
- Olive-green tanager
- Opal-rumped tanager
- Orange-bellied euphonia
- Orange-breasted thornbird
- Orange-eyed thornbird
- Orange-winged amazon
- Oustalet's tyrannulet
- Paint-billed crake
- Pale-browed treehunter
- Pallid spinetail
- Pernambuco foliage-gleaner
- Pileated parrot
- Pin-tailed manakin
- Pink-legged graveteiro
- Pinto's spinetail
- Plain parakeet
- Plain-bellied emerald
- Plain-winged woodcreeper
- Plumbeous antvireo
- Plumbeous pigeon
- Purple-winged ground dove
- Pygmy nightjar
- Racket-tipped thorntail
- Red-and-white crake
- Red-billed curassow
- Red-breasted toucan
- Red-browed amazon
- Red-crowned ant tanager
- Red-headed manakin
- Red-legged honeycreeper
- Red-necked tanager
- Red-ruffed fruitcrow
- Red-spectacled amazon
- Red-stained woodpecker
- Red-tailed amazon
- Restinga tyrannulet
- Rio de Janeiro antbird
- Rio de Janeiro antwren
- Riverbank warbler