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Beno Axionov

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Beno Axionov
Băno Axionov
Axionov in 2014
Born (1946-04-02) 2 April 1946 (age 78)
Occupation(s)Actor, producer, director, screenwriter, drama teacher
AwardsMeritorious Artist of Moldova

Beno (Băno) Axionov (Belarusian: Бэна Максавіч Аксёнаў; Russian: Бэно Максович Аксёнов; Romanian: Băno Axionov; German: Bäno Axionov; born 2 April 1946) is a Russian-Moldovan actor, director, drama teacher, screenwriter. Meritorious Artist of Moldova (1991). Laureate of national and international theater festivals.[1][2][3]



Early life and education


Axionov was born in Minsk, to father Max Fishman[4][5][6][7][8][9] and mother Lydia Axionova.[10][11][12] At age 5 he moved to Kishinyov, now Chișinău, the capital of Moldova. He attended schools No. 3, 5, 41, 4. He began taking part in sports at the age of 14, was by track coach Evgeniy Zybchenko, who recommended he tries hurdling. He became the 1963 - 1966 national champion in the 200-meter hurdles and 400-meter hurdles.[13] Since 1965 Axionov studied at the Moldova State Institute of Arts [ru] and the Leningrad University of Theater, Music and Cinematography with Nadejda Aronețkaia [ru],[14] then continued his studies in Moscow at the Maria Knebel's Laboratory of Directing,[15][16] in higher director's courses and an internship at the Mossovet Theater with Pavel Chomsky [ru][17] in Moscow.



From 1969 to 1973 he worked as an actor and director assistant in Tiraspol.[18] From 1973 to 2006 he has worked as an actor and director in the Russian State Drama Theater "A.P. Chekhov" in Kishinyov.[19][20] From 1969, he director at various theatres, including the in the Republican Theater Luceafărul, in the Moldovan State Philharmonic, on National TV, in the theater "Actors House", in the Organ Hall, in the theater of the State University of Chisinau, in the People's Theater, in a tiny Theater near Deribasovskaya (Odessa). Many of his productions were the first in Moldova. From 1969 to 2006 simultaneously with working in the theater Axionov appeared regularly on nationally broadcast television in Moldova and was involved in several TV projects about culture, theater, and literature as an actor, and interviewer. He had great success with his show where he was the presenter of the children's TV program "Ugodayka" (Guessing game), in the role of a cheerful, cunning, funny and all-knowing clown "Ugodayka". Axionov has made appearances on a variety of television shows as the host of actual satirical television programs "Arichul" (Hedgehog) and "Arichul's Shop". From 1976 to 2000 he was a regular figure of the TV program "Theater of Miniatures", as an actor and director. Many years directors actively filmed him in commercials. From 1971 to 1985 he was a drama teacher at the Moldovan State Institute of Arts.

His works gained critical and viewers acclaim, however since 1992 Axionov became increasingly uncomfortable with the adoption and adaptation of his ideas and practices, from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic. One after another, unprofessional managers began to be appointed to the Russian State Drama Theater "A.P. Chekhov", who tried to privatize the theatre building, which Axionov was against. They began to forbid him to stage performances, threaten, and as a result, "unknown people" severely beat him. So, at what seemed to be the height of his public profile, he left Moldova and since 2007 he lives in Karlsruhe, Germany.[21]

He has been working as an independent director and theater teacher, he has taught and conducted master classes, and given lectures on the history and culture of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. From 2007, he director at various theatres, including in the Badischen Staatstheater Karlsruhe, in the "Uni-Theater" Karlsruhe, in the art association "KABAX", in the "Kellertheater" Germersheim, in the student theater Karlsruhe, in the Theater Group Mannheim, in the Evangelical theater fraternity, in the "Film Studio Germersheim", in the Centrum "De Strandjutter" Blankenberge.[22][23] Axionov has written plays and staged them as director in Moldova and Germany.[24][25][26][27]

From an article in the book «Băno Axionov Theater» by Vitaliе Rusu, people's artist of Moldova, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Moldova[28]

«...As far as I can remember, Băno Axionov has always been uncomfortable... At the same time, in some inscrutable way, he manages to charm: with his performing color, openness, attractiveness, his human and bright creative individuality. Eternal rebel leader. The performances staged by him captivate with temperamental acting, the richness of the director's imagination and the unexpectedness of the techniques...»

Selected roles in the theater


He has more than 200 stage roles. Among his works: Alexander Ostrovsky «It's a Family Affair-We'll Settle It Ourselves» - (Rispolozhensky's role), Anton Chekhov «The Witch» - (Gykin's role), Eugène Marin Labiche «The Italian Straw Hat» - (Fadinard's role), Anton Chekhov «A Marriage Proposal» - (Lomov's role), Romanian folklore «Făt-Frumos» - (the title role), Richard Brinsley Sheridan «The Duenna» - (Isaac Mendoza's role), Alexander Ostrovsky «Jokers» - (Obroshenov's role), Charles Perrault «Puss in Boots» - (the title role), Friedrich Schiller «Mary Stuart» - (Mortimer's role), Evgeny Schwartz «Two maples» - (Baba Yaga's role), Aldo Nicolaj «Celestino Viola's career» - (the title role), Charine and Giovanni, musical «A Married Idyll» - (Zanni's role, Mother's role, Taxi Driver's role, Conductor's role, Family Friend's role, Doctor's role, Policeman's role, Sea Captain's role, Dancer's role), Tudor Mușatescu «Titanic Waltz» - (Spirache Necșulescu's role), Anton Chekhov «The Seagull» (Medvedenko's role), Molière «The School for Wives» - (Molière's role and Alain's role), Grigori Gorin «Memorial prayer» – based on the works of Sholom Aleichem - (Menahem-Mendl's role), Albert Camus «Caligula» - (Cherea's role), Alexander Ostrovsky «Bankrupt» - (Rispolozhensky's role).[29][30][31][32]

From an article in the book «Băno Axionov Theater» by Vitalie Țapeș, professor, doctor of Philosophy, people's artist of Moldova:

"Băno Axionov has undoubtedly become one of the brightest and biggest stars of our theatre ... By his disposition, way of existence and self-expression he is both a skomorokh and a comedian, a clown and a tragedian. He is always different, complicated, sometimes uncomfortable and unpredictable, but always bright and very kind ... He created a lot of wonderful characters: comic, tragicomic and tragic ..."

Selected productions in the theater


He has staged over than 60 performances: «King Matt the First» by Janusz Korczak, «Luise Miller» by Friedrich Schiller, «Ladies and Gentlemen» stories by Anton Chekhov, «Pages from Egmont» by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Ludwig van Beethoven, «The Robbers» by Friedrich Schiller, «The Human Voice» by Jean Cocteau, «Book of Songs» by Heinrich Heine, «Just a heart...» by Marina Tsvetaeva, musical «The Mystery of Mother Elderberry» by Hans Christian Andersen, «Life and Songs» by Rainer Maria Rilke, «Puss in Boots» by Charles Perrault.[33][34] «Nothing in me will forget about this» by Itzhak Katzenelson, Elie Wiesel, Hannah Szenes, «Stop the Plane - I'll Get Off» by Efraim Sevela,[35][36][37][38] «The Suicide» by Nikolai Erdman,[39] «Love and hatred» by Victor Hugo,[40][41][42] «You can't command your heart Die Mitschuldigen» by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[43][44] «The Tale of Tsar Saltan» by Alexander Pushkin,[45] «Diary of a Madman» by Nikolai Gogol,[46][47][48][49][50][51] «Trouble from a tender heart» by Vladimir Sollogub,[52][53][54] «Another Man's Wife and a Husband Under the Bed» by Fyodor Dostoevsky[55][56][57][58]

From an article in the book «Băno Axionov Theater» by Mihai Munteanu [ru], professor, people's artist of the USSR[59]

Băno Axionov is certainly the greatest representative of Russian dramatic art in our country ... The performances, he directed, captivate, charm and make the spectators delve into and see the performance from the inside, feel the significant phenomena of modern life. They agitate both thoughts and feelings, at the same time leaving wonderful sensations of touching the beautiful

Selected filmography


Beno Axionov participated as an actor in 20 movies:



Personal life


Axionov's first wife was actress, director and teacher Liudmila Hachi. They had a son, Vladislav Aksenov (born 12.07.1976).[80][81][82][83][84] His second wife teacher, Doctor habilitatus in Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy, Principal Research Scientist. (Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law. Department of Sociology. Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova) Svetlana Dmitrenco.[85][86][87][88]

Beno Axionov's younger brother is pianist and teacher Artur Aksenov (b.1956).[89][90][91][92][93]




  1. ^ Library of Congress
  2. ^ Бэно Максович Аксёнов (in Russian). Kino-Teatr.ru. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  3. ^ Ministerul Educaţiei, Culturii și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova. Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova. Calendar Naţional 2021 Băno AXIONOV Р.138 ISSN 1857-1549
  4. ^ Polish-Moldovan composer Max Fishman
  5. ^ Tamara Melnik, associate professor, PhD in the study of arts Composer and professor Max Fishman Anuar ştiinţific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice 2011, nr. 1-2(12-13). ISSN 1857-2251 (Тамара Мельник, доцент, доктор (кандидат) искусствоведения: Макс Фишман: композитор и педагог Anuar ştiinţific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice 2011, nr. 1-2(12-13) ISSN 1857-2251
  6. ^ Tamara Melnik, associate professor, PhD in the study of arts: The concerto for piano and orchestra es-dur by M. Fishman in the romanticism traditions context Anuar ştiinţific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice Nr. 4 (17), 2012. ISSN 1857-2251 (Тамара Мельник, доцент, доктор (кандидат) искусствоведения: Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром es-dur М. Фишмана в контексте традиций романтизма Anuar ştiinţific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice Nr. 4 (17), 2012) ISSN 1857-2251
  7. ^ Ilana Elizarova: "Without the right to create. To the 100th anniversary of the composer, pianist, teacher Max Fishman" Jewish World (newspaper of Russian-speaking America) 01/09/2015. (Илана Елизарова: Без права творить. К 100-летию композитора, пианиста, педагога Макса Фишмана "Еврейский мир" (газета русскоязычной Америки) 09.01.2015)
  8. ^ Olga Bulychevskaya. "Music enlivens life. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of composer Max Fishman"
  9. ^ Baranov Ecaterina Bibliothèque Compositeurs de Moldavie Max Fishman
  10. ^ Soviet- Moldovan conductor Lydia Axionova
  11. ^ Axionova Lidia Музыкальная академия
  12. ^ Olga Bejenaru, Veronica Kazhdan, art critics: The first professor of choral conducting in Moldova (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.V. Axionova) "Information and analytical portal AVA.MD" February 23, 2023. (Беженару Ольга, Каждан Вероника, искусствоведы: Первый профессор хорового дирижирования Молдовы. К 100-летию со дня рождения Л.В. Аксёновой Информационно-аналитический портал AVA.MD" 23 февраля 2023)
  13. ^ "Бегуны с барьерами СССР (русский -> английский)". Retrieved 2023-10-21.
  14. ^ ПУТЬ ДЛИНОЮ В СОРОК ЛЕТ Archived 2013-11-09 at the Wayback Machine
  15. ^ Mariya Osipovna Knebel
  16. ^ Гончарук А.Ю.: Актёрское мастерство и основы режиссуры: научно-методическое пособие по государственному стандарту 3+/ Москва; Берлин: Директ Медиа 2017. – 211 с. ISBN 978-5-4475-9126-7 (Мария Осиповна Кнебель (Mariya Osipovna Knebel), страницы 81 - 84)
  17. ^ Mossovet Theater Pavel Chomsky
  18. ^ Тираспольский театр
  19. ^ Семенов Виктор: На каждой горной вершине ты оказываешься над пропастью. Кишиневский драматический театр им. А.П.Чехова Театральный журнал Страстной бульвар. Выпуск No.6-176/2015
  20. ^ Государственный русский драматический театр им. А.П. Чехова (Республика Молдова)
  21. ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20230714095619/https://theworldnews.net/md-news/veronika-kazhdan-protiv-kogo-druzhim-ili-ne-pomniashchie-rodstva-svoego Veronica Kazhdan: Beno Axionov: "Who are we friends against"??? or "not remembering their kinship" Archived (Date missing) at theworldnews.net (Error: unknown archive URL)
  22. ^ Вероника Каждан: «Магический сеанс музыки» Русское поле (Германия). 29.05.2014.
  23. ^ «Европейская интеграция начинается с культуры». 26 декабря 2015
  24. ^ N.Ivanova: Im Rahmen des Festivals "Tschechows Heimat Neue Taganroger Zeitung 27.09.2010
  25. ^ Nicolae Roibu: "Mielul netăiat" al lui Andrei Strâmbeanu a ajuns în Germania
  26. ^ «Stop the Plane - I'll Get Off» by Efraim Sevela
  27. ^ Spectacolul "Motanul Încălțat" de la Teatrul "Luceafărul" în regia lui Băno Axionov (piesa B. Axionov)
  28. ^ Theater Beno Axionov National Library of Moldova (Romanian: Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova, BNRM / Contributor Valentina Skliarova / Chişinău F.E.P. "Tipografia Centrală" 2006 160 p.:foto ISBN 978-9975-78-480-1
  29. ^ Нина и Вадим Рожковские: Актёр и Зритель Кишинёв Литература артистикэ 1981
  30. ^ А. Коркина: Персонажей много, а Аксёнов – один Вечерний Кишинёв 26 декабря 1987
  31. ^ М. Дрейзлер: Глушить ностальгию «Чапаем» по видику? Независимая Молдова 30 декабря 1992
  32. ^ Из рецензий на роли, сыгранные Б. Аксёновым в Кишинёвском театре им А.П. Чехова. Из книги "Театр Бэно Аксёнова"
  33. ^ Spectacolul "Motanul Încălțat" de la Teatrul "Luceafărul" în regia lui Băno Axionov. Retrieved 22 October 2023.
  34. ^ Moldpres. More plays to be staged at Chisinau-based theatre
  35. ^ Вениамин Дашевский: «Ребята, давайте жить дружно!» Деловая газет 03.28.1997
  36. ^ М. Зонис: «Остановите самолёт – я слезу!» Наш голос April 1997
  37. ^ Виктория Пасечник: «Ноев ковчег» Независимая Молдова 04.16.1997
  38. ^ Ana Skordesku: Opriți avionul – eu cobor Ecoul Chișinăului 14 мarte 1997
  39. ^ О. Доброхотова: Дайте мне тихую жизнь и приличную заплату! Вечерний Кишинёв 29 ноября 1997
  40. ^ М. Квит: «Гюго у «чеховцев» Независимая Молдова 04.09.1998
  41. ^ Валентина Ильченко: «О добре и любви» Успех №10 06.26.1999
  42. ^ Н. Розамирина: Пятиугольник любви и ненависти Деловая газета 8 мая 1998 (Любовь и ненависть)
  43. ^ Наталья Розамирина: «Бено Аксёнов: равнение на мажор» Молодёжь Молдовы 06.24.2000
  44. ^ Д. Стельцова: А сердцу хочется любви... Независимая Молдова 16 июня 2000
  45. ^ Татьяна Синхани: «Жил - был царь» Молодёжь Молдавии 10.30.1999,
  46. ^ Peter Kohl: Zwischen König und Zwangsjacke «Badische Neueste Nachrichten» (BNN) 6 April 2010 (перевод на русский Irina Pohlan)
  47. ^ Heinz Setzer: Dramatic high tension Badische Zeitung 23 July 2010 (Heinz Setzer Dramatische Hochspannung Badische Zeitung July 23, 2010)
  48. ^ Lydia Oleynik: TimeOut 17 October 2012 (Лидия Олейник: 17 октября 2012года. Вот и закончился 5 московский международный театральный фестиваль "Соло")
  49. ^ Ljudmila Sedova: Hoffnungslos verliebt Theatermagazin Afisha 19.10.2012 (Людмила Седова: Безумно влюблённый 19 октября 2012 года).
  50. ^ N.Ivanova: Im Rahmen des Festivals „Tschechows Heimat" Neue Taganroger Zeitung 27.09.2010.
  51. ^ Ein Rückblick auf die internationale Tschechow-Jubiläumswoche in Badenweiler 27.07.2010.
  52. ^ Вероника Каждан: «Беда от нежного сердца» Портал Общегерманского координационного совета российских соотечественников 06.21.2013
  53. ^ Serge Olszewski „Unvergessliche Eindrucke" |язык=ru|год=2013|месяц= Juni|чиcло=21|издание= Fachbereich Translations,- Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft. Germersheim 06.21.2013
  54. ^ Lukas Bull: Mirror world of theater ProArtInfo June 4, 2014 (Лука Булл Зеркальный мир театра 4 июня 2014)
  55. ^ В Кишинёвском русском театре «Чужая жена и муж под кроватью» (in Russian). ProArt. 25 August 2014. Archived from the original on 25 December 2014. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  56. ^ Чужая жена и муж под кроватью
  57. ^ Владимир Смирнов: Возвращение Мастера 4 февраля 2014 https://ava.md/2014/01/04/vozvraschenie-mastera/ Archived 2023-06-24 at the Wayback Machine
  58. ^ Вероника Каждан: Чужая жена и муж под кроватью 23 февраля 2014 http://www.nm.md/article/chuzhaya-zhena-i-muzh-pod-krovatyu Archived 2014-02-19 at the Wayback Machine
  59. ^ Theater Beno Axionov National Library of Moldova (Romanian: Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova, BNRM / Contributor Valentina Skliarova / Chişinău F.E.P. "Tipografia Centrală" 2006 160 p.: foto ISBN 978-9975-78-480-1
  60. ^ «Марк Твен против...» (СССР, 1976)
  61. ^ Марк Твен против... 1976
  62. ^ И придёт день... 1979
  63. ^ Здравствуйте, я приехал! 1979
  64. ^ Здравствуйте, я приехал! 1979
  65. ^ Эмиссар заграничного центра 1979
  66. ^ Большая-малая война 1980
  67. ^ Поезд в Калифорнию 1993
  68. ^ Возвращение Титаника 1999
  69. ^ Возвращение Титаника 1999
  70. ^ Антология приколов (киноальманах) 2000
  71. ^ Анатолий Левицкий: Фильм Бэно Аксёнова (Молдова) «Кто следующий?» Журнал Klauzura 17.06.2019
  72. ^ Who is next? (Wer ist der Nächste?) (Кто следующий?) 2019
  73. ^ "Axionov Bano" (in Romanian). Moldovenii.md. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  74. ^ Бэно Аксенов (Beno Axionov)
  75. ^ Library of Congress
  76. ^ Theater Beno Axionov / Contributor Valentina Skliarova / Chişinău F.E.P. "Tipografia Centrală" 2006 160 p.: foto Library of Congress
  77. ^ Theater Beno Axionov / Contributor Valentina Skliarova / Part of the text is in Russian, Romanian, English and German. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus
  78. ^ Агентство Еврейских Новостей Главные новости
  79. ^ "Воздаяние талантам "Независимая Молдова"".
  80. ^ Library of Congress Vladislav Aksenov
  81. ^ "Аксенов Владислав Бэнович". Институт российской истории РАН. Retrieved 2023-10-21.
  82. ^ "Диссертация «Повседневная жизнь Петрограда и Москвы в 1917 году»" (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2015-01-05. Retrieved 2023-10-22.
  83. ^ "Общественные настроения в России в годы Первой мировой войны и революции (1914–1917)". Retrieved 2023-10-21.
  84. ^ Лучший нон-фикшн 2023 года: названы лауреаты нового сезона важнейшей просветительской премии России
  85. ^ Дмитренко Светлана Матусовна. Российская информационная сеть
  86. ^ Сетевая энциклопедия "Известные учёные" (биографические данные ученых и специалистов) – проект Российской Академии Естествознания
  87. ^ Arhivarius «О Молдове как объекте социологического исследования. Биобиблиографический очерк о Светлане Дмитренко» nr. 13, 2024 • s 22-27 • ISSN 2953-724X
  88. ^ Михаил Дрейзлер: Наследница по прямой. Газета Еврейское местечко 09 2011 №31 (379) г Кишинёв
  89. ^ Congress, The Library of. "- LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress, from LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies (Library of Congress)". id.loc.gov. Archived from the original on October 5, 2023. Retrieved September 11, 2023.
  90. ^ "Artur Aksenov". Levine Music. Archived from the original on June 24, 2023. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  91. ^ Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională. Marţi, 22 februarie 2022, ora 10.00, Moderator: doctor în studiul artelor, conferențiar universitar, Larisa Balaban (Axionov Artur, Teacher, Levine Music and Adventist University, Washington, SUA, Maks Fișman — portret de creație, Axionov Beno, Germania, Maks Fisman: pedagog și compositor. P. 8)
  92. ^ Bill Blankenship: Russian pianist plays Grace concert Yasni November 13, 2008
  93. ^ С.Пожар: Артур Аксенов: Кишинев - Москва – Вашингтон... Журнал «Молдова» № 10-11 2009