Category:1913 deaths
Wikisource has several original texts related to
1913 deaths.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1913 deaths.
Wikiquote has quotations related to Category:1913 deaths.
This category has the following subcategory, out of 3 total.
(previous page) (next page)(previous page) (next page)Pages in category "1913 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,386 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Anatole Félix Le Double
- Haviland Le Mesurier
- Edward Pemberton Leach
- George Leach (civil servant)
- Joseph Bloomfield Leake
- Roland Leather
- Julius A. Lebkuecher
- Abraham LeBlanc
- Miguel Lebrija
- Edward Merwin Lee
- George Washington Custis Lee
- Reginald Robinson Lee
- Cameron Lees
- Ernest Leese
- George Swinton Legaré
- Augustus Legge
- John Bernhard Leiberg
- Benjamin Leigh Smith
- Elisabeth Leisinger
- Anatoly Leman
- Polychronis Lembesis
- Carl von Lemcke
- Camille Lemonnier
- Robert von Lendenfeld
- Charles Lester Leonard
- Edmond Lepelletier
- John T. Lesley
- Antonio Leto
- Léon Letort
- Letsie II Lerotholi
- John Leslie-Melville, 12th Earl of Leven
- Joseph Hiam Levy
- Charles Lewis (South African politician)
- Edward Lewis (minister)
- Henry Owen Lewis
- John V. Lewis
- John W. Lewis
- Samuel A. Lewis
- Julius Lewkowitsch
- Harry Libbey
- Bengt Lidforss
- Robert von Lieben
- Alphonse Liébert
- Henry Liebmann
- Joseph Liebmann
- Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
- Juhan Liiv
- Max Lillie
- Coutts Lindsay
- John Lineham
- Johannes Linnankoski
- Robert Lippe
- Samuel Lister (editor)
- Victor Liston
- Joseph J. Little
- Mary Elizabeth Livingston
- Henry Matthews, 1st Viscount Llandaff
- Emmeline Lewis Lloyd
- Peter Lobengula
- William H. Locke
- Édouard Lockroy
- Lunsford L. Lomax
- Cyril Longden
- Empress Dowager Longyu
- Edmund Lonsdale
- Eduardo López Rivas
- Gabriel Loppé
- Guglielmo Amedeo Lori
- Lamberto Loria
- Moritz Loth
- Andrew Loughrey
- Alfred H. Love
- Henry Herbert Loveday
- William Lovejoy
- John Lovell (grocer)
- Theodor Løvstad
- Thaddeus S. C. Lowe
- Władysław Łoziński
- Just Lucas-Championnière
- Gustav Luders
- Carl Ludwig (Medal of Honor)
- Hubert Ludwig
- John Theodor Lund
- Robert Martin Lusk
- Billy Lustig
- Friedrich Lüthi
- H. F. B. Lynch
- William Lyne
- Frank Lynes
- William P. Lyon
- Eliphalet Oram Lyte
- Alfred Lyttelton
- George William Spencer Lyttelton
- James A. MacAlister
- Max Arthur Macauliffe
- Alexander McConachie
- Alexander Francis Macdonald
- Alexander Macfarlane
- Hannah MacGoun
- James Gordon MacGregor
- Charles MacIvor
- James MacKillop
- Francis William Maclean
- Edward Macnaghten, Baron Macnaghten
- Peter MacPherson
- Francisco I. Madero
- Gustavo A. Madero
- Uriah Maggs
- Eiríkur Magnússon
- Paolo Magretti
- Gondavalekar Maharaj
- Pierre Mahé
- William H. Maher
- Mahmud Shevket Pasha
- Adam Mahrburg
- Charles Major (writer)
- Louis Jules Ernest Malinvaud
- Herbert Malkin
- Edwin Manners
- Konstantinos Manos
- Lucio Victorio Mansilla
- Louis Amédée Mante
- John Hobart Marble
- Otto March
- Mathilde Marchesi
- Dietlof Maré
- Burden Marion
- Anthony Marlowe (actor)
- Leonardo Márquez
- Antonio Marro
- Herbert Menzies Marshall
- Hugh Marshall
- John H. Marshall (politician)
- Joseph Marshall (sportsman)
- Thomas Roger Marshall
- Robert Marsham (cricketer)
- Bradley Martin
- John Martin (Kansas politician)
- Lewis J. Martin
- Louis Martin (Swiss politician)
- José María Martínez de las Rivas
- Nikolai Avenirovich Martynov
- William Mason (gunsmith)
- Charles August Masse
- Oscar Massin
- Anna Mässrur
- Josef Mässrur
- Francisco Xavier Vilá y Mateu
- Arthur Matheson
- Haaken C. Mathiesen
- Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón
- Matsudaira Naoyasu
- Frank S. Matsura
- Augusto Matte Pérez
- Ricardo Matte
- Eschines P. Matthews
- Marmaduke Matthews
- Mary Fawler Maude
- Ward Maule
- Isaiah Mawhinney
- Michael Maybrick
- Robert Maynicke
- Charles McBurney (surgeon)
- James McCalmont
- Luther McCarty
- Andrew McClain
- Sarah A. McClees
- George McClellan (anatomy professor)
- George M. McCormick
- William McCourt
- Jim McCoy
- James McCrea
- John Foster McCreight
- J. W. McCrindle
- Ambrose Stephen McDonald
- Robert McDonald (missionary)
- Alexander McDowell
- Duncan Stewart McEachran
- Frederick McEvoy (cricketer)
- William McEwan
- George McEwen
- Monte McFarland
- Donald McGillivray (politician)
- Barton McGuckin
- William McHardy (diamond magnate)
- George McHugh
- Gilbert Howard McIntyre
- Duncan McKechnie
- Malcolm McKenzie
- Alexander McLardy
- Agnes McLaren
- Norm McLeod (Australian footballer)
- P. J. McMahon
- James McMullen
- George McMurrich
- William McMurtrie
- Herbert McNaspy
- Henry C. McWhorter
- Joseph Marcellus McWhorter
- Albert E. Mead