Category:1871 deaths
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1871 deaths.
Pages in category "1871 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,221 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Charles Rabou
- Jakob Christof Rad
- Vasily Raev
- José Fernando Ramírez
- William Ramsay (Royal Navy officer)
- Cornelia Jefferson Randolph
- Jacques Louis Randon
- Clarissa von Ranke
- Barthélémy Victor Rantonnet
- William Rashleigh (1817–1871)
- Julius Theodor Christian Ratzeburg
- Franklin Rawson
- Charles Manning Reed
- David A. Reese
- Henri Regnault
- Siegfried Reissek
- Alexandre Remi
- James Renforth
- Adolf Repsold
- Frederick Rese
- Fyodor Reshetnikov (writer)
- Louis Benoît Alphonse Révial
- Joan Cornelis Reynst
- Augustus Ricardo
- Lella Ricci
- Charles James Richardson
- Joseph Richardson (American politician)
- Moses Aaron Richardson
- Raoul Rigault
- Jonathan Rigg
- Voin Rimsky-Korsakov
- Silas Webster Robbins
- Frederick Robe
- Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin
- Issachar Jacox Roberts
- William Prowting Roberts
- T. W. Robertson
- John Henry Robinson
- Edmond Rochefort
- Jan Jacob Rochussen
- Daniel Rock
- Thomas Jackson Rodman
- Manuel Rodríguez Objío
- Paul Rohrbach (botanist)
- Joe Rolette
- George Rolfe
- Gustave Rolland
- John Rolt
- Gustave de Romand
- Cornelius Roosevelt
- Thomas Roscoe
- James Ross (Canadian lawyer)
- John Ross (Canadian politician)
- Louis Rossel
- Thomas Prichard Rossiter
- Heinrich Theodor Rötscher
- Augustin-Guillaume Ruel
- Rukidi I of Tooro
- Edward H. Rulloff
- Marie Hippolyte de Gueulluy, 2nd Marquis of Rumigny
- Henrik Rung
- Francis William Russell
- William Rutherford (mathematician)
- Henry Ruttan
- Theodore Ryken
- Lavinia Ryves
- Ramón de la Sagra
- Saint-Yves (1808–1871)
- Francisco Salvador-Daniel
- William Sams
- Joseph Isidore Samson
- John Pease Sanderson
- Edward Ayshford Sanford
- George H. Sanford
- José Antonio Saravia
- Louise-Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont
- Élie Sauvage
- Paolo Savi
- William Harrison Scarborough
- James Yorke Scarlett
- Feivel Schiffer
- Carl Schlesinger
- Maurice Schlesinger
- Carl Heinrich "Schultzenstein" Schultz
- Leo Schuster
- Athalia Schwartz
- Franz Schweigger-Seidel
- Moritz von Schwind
- John Scott (horseman)
- Joseph Warren Scott
- Sir William Scott, 6th Baronet
- John Scouler
- Charles Scribner I
- Vincent Scully (MP)
- David Sears (businessman)
- Tiburce Sébastiani
- Leopold von Sedlnitzky
- Berthold Carl Seemann
- Johann Suibert Seibertz
- August von Senarclens de Grancy
- Alexander Serov
- Carl Axel Setterberg
- Anna Sofia Sevelin
- Tom Sewell (cricketer, born 1830)
- Imam Shamil
- Patrick Shannon (mayor)
- Charles Shaw (British Army officer)
- John Shaw (oil driller)
- Justin Sheil
- Emma Sheppard
- Dmitri Sheremetev
- William Norton Shinn
- Edward Short (judge)
- Félix Sicre
- James Sidebottom
- İbrahim Şinasi
- Debindro Singh
- Sitting Bear
- Joseph John Skelton
- John Slidell
- Eugénie Smet
- Buckingham Smith
- Christopher Webb Smith
- George Smith (bishop of Victoria)
- John Abel Smith
- John Shuter Smith
- John Sidney Smith (legal writer)
- Villiers Smith
- William Smith of Carbeth Guthrie
- Jacob Snively
- Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer
- Tiyo Soga
- Samuel Solly
- Frederic Thomas Somerby
- Joseph Somes (Hull MP)
- Germain Sommeiller
- Edmund Sopp
- Stanislas Sorel
- James De Carle Sowerby
- Otto Speckter
- William Spencer (judge)
- Charles Spooner (veterinary surgeon)
- Marie Staal
- Adolphe Stackelberg
- Georg Städeler
- William Crompton-Stansfield
- Abel Stearns
- Henry E. Steinway
- Thomas Stephens (Wisconsin pioneer)
- Anthony Coningham Sterling
- Josef Stern
- Yitzchok Sternhartz
- George Stevens (jockey)
- Moses Stevens of Bellahouston
- Robert Marcellus Stewart
- William Drummond Stewart
- Mathias Stoltenberg
- George Stonehouse
- Lansing Stout
- Adolph Strecker
- Johann Baptist Streicher
- Auguste Strobl
- Michael Stroy
- Richard von Stutterheim
- Nikolai Sukhozanet
- John Augustus Sullivan
- Anna Sundström
- Thomas Sutcliffe (artist)
- Nicolae Șuțu
- Charles H. Sweetser
- Francis Darby Syme
- John Addington Symonds (physician)
- George Symons (VC)
- George Synnot
- Filippo Taglioni
- Lawrence Taliaferro
- Félix Tanco
- Thomas Hawkes Tanner
- George Tate (topographer)
- Josiah Tattnall III
- Karl Tausig
- William Henry Tayloe
- Edward Thompson Taylor
- John Taylor (paper manufacturer)
- Samuel Harvey Taylor
- Te Kaeaea
- Kahe Te Rau-o-te-rangi
- Wilhelm von Tegetthoff
- Wilhelm Ternite
- Charles Texier
- Sigismond Thalberg
- Princess Therese of Nassau-Weilburg
- John Thomas (Christadelphian)
- David Thompson (American businessman, born 1798)
- Michael Thonet
- Thorgeir Guðmundsson
- George Ticknor
- Heinrich Sylvester Theodor Tiling
- Charles Stewart Todd
- William F. Tompkins (Wisconsin politician)