Category:21st-century American novelists
Pages in category "21st-century American novelists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 5,452 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- David Seals
- Elizabeth Searle
- John Searles
- Alice Sebold
- Amy Sedaris
- Michael Sedge
- Ekaterina Sedia
- Carolyn See
- Lisa See
- Emily Segal
- Lore Segal
- Andrea Seigel
- Shanthi Sekaran
- Hubert Selby Jr.
- Jeffery Self
- Shauna Seliy
- Brittany Sellner
- Maria Semple
- Danzy Senna
- Ruta Sepetys
- Shan Serafin
- Mahbod Seraji
- Rebecca Serle
- Cora Seton
- Mary Lee Settle
- Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
- Dorothy Seymour Mills
- Jeff Shaara
- David Shafer (author)
- Andrew Shaffer
- Eric Paul Shaffer
- Mary Ann Shaffer
- Doree Shafrir
- Alex Shakar
- Ken Shakin
- John Shallman
- Jill Shalvis
- Laurence Shames
- Ntozake Shange
- Harry Shannon (songwriter)
- John Shannon (novelist)
- Merry Shannon
- Barbara Shapiro
- Dana Adam Shapiro
- Dani Shapiro
- Laurie Gwen Shapiro
- Susan Shapiro
- Heather Sharfeddin
- Akhil Sharma
- Matthew Sharpe (writer)
- Joel Shatzky
- Jonathan Shaw (tattoo artist)
- Scott Shaw
- Nisi Shawl
- Maggie Shayne
- Michael Shea (American author)
- Amy Shearn
- Laurie Sheck
- Wilfrid Sheed
- Anna Sheehan
- Rick Shefchik
- Nic Sheff
- Charles Sheffield
- Dyan Sheldon
- Sidney Sheldon
- Rick Shelley
- Samuel Shem
- Lucius Shepard
- Sara Shepard
- Mike Shepherd (author)
- Peng Shepherd
- David Sherman
- Delia Sherman
- Josepha Sherman
- Scott Sherman
- Martha Sherrill
- Frances Sherwood
- Will Shetterly
- Carol Shields
- Julie Shigekuni
- Lewis Shiner
- Sharon Shinn
- Gary Shipman
- Lauren Shippen
- Maggie Shipstead
- John Shirley
- Larissa Shmailo
- Jim Shon
- Laura Shovan
- Gena Showalter
- Bud Shrake
- Anita Shreve
- Porter Shreve
- Susan Shreve
- Lionel Shriver
- Megan Shull
- Alix Kates Shulman
- Mark Shulman (author)
- William Shunn
- Neal Shusterman
- Susan Shwartz
- Anne Rivers Siddons
- James Sie
- James Siegel
- Davitt Sigerson
- Scott Sigler
- Joan Silber
- Daniel Silva (novelist)
- Adam Silvera
- Robert Silverberg
- Lazarre Seymour Simckes
- Dan Simmons
- Kristen Simmons
- William Mark Simmons
- Marge Simon
- Rachel Simon
- Daniel Simone
- Paullina Simons
- Rosearik Rikki Simons
- Bland Simpson
- Mona Simpson
- Bennett Sims (author)
- Elizabeth Sims
- Linnea Sinclair
- Scott M. Sipprelle
- Sister Souljah
- Alan Lawrence Sitomer
- Curtis Sittenfeld
- Susan Sizemore
- Arnold Skemer
- Joseph Skibell
- Sharon Skinner
- John Skipp
- Floyd Skloot
- Leora Skolkin-Smith
- Fred Skolnik
- Gloria Skurzynski
- Rick Skwiot
- Brando Skyhorse
- Harrison Slater
- Karin Slaughter
- Bill Slavicsek
- Julia Slavin
- David R. Slavitt
- William Sleator
- Michael Sledge
- Holly Goldberg Sloan
- Robin Sloan
- Joan Slonczewski
- Bertrice Small
- Carol Smallwood
- Dave Smeds
- Jane Smiley
- Andrew A. Smith
- April Smith (writer)
- Barbara Dawson Smith
- Bob Smith (comedian)
- Cynthia Leitich Smith
- Daniel Arthur Smith
- David C. Smith (author)
- Dean Wesley Smith
- Deborah Smith (novelist)
- Dominic Smith (author)
- Drew Nellins Smith
- Gregory Blake Smith
- Guy Smith (writer)
- Haywood Smith
- James Robert Smith (author)
- Julie Smith (novelist)
- Karen Rose Smith
- Katy Simpson Smith
- Kristine Smith
- Kyle Smith (critic)
- L. J. Smith (author)
- L. Neil Smith
- Lee Smith (fiction author)
- Mark Haskell Smith
- Martin Cruz Smith
- Michael Farris Smith
- Mitchell Smith
- Peter Moore Smith
- Roland Smith
- Sarah Smith (writer)
- Scott Smith (author)
- Scott L. Smith Jr.
- Sherwood Smith
- Thea E. Smith
- Iris Smyles
- Lauraine Snelling
- Clifton Snider
- Thomas E. Sniegoski
- Melinda M. Snodgrass
- Richard Bruce Snodgrass
- Don J. Snyder
- Emily C. A. Snyder
- Lucy A. Snyder
- Maria V. Snyder
- Midori Snyder
- Rachel Louise Snyder
- Zilpha Keatley Snyder