Category:American chief executives
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Chief executive officers from the United States.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 22 total.
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Pages in category "American chief executives"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,585 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Alan Rabinowitz
- Andy Rachleff
- Phil Radford
- William Raduchel
- Prabhakar Raghavan
- Anand Rajaraman
- Raphael Rakowski
- Austin Ramirez
- Joshua Cooper Ramo
- Scott Ransom
- Felix Rappaport
- Spencer Rascoff
- Ari Rastegar
- Hank J. Ratner
- Naval Ravikant
- John Ravitz
- Lawrence G. Rawl
- Lee Raymond
- Ian Read
- Scott Rechler
- Jheri Redding
- Robert Reffkin
- Avi Reichental
- L.A. Reid
- Peter A. Reiling
- Jack Renner (recording engineer)
- John Replogle
- Rafael Resendes
- Leo Resig
- Frank E. Resnik
- Adeo Ressi
- Tony Ressler
- R. J. Reynolds
- William Neal Reynolds
- Stephen H. Rhodes
- Caleb Rice
- William B. Rice
- W. Thomas Rice
- Chad Richison
- Chip Rives
- David B. Robbins
- James O. Robbins
- Robert Wishnick
- Don Robert
- Julie J. Robertson
- Don Robey
- John D. Robinson (disability advocate)
- Richard Robinson (chief executive)
- Thomas J. B. Robinson
- Reid Robison
- Doug Roby
- Willard Rockwell
- Tony Rodham
- Robert Rodin
- Steven Rogel
- John Rogers (businessman)
- Ralph B. Rogers
- Rodney J. Rogers
- Gary Rollins
- O. Wayne Rollins
- Kenneth Roman
- Michael F. Roman
- Michael Roney
- Francis Rooney
- Frank Rooney (businessman)
- John E. Rooney (businessman)
- David S. Rose
- James Rosemond
- Jack Rosen
- Mark L. Rosenberg
- Richard M. Rosenberg
- Richard Rosenblatt
- Michael Rosenblum
- Andrew M. Rosenfield
- Joe Rospars
- Douglas T. Ross
- Rich Ross
- Robert J. Ross
- Jordan Roth
- David Rothkopf
- Willard Rouse
- Tim Rowe
- John Ruan (businessman)
- Matthew Rubel
- John Rubey
- Robert Rubin
- Arthur Rubinfeld
- Ethan Ruby
- Edgar P. Rucker
- John Rudey
- Leonid Rudin
- Patrick Ruffini
- Daniel FitzGerald Runde
- Fred Ryan
- Jere F. Ryan
- John P. Ryan (New York politician)
- Pat Ryan (executive)
- Harry Saal
- Jonah Sachs
- David O. Sacks
- Errol Sadler
- Vincent L. Sadusky
- Jim Safka
- Scot Safon
- Paul Saleh
- Marvin R. Sambur
- Jay Samit
- Scott Samuel
- Bill Samuels (political activist)
- Howard J. Samuels
- Lewis A. Sanders
- Fredo Santana
- Enrique Sanz de Santamaría
- Josh Sapan
- Monty Sarhan
- Bernard Saul II
- Brent Saunders
- Paul C. Saville
- John C. Sawhill
- Michael Scandizzo
- Paul Scapicchio
- Moose Scheib
- Jesse Schell
- Joseph M. Schenck
- Scott Schenkel
- Leonard Schleifer
- Bob Schmetterer
- Peter Schneider (film executive)
- Steve Schnur
- Dan Schulman
- Gerhard Schulmeyer
- Richard M. Schulze
- Michael Schutzler
- Will Schwalbe
- Bernard L. Schwartz
- Robert S. Schwartz
- Tony Schwartz (writer)
- Gabriel Schwartzman
- Stratton Sclavos
- Mona Scott-Young
- Eddy C. Scurlock
- Bob Seagren
- Daniel C. Searle
- Jeff Seely
- Eli Segal
- Frank Seiberling
- Ivan Seidenberg
- Dov Seidman
- Bernard Semel
- John H. Sengstacke
- Ron Senkowski
- Mark E. Seremet
- Marc Seriff
- Roger Severino
- Jigar Shah
- David Shakarian
- Paulo Shakarian
- Rick Shangraw
- Aaron Shapiro
- Mark Shapiro (media executive)
- Neal Shapiro
- Kevin W. Sharer
- Deven Sharma
- Jeffrey Sharp
- Patrick Shaughnessy
- Alan H. Shaw
- David E. Shaw
- Tim Sheehy
- Scott D. Sheffield
- Jia Shen
- Andrew Sheppard
- Lawrence W. Sherman
- Anand Lal Shimpi
- Terry Shintani
- Dana Shires
- Joe Shoen
- Charles Shor
- Sidney Howe Short
- Will Shu
- Tom Shull
- Randy Shumway
- Alan Siegel
- David Siegel (executive)
- Max Siegel
- Stephen Siegel
- Stan Sigman
- Sanford C. Sigoloff
- Robert S. Silberman
- Ben Silbermann
- Robert F. X. Sillerman
- Henry Silverman
- Larry Silverstein
- Michael Silvestro
- Matthew Simmons