Category:Birds of Costa Rica
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Birds of Costa Rica.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Birds of Costa Rica"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 238 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Baird's trogon
- Band-backed wren
- Band-tailed barbthroat
- Banded wren
- Barred becard
- Barred hawk
- Barred parakeet
- Bay wren
- Bay-headed tanager
- Bicolored antbird
- Black hawk-eagle
- Black rail
- Black-banded woodcreeper
- Black-bellied wren
- Black-capped pygmy tyrant
- Black-crested coquette
- Black-crowned antpitta
- Black-crowned antshrike
- Black-eared wood quail
- Black-faced solitaire
- Black-headed tody-flycatcher
- Black-hooded antshrike
- Black-striped sparrow
- Black-striped woodcreeper
- Black-tailed myiobius
- Black-thighed grosbeak
- Black-throated wren
- Blue dacnis
- Blue seedeater
- Blue-and-gold tanager
- Blue-chested hummingbird
- Blue-tailed hummingbird
- Bran-colored flycatcher
- Bronzy hermit
- Brown-billed scythebill
- Brown-capped tyrannulet
- Buff-fronted foliage-gleaner
- Buff-rumped warbler
- Buffy tuftedcheek
- Buffy-crowned wood partridge
- Canebrake wren
- Canivet's emerald
- Carmiol's tanager
- Charming hummingbird
- Checker-throated stipplethroat
- Cherrie's tanager
- Chestnut-backed antbird
- Chestnut-colored woodpecker
- Chestnut-mandibled toucan
- Cinnamon woodpecker
- Clay-colored thrush
- Cocoa woodcreeper
- Cocos booby
- Collared whitestart
- Common potoo
- Costa Rican brushfinch
- Costa Rican swift
- Garden emerald
- Golden-browed chlorophonia
- Golden-naped woodpecker
- Golden-olive woodpecker
- Grasshopper sparrow
- Great green macaw
- Great jacamar
- Great tinamou
- Great-tailed grackle
- Green hermit
- Green ibis
- Green-and-rufous kingfisher
- Green-crowned brilliant
- Grey-capped flycatcher
- Grey-headed chachalaca
- Grey-headed piprites
- Grey-rumped swift
- Grey-tailed mountaingem
- Grey-throated leaftosser
- Red-capped manakin
- Red-crowned woodpecker
- Red-fronted parrotlet
- Red-headed barbet
- Red-rumped woodpecker
- Riverside wren
- Ruddy treerunner
- Rufescent tiger heron
- Rufous-backed wren
- Rufous-breasted wren
- Rufous-rumped antwren
- Rufous-tailed hummingbird
- Rufous-vented ground cuckoo
- Rufous-winged tanager
- Rufous-winged woodpecker
- Russet-naped wood rail
- Savanna hawk
- Scale-crested pygmy tyrant
- Scaled antpitta
- Scarlet-thighed dacnis
- Scrub greenlet
- Semiplumbeous hawk
- Sharpbill
- Shining honeycreeper
- Short-billed pigeon
- Silver-throated tanager
- Slate-coloured grosbeak
- Slaty spinetail
- Slaty-backed forest falcon
- Slaty-breasted tinamou
- Slaty-capped flycatcher
- Snowcap
- Snowy cotinga
- Snowy-bellied hummingbird
- Song wren
- Southern beardless tyrannulet
- Southern nightingale-wren
- Southern rough-winged swallow
- Spot-bellied bobwhite
- Spot-breasted oriole
- Spot-crowned euphonia
- Spot-crowned woodcreeper
- Spot-fronted swift
- Spotted antbird
- Spotted wood quail
- Steely-vented hummingbird
- Streak-backed oriole
- Streak-chested antpitta
- Streak-crowned antvireo
- Streaked saltator
- Streaked xenops
- Stripe-breasted wren
- Stripe-headed sparrow
- Stripe-tailed hummingbird
- Sulphur-rumped tanager
- Sunbittern