Category:1816 births
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1816 births.
Pages in category "1816 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,570 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- John Jacob Seibels
- Tsuhako Seisei
- John Sell (Democrat)
- Christian August Selmer
- Johann Nepomuk Sepp
- Benedict Sestini
- Emily Seymour, Marchioness of Hertford
- George Seymour (cricketer)
- James McMillan Shafter
- Samuel Leonard Shannon
- Isaac F. Shepard
- Alexander Clunes Sheriff
- John Sheriff
- Joel Shew
- Shivaji IV
- Charles Sholes
- Cincinnatus Shryock
- Charles Cameron Shute
- Georg Sibbern
- Henry Hopkins Sibley
- Werner von Siemens
- Edward Henry Sieveking
- Victor Antoine Signoret
- Anna Peck Sill
- Benjamin Silliman Jr.
- Bedřich Silva-Tarouca
- Charles Simeon (colonist)
- Giovanni Simeoni
- John Simon (pathologist)
- Catharine Simonsen
- Thomas Simpson (architect of Nottingham)
- William Y. Slack
- Charles Sladen
- Thomas Smart (Tasmanian politician)
- Albert Richard Smith
- Delazon Smith
- Don Carlos Smith
- Hezekiah B. Smith
- J. Lawrence Smith (New York politician)
- James Lindsay Smith
- James Sinclair Smith
- John Smith (Victoria politician)
- John E. Smith
- Josiah William Smith
- Lettie A. Smith
- Melicent Knapp Smith
- William Smith (registrar)
- Jan Arnošt Smoler
- Henry Smyth (British Army officer, born 1816)
- William James Smythe
- Petrus Matthias Snickers
- Anton Sommer
- John Souther
- James G. Spears
- Francis C. Speight
- Frederick Spinks
- Thomas S. Stanfield
- George Eaton Stanger
- Caroline Ashurst Stansfeld
- Lucy Celesta Stanton
- Isaac Staples
- John Stapleton (MP)
- James F. Starbuck
- Rudolf Stehli-Hausheer
- Antonius von Steichele
- John A. Steiner
- Moritz Steinschneider
- John Whelan Sterling
- William Frederick Steuart
- Charles A. Stevens
- Joseph Stevens (painter)
- Eliza Daniel Stewart
- Robert Stewart (New South Wales politician)
- David Stirton
- Edvard Stjernström
- Klara Stöckl-Heinefetter
- Elvira Stone
- Aurore Storckenfeldt
- Henry Strachey (explorer)
- Worthy S. Streator
- William C. Street
- Johannes Stricker
- Rudolph Striegler
- Benjamin Franklin Stringfellow (1816–1891)
- David Hunter Strother
- David Stuart (brigadier general)
- Ivan Stupnytskyi
- Alfred Sturge
- Hannah Sturge
- Julius Sturm
- Archibald Sturrock
- Bogoslav Šulek
- Sullivan Amory Meredith
- Christian Sundt
- Antonio Superchi
- Sushun (Qing dynasty)
- John Sutherland (New South Wales politician)
- Johan Sverdrup
- Swante M. Swenson
- James Rannie Swinton
- Thaha Syaifuddin
- George Sykes (Wisconsin politician)
- Jermyn Symonds
- Franziska Szegöffy
- Pierre Taillant
- Joseph C. Talbot
- Tan Tjoen Tiat
- Tanburi Büyük Osman Bey
- Henry Tancred (New Zealand politician)
- Jørgen Tandberg
- Tang Zhengcai
- Vittorio Emanuele Taparelli d'Azeglio
- Franz Tappeiner
- Bhaskarrao Pandurang Tarkhadkar
- Christian Bernhard Tauchnitz
- Charles Taylor (cricketer, born 1816)
- John Taylor (Nova Scotia politician)
- William Bernhardt Tegetmeier
- William Tegg
- Augusto Teixeira de Freitas
- Carlo Tenca
- Sándor Terplán
- Thomas D. Terry
- Adin Thayer
- Thomas Edward Laws Moore
- Thomas Youdan
- Arthur Thomas (Cambridge University cricketer)
- George Henry Thomas
- Mary F. Thomas
- Mesac Thomas
- Thomes Thomesen
- August Thomle
- Charles Thurston Thompson
- Eliza Thompson
- William Thompson (viticulturist)
- Arthur Thomson (military surgeon)
- William Alexander Thomson
- James Thorington
- J. Williams Thorne
- James Johnston Thornton
- Walter F. Thornton
- Theodore Thring
- Samuel Thurston
- William Henry Tibbs
- Henry Stokes Tiffen
- Lloyd Tilghman
- Cecilia Tilley
- Lewis Tillman
- William Tipping
- Frances Titus
- Arnoldus Andries des Tombe
- Samuel Tomkinson
- Joseph Tomlinson (civil engineer)
- James Tooley Jr.
- Joshua Toulmin Smith
- Edmond Toupet des Vignes
- Francis Tourte
- Marija Trandafil
- William Tranter
- Pauline, Lady Trevelyan
- Régis de Trobriand
- Theodosia Trollope
- Socrates Hotchkiss Tryon Sr.
- Charles Tulasne
- William Tunks
- Henry E. Turner (Rhode Island physician)
- John Turner (cricketer, born 1816)
- William F. Turner
- Wilhelm Turteltaub
- Priscilla Cooper Tyler
- Robert Tyler (Confederate Register of the Treasury)
- Charles Tylor
- Sharon Tyndale
- George Nugent Tyrrell
- Platon Tyurin