Category:All Wikipedia bots
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Commons bots.
This is a complete list of all Wikipedia bots listed by name, regardless of status, purpose or method. See also Special:ListUsers/bot.
This category has only the following subcategory.
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- Bots operated by Σ (5 P)
Pages in category "All Wikipedia bots"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,147 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- User:NobelBot
- User:Noble Story Bot
- User:Nobot~enwiki
- User:NoclaimsBot
- User:NodBot
- User:NohatBot
- User:NolBot
- User:Nomenclaturebrowser
- User:Gdr/Nomialbot
- User talk:Nomiff
- User:Non-Free Content Compliance Bot
- User:NoomBot
- User:NorefBot
- User:NotACoolBot
- User talk:Notavailablex
- User:Nothingbot
- User:NovBot
- User:NovemBot
- User:NrhpBot
- User:NukeBot
- User:Numbo3-bot
- User:Numptybot
- User:NVS(bot)
- User:NW557Bot
- User:NyappyBOT
- User:Nyubot
- User:O bot
- User:OAbot
- User:Obersachsebot
- User:Ocobot
- User:OctraBot
- User:OgreBot
- User:Ohms Law Bot
- User:OKBot
- User:OKBot II~enwiki
- User:OlafJanssenBot
- User:OldMedcabBot
- User talk:OLMBot
- User:Omar2040Bot
- User:OmniBot
- User:ONKbot
- User talk:ONKbot
- User:OpenlibraryBot
- User:Ops Monitor (WMF)
- User:OrBot
- User:OrophinBot
- User:OrphanBot
- User:Orphaned image deletion bot
- User:Orphaned talkpage deletion bot
- User:OutreachDashboardBot
- User:OverlordQBot
- User:OverlordQBot/BRFA2
- User:Ow0castBot
- User:OxygenBubble
- User:P31n3/sandbox
- User:Page correction BOT
- User:Pagecount Bot
- User:Pageview bot
- User:PaievBot
- User:PALZ9000
- User:Panicbot
- User:PanzerBot
- User:ParaBot I
- User:Parent5446 Bot
- User:PasabaUnBotPorAqui
- User:PascalBot
- User:PatersBot
- User:Pathosbot
- User:Patrick87-Bot
- User:Pattonbot
- User:PattyBot
- User:PavloChemBot
- User:PbBot
- User:PC78-bot
- User:PCbot
- User:PDBbot
- User:PDFbot
- User:PeacockPhraseFinderBot
- User:PearBOT
- User:Pearle
- User:Peelbot
- User:PeerReviewBot
- User:Pegasusbot
- User:People-n-photo-bot
- User:People-photo-bot
- User:PereBot
- User:Perebot~enwiki
- User:Perlaal
- User:PerlegoEditorBot
- User:Petan-Bot
- User:Peti610botH
- User:Petr Kyborg
- User:PfamWikiBot
- User:Pfft Bot~enwiki
- User:Phe-bot
- User:PhiloBot
- User:Philosobot
- User:Philosopher-Bot
- User:Phoenix-bot
- User:PhotoCatBot
- User:PhuzBot
- User:PhyloBot
- User:Pi's Bot
- User:Pi's Pixie Bot
- User:PikminBot
- User:PinpointBot
- User:PipepBot
- User:PiRSquared17Bot
- User:PixelBot
- User:PkbwcgsBot
- User:PlacenamesBot
- User:PlangeBot
- User:PlankBot
- User:Planktonbot
- User:Plasticbot
- User:Platybot
- User:PlaylikeastarBot
- User:PleaseStand (bot)
- User:PmegBot
- User:PNG crusade bot
- User:PNG recompression
- User:PockBot
- User:PocKleanBot
- User:PointBot
- User:Pokbot
- User:PolarBot
- User:Polbot
- User:PonoRoboT
- User:PoplLyricsBot
- User:Porchcorpterbot
- User:Portal box bot
- User:PortalBot~enwiki
- User:PorthosBot
- User:PostBot
- User:PostOnTalk
- User:PotatoBot
- User:PowerBOT
- User:Pp-bot
- User:Pparazorbot
- User:Prabot
- User:PraetorianCheese
- User:Pranbot
- User:PrimeBOT
- User:ProcBot
- User:ProcseeBot
- User:Prof.Bot.1
- User:ProgrammingBot
- User talk:ProgreSS
- User:ProgreSS
- User:Project Messenger Bot
- User:Project Rastko bot
- User:ProjectBot
- User:ProjectRequestedPagesBot
- User:Prombot
- User:Protection Helper Bot
- User:ProtectionBot
- User:ProtectionTaggingBot
- User:ProteinBoxBot
- User:ProtLinkbot
- User:PrzemuBot
- User:PsBot
- User:PseudoBot
- User:PsychAWB
- User:Ptbotgourou
- User:Puggansbot
- User:PuggleBot
- User:Purbo T
- User:PvssBot
- User:PxBot
- User:PxBot II