Category:21st-century American economists
Pages in category "21st-century American economists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,269 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Matthew Rabin
- Alvin Rabushka
- Arun Raha
- Richard W. Rahn
- Ananth Raman
- Valerie Ramey
- Steven Raphael
- Donald Ratajczak
- James Rauch
- Gordon Rausser
- Debraj Ray (economist)
- Sanjay G. Reddy
- Lawrence Reed
- Mar Reguant
- Robert Reich
- Jennifer F. Reinganum
- Carmen Reinhart
- Vincent Reinhart
- Robert Reischauer
- George Reisman
- Stanley Reiter
- Philip J. Reny
- Morgan Reynolds
- Jean-François Richard
- Matthew Richardson (economist)
- Richard G. Richels
- Michael H. Riordan
- Carlos Rivas Quiñones
- Alice Rivlin
- Pietra Rivoli
- Stephen S. Roach
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Russ Roberts
- James A. Robinson
- James C. Robinson (health economist)
- Jonah Rockoff
- William Rodgers (economist)
- John Roemer
- Jim Rogers
- Kenneth Rogoff
- Christina Romer
- Paul Romer
- Hilton Root
- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- Steven Rosefielde
- Harvey S. Rosen
- Sherwin Rosen
- Eric S. Rosengren
- Mark Rosenzweig (economist)
- J. Barkley Rosser Jr.
- Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Alvin E. Roth
- Timothy P. Roth
- Michael Rothschild
- Nouriel Roubini
- Cecilia Rouse
- Geert Rouwenhorst
- Heather Royer
- Scott Rozelle
- Richard S. Ruback
- Paul Rubin
- Daniel L. Rubinfeld
- Richard Rumelt
- John Rust
- Donald G. Saari
- Murray Sabrin
- Jeffrey Sachs
- William A. Sahlman
- Claudia Sahm
- Stephen Salant
- John W. Salevurakis
- Steven C. Salop
- DeAndrea Salvador
- Dominick Salvatore
- Anya Samek
- Warren Samuels
- Paul Samuelson
- Andrew Samwick
- Richard Sander
- Thomas J. Sargent
- Vicente Sarmiento
- Kshama Sawant
- Herbert Scarf
- Diane Schanzenbach
- José Scheinkman
- Thomas Schelling
- Kenneth Scheve
- Richard L. Schmalensee
- John Schmitt (economist)
- Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- Robert J. Schwartz
- David Schwartzman
- G. William Schwert
- Suzanne Scotchmer
- Fiona Scott Morton
- Daniel Seddiqui
- Ilya Segal
- Stephanie Seguino
- Willi Semmler
- Roberto Serrano
- Suresh P. Sethi
- Brad W. Setser
- Jean Shackelford
- Minouche Shafik
- Sonal Shah (economist)
- Anwar Shaikh (economist)
- Scott Shane (professor)
- Carl Shapiro
- David Shapiro (economist)
- Jesse Shapiro
- Judith Shapiro (economist)
- Robert J. Shapiro
- Lloyd Shapley
- Shombi Sharp
- Steven Shavell
- Kathryn L. Shaw
- Howard Shelanski
- Heidi Shierholz
- Willy Shih
- Robert J. Shiller
- Gary Shilling
- Robert Shimer
- Baba Shiv
- Gerald Shively
- Andrei Shleifer
- John Shoven
- Martin Shubik
- George Shultz
- Robin Sickles
- Jeremy Siegel
- Thomas F. Siems
- Margaret Simms
- Itamar Simonson
- Christopher A. Sims
- Kenneth Singleton
- Paige Skiba
- Jonathan Skinner (economist)
- Mark Skousen
- Joel Slemrod
- Frank A. Sloan
- Adrian Slywotzky
- Kent Smetters
- Gary Smith (economist)
- Noah Smith (writer)
- Stan Smith (economist)
- Stephen C. Smith (economist)
- V. Kerry Smith
- Dennis Snower
- Ted Snyder (economist)
- Sung Won Sohn
- Aaron Sojourner
- Paul Solman
- Robert Solow
- Tayfun Sönmez
- Hugo F. Sonnenschein
- Michael Spagat
- Michael Spence
- Gene Sperling
- Case Sprenkle
- William Spriggs
- Daniel F. Spulber
- Suraj Srinivasan
- Bruce E. Stangle
- Ross Starr
- David Stasavage
- Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
- Benn Steil
- Jeremy C. Stein
- Richard Harold Steinberg
- Jón Steinsson
- Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
- Melvin Stephens Jr.
- Gary H. Stern
- Beth Stetson
- C. Eugene Steuerle
- Betsey Stevenson
- James B. Stewart (economist)
- Joseph Stiglitz
- James H. Stock
- Nancy Stokey
- Michael Stoll
- Michael R. Strain
- Robert P. Strauss
- Ilya Strebulaev
- Edward Stringham
- Myra Strober
- Johannes Stroebel
- Guhan Subramanian
- Marc Sumerlin
- Anita Summers
- Lawrence Summers
- Daniel A. Sumner
- Scott Sumner
- Arun Sundararajan
- Shyam Sunder (economist)
- Robert A. Sunshine
- Richard Sutch