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Buck Nelson

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Cover of Nelson's pamphlet of 1956
Cover of Nelson's pamphlet of 1956

Buck Nelson (April 9, 1895 – 1982) was an American farmer who gained some notoriety as a 1950s UFO contactee. Nelson claims to have had an encounter with an unidentified flying object and its human crew while living in Missouri in 1954. Nelson believed the friendly occupants of the spacecraft to be humans from the planet Venus. His story is contained in a booklet he authored, My Trip to Mars, the Moon, and Venus, published in 1956.[1]



Nelson claims to have seen three flying saucers over his farmhouse; he took photographs and attempted to signal the saucers with a flashlight. A beam of light "much brighter and hotter than the sun"[2] was shined at him. Consequently, he testified that his chronic lumbago disappeared and his eyesight dramatically improved. He goes on to claim that, after dusk fell, three "friendly human spacemen" accompanied by a large dog, visited him and spent some time talking with him.

The message


Nelson further stated that two of the people from Venus had adopted the names "Bucky" and "Bob" and their main message concerned the "Twelve Laws of God", similar to the biblical Ten Commandments. He claimed to have been taken on trips to the Moon, Mars and Venus. He described how space people told him that on earth, past civilizations existed and destroyed themselves "They had learned of a power even greater than our Atomic power".[2] He said the space people warned him that the inappropriate use of nuclear energy was threatening the earth again; "We are here to see which way this world will use Atomic power; for peace or war. We have stood by and seen other planets, one after another, destroy itself. Is this world next? We wonder and watch and wait. Again I say; give up your Atomic weapons and may Peace be on this Earth".[2]

Similar to Moses, Nelson was also given Commandments; these are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship.

The Book machine


Nelson described the "book machine" thus "on Venus, Bucky managed to show me what I called a "Book Machine". When a book was put into it, it would read the pages, play any music or show any picture it contained. It was about the size of a television set".[2]

Minor celebrity


In 1956, Nelson published a booklet, My Trip to Mars, the Moon, and Venus, and became something of a celebrity in the Ozarks. He held a successful annual Spacecraft Convention near his farm for about a decade, where he sold his pamphlet, and pay envelopes containing a small amounts of black hair, which he claimed had fallen off the large dog called "Bo".

Nelson died in 1982; an unconfirmed account states that he spent his last years living with relatives in California. Although Nelson and his story achieved a degree of notoriety, it was less than that of other 1950s contactees such as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry.


  1. ^ Louize, Lucus (2015). The UFO Teachings of Adamski, Menger, Fry, Nelson, and Others: A Supplemental Study Guide To Their Books. ISBN 978-0-692-56940-5. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d "Buck Nelson - My Trip to Mars the Moon and Venus". Scribd.