Category:20th-century American historians
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 20th-century historians from the United States.
Pages in category "20th-century American historians"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,559 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Charles L. Dufour
- William J. Duiker
- Foster Rhea Dulles
- John W. F. Dulles
- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
- John Duncan (author)
- Mary Maples Dunn
- Richard Slator Dunn
- Peter Masten Dunne
- William Archibald Dunning
- A. Hunter Dupree
- Louis Dupree (professor)
- Trevor N. Dupuy
- Ariel Durant
- Robert Franklin Durden
- G. Homer Durham
- Peter Duus
- Robert Joseph Dwyer
- Nancy Dye
- George Dyson (science historian)
- Marian Kamil Dziewanowski
- Alice Morse Earle
- Edward Mead Earle
- Adele Earnest
- Clement Eaton
- Quaintance Eaton
- Richard M. Eaton
- Patricia Buckley Ebrey
- Durand Echeverria
- Allan W. Eckert
- Ludwig Edelstein
- V. Raymond Edman
- Helen G. Edmonds
- Evelyn Edson
- G. Thomas Edwards
- David J. Eicher
- Alfred Eichner
- Carlos Eire
- Otto Eisenschiml
- Ernst Ekman
- Sarah Elbert
- Samuel A. Eliot (minister)
- Ernest M. Eller
- William Yandell Elliott
- John Tracy Ellis
- Ainslie Embree
- Irene Emery
- Eugene M. Emme
- H. C. Engelbrecht
- Eugene England
- Merl R. Eppse
- Melech Epstein
- Julius Epstein (writer)
- Richard Erdoes
- Erika von Erhardt-Siebold
- Charlotte Erickson
- Leopold Ettlinger
- Sara M. Evans
- Alf Evers
- William K. Everson
- William B. Ewald Jr.
- Stuart Ewen
- Edward Ezell
- Inta Ezergailis
- Ann Fabian
- John King Fairbank
- Arthur Fairbanks
- S. Lane Faison
- Martha Gandy Fales
- Bernard B. Fall
- Raymond Fancher
- Caesar E. Farah
- Hallie Farmer
- Walter Farmer
- Don A Farrell
- S. Kip Farrington
- Byron Farwell
- Drew Gilpin Faust
- Peter W. Fay
- J. Rufus Fears
- Dmitrii Fedotoff-White
- Elizabeth Fee
- Philipp Fehl
- Heide Fehrenbach
- T. R. Fehrenbach
- Don E. Fehrenbacher
- Estelle Feinstein
- Herbert Feis
- Gerald D. Feldman
- Yael Feldman
- Elizabeth A. Fenn
- James Mathias Fennelly
- Erna Fergusson
- Victor Ferkiss
- Frank Michael Fernández Jr.
- Mary Ferrell
- Robert Hugh Ferrell
- James A. Field Jr.
- Mantle Fielding
- Barbara J. Fields
- Norman Fiering
- Louis Filler
- Margaret M. H. Finch
- Henry Theophilus Finck
- Sidney Fine (historian)
- Robert O. Fink
- Norman Finkelstein
- Sidney Finkelstein
- Moses Finley
- David Hackett Fischer
- Alan Fisher (architect)
- Harold Henry Fisher
- Michael H. Fisher
- O. C. Fisher
- Ruth Anna Fisher
- Sydney Nettleton Fisher
- Marshall Fishwick
- James Marston Fitch
- Gilbert Fite
- Michael G. Fitzgerald
- Kevin C. Fitzpatrick
- M. A. Fitzsimons
- Helen Hartness Flanders
- Clifford Flanigan
- D. F. Fleming
- Donald Harnish Fleming
- Thomas Fleming (historian)
- Walter Lynwood Fleming
- Joseph Fletcher (historian)
- James Thomas Flexner
- Dan Flores
- Margaret Henderson Floyd
- Joshua Fogel
- Robert M. Fogelson
- Richard Foglesong
- Eric Foner
- Jack D. Foner
- Philip S. Foner
- Shelby Foote
- Geoffrey M. Footner
- Harriette Merrifield Forbes
- Jack D. Forbes
- Caroline Ford (historian)
- Franklin Ford
- Amanda Foreman (historian)
- William R. Forstchen
- Hal Foster (art critic)
- Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
- Chappie Fox
- Dixon Ryan Fox
- James J. Fox
- Robert Bradford Fox
- Kuno Francke
- Richard B. Frank
- Thomas Frank
- H. Bruce Franklin
- John Hope Franklin
- Alison Frantz
- Joe Bertram Frantz
- Judith R. Frazin
- George M. Fredrickson
- Sydney Joseph Freedberg
- Douglas Southall Freeman
- Frank Freidel
- Miriam Freund-Rosenthal
- Bill Freund (historian)
- Karl Friday
- Joseph Friedenson
- Herbert Friedenwald
- Saul Friedländer
- Filip Friedman
- Lee M. Friedman
- Llerena Friend
- Adelaide Fries
- Louise Kelley Frisbie
- David Fromkin
- Le Roy Froom
- Claude Fuess
- Francis Fukuyama
- Edmund Fuller
- Mary Fuller (sculptor)
- Maurice Garland Fulton
- Arville Funk
- Holden Furber
- W. Bruce Fye