Category:1836 births
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1836 births.
Pages in category "1836 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,964 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Jarosław Dąbrowski
- Vilhelm Dahlerup
- Crawley P. Dake
- Malachy Bowes Daly
- Daniel Knight Warren
- Henry Daniel (classicist)
- Georgiana Fanny Shipley Daniell
- Christian Danneskiold-Samsøe (Danish nobleman, born 1836)
- Annie McCarer Darlington
- Thomas Darnton
- Justus Dartt
- Dasha from Sevastopol
- Edvardas Jokūbas Daukša
- David Young (Louisiana politician)
- Samuel David
- Davidson Bradfute Penn
- Andrew Davidson (physician)
- Nora Fontaine Davidson
- Henry Eugene Davies
- Lowndes H. Davis
- Raymond Cazallis Davis
- Joseph Dawes
- Charles W. Day
- Mary L. Day
- Robert Day (antiquarian)
- Casimir de Candolle
- Harriet De Claire
- Hector De Claire
- Joseph Wladislas Edmond Potocki de Montalk
- Oscar de Satgé
- Charles Henry de Soysa
- Léonie de Waha
- Daniel-Jérémie Décarie
- Joseph Décembre
- Georg von der Decken
- Nazir Ahmad Dehlvi
- Hendrik Adriaan Christiaan Dekker
- Alexander del Mar
- François Merry Delabost
- Eugène Delaplanche
- Henri Delassus
- Léo Delibes
- Nikolai Petrovich Demidov-Lopukhin
- Amelia Denis de Icaza
- Charles L. Dering
- Jules Desbrochers des Loges
- Aimée-Olympe Desclée
- Ferdinand Dessoir
- Harry P. Deuel
- Edward Courtenay, 12th Earl of Devon
- Harry Dewse
- Samuel B. Dick
- Alexander Dickson (botanist)
- Édouard Didron
- Kenelm Edward Digby
- Hubert Dilger
- George F. Dillon
- Sir John Dillwyn-Llewelyn, 1st Baronet
- Ding Ruchang
- Abram J. Dittenhoefer
- Francis Burdett Dixon
- Joseph Dixon (Australian cricketer)
- Clarence Dobell
- Nikolay Dobrolyubov
- Samuel Calvin Tate Dodd
- Éraste d'Odet d'Orsonnens
- David Stuart Dodge
- Mary L. Doe
- Manuel Domingo y Sol
- Giuseppe Donati
- Richard Donkin
- Willem Doorn
- Allan H. Dougall
- James Postell Douglas
- John Douglas (colonial administrator)
- Edward Partington, 1st Baron Doverdale
- Henry Edward Downer
- Maria Downey
- Gustave Doyen
- Jovan Dragašević
- Johann Georg Noel Dragendorff
- Frederick Drew
- William Porcher DuBose
- Richard Houston Dudley
- John Duffey (soldier)
- Arnold Borisovich Dumashevski
- Francis Duncan
- Thomas Young Duncan
- William Addison Duncan
- Joseph Rutherford Dundas
- Thomas M. Dunn
- Simon-Emmanuel Duplay
- Warren Newton Dusenberry
- Samuel Duvall
- Fanny Eagles
- Theresa Earle
- Charles Eastlake
- Wilhelm Ebstein
- Elise, Countess of Edla
- Paul C. Edmunds
- Thomas W. Egan
- Herman Ehrlich
- Hieronymus Ekziemplarski
- Thomas Gwyn Elger
- E. S. Elliott
- Lemuel Ellsworth
- Timothy E. Ellsworth
- Ramon de Elorriaga
- Edward Elworthy
- Queen Emma of Hawaii
- Endō Kinsuke
- George Engel
- Enomoto Takeaki
- Juan de la Luz Enríquez
- Prosper d'Épinay
- Constantin Esarcu
- Bengta Eskilsson
- Eugene Stock
- Lizzie P. Evans-Hansell
- Evan Herber Evans
- Henry H. Evans
- Ernst Ewald
- Wyatt P. Exum
- Nellie Blessing Eyster
- Max Eyth
- Paolo Rosario Farrugia
- Michael Færden
- Bartley Fahey
- Henri Fantin-Latour
- Henry Brougham Farnie
- Robert Farquharson (politician)
- William Feilding (British Army officer, born 1836)
- Eugen Felix
- Johanne Fenger
- John Ferguson (Scottish activist)
- Clinton P. Ferry
- Jean Christian Ferslew
- Parys Filippi
- Thomas Fillebrown
- Yuliy Firtsak
- Alfred Fitchett
- C. L. Fitzgerald
- Lot Flannery
- Austin Flint II
- Alessandro Focosi
- Patrick James Foley
- Gerrit Forbes
- James Ford (cricketer, born 1836)
- Leander Ford
- William Dingwall Fordyce
- Anna Forstenheim
- Arthur Forwood
- John W. Foster
- Michael Foster (physiologist)
- Paul Foucart
- Isaac Foulkes
- Oscar Bardi de Fourtou
- Howard Fox
- William Tilbury Fox
- Francis II of the Two Sicilies
- Catherine Augusta Francis
- Esther Weisbrodt Francis
- Henry M. Francis
- Royal T. Frank
- Max Frauenthal
- Florence Freeman
- Edmund Fremantle
- Emma Lee French
- Axel Olof Freudenthal
- Johann Friedrich (theologian)
- Pierre André Frier
- Gottfried Fritschel
- Theodore Fry
- Frederick W. Füger
- Sarah Fuller (educator)
- William Allen Fuller
- Marcus Fulton
- Johann Funk
- Edward H. Funston
- John Furley
- Ernst Fürstenheim
- Augusta Bonaparte Gabrielli
- Daniel Abraham Gaddie
- Lyman J. Gage
- Reuben R. Gaines
- Henry Gale (cricketer)
- Luigi Galimberti
- Randolph Stewart, 11th Earl of Galloway
- Khachadour Paul Garabedian
- Manuel García Hispaleto
- Aurelio García y García
- Eugene C. Gardner
- Alfred Garneau
- Mary Field Garner
- Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
- James Francis Garrick
- Federico Gattorno
- Charles Henry Gatty
- Lucien C. Gause
- Théophile Gautier, fils