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King Bardylis of Illyria (Albanian State Franc Banknotes 1905 - 1915)
GenderMasculine and feminine
Language(s)Proto-Germanic, Old High German, Lithuanian, Polish, Belarusian
DerivationFrom proto-Germanic "bardaz" and "bardō"
MeaningLittle beard
Region of originEurope Northern Europe
Other names
Variant form(s)Bardol, Bardul, Bardle, Bardal, Bardilo, Bartilo, Barzilo, Bartol, Bordziło, Bardzila, Barðill, Barðall, Bǫrðull, Barðla
Pet form(s)Bardo, Barto, Bard, Bart, Bar, Bardy, Bardz, Bardie, Barde, Barth, Bardé, Bardels, Bardles
Related namesBartholf, Bardolph, Bardin, Barten, Bardon, Bardonneau, Bardouleau, Bardelle, Bardillon, Barding, Beard, Bardeline

Bardil (plural: Bardila) is a Germanic given name and surname. It is of ancient European origins that evolved from words meaning "axe", “white, bright, brilliant,” "giant," or "beard."[1]

The earliest known man with the name was Bardylis I (born c. 448 BC). Though it is an Illyrian name, the Germanic Bardil is not inherited nor borrowed in the Illyrian language. It may possibly be referenced to the archaeological depiction of axes in Illyrian weaponry and Bardylis and his soldiers, who possibly had a beard.

The Old High German language likely influenced the name Bardil, which derives from the components bart, "beard," and il, throughout Europe. It was commonly learned and borrowed in Balto-Slavic languages as Bardzila, sometimes distorted as Bardila, Bordilo, and Borzilo. This rendition was originally in Lithuanian, and later in Belarusian, Latin, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian; thus, Bardzila is considered an archaic Lithuanian hypocoristic name (nickname) but of Germanic origin. In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, villages in present-day Belarus and Poland were named after the founder's name whose named Bardila, specifically Ivan Harbuz-Bordzilovskiy, who founded Bardzily in Orsha District, Mogilev Governorate. Most formations of the name are Slavicized based on nobility, specifically the Polish Bordziłowski and Serbian Barzilović.[2][3][4]



Ancient words


Bardil was first attested in the Old High German language as “Bardilo" in the 9th century AD. The name derives from Old English "bardouleau" or "bardelle", Old French "bartel", and Old Norse "barðill," by evolution of proto-Germanic "bardaz" (meaning "beard") and "bardō" (meaning "axe").[5]



Other languages

Bardilo > Bardel (later)
English French Dutch German Danish Norwegian Swedish Finnish Icelandic Russian Latvian
Bardel Bardél Bardel Bardel Bardel Bardel Bardel Bardel Bardel Бардель Bordehl
Bardal Bardal Bardal Bardal Bårdel Bårdel Bårdel Bårdel Bárdel Bardel
Bardle Bardele Bartel Bærtel Bærtel Bärtel Bärtel Bærtel

Other forms

English French Spanish Italian Greek Albanian Illyrian Romanian German Hungarian Dutch Danish Polish Lithuanian Belarusian Russian Ukrainian
Bard(e, o) Bardin Bartolino Bardella Βάρδυλις Bardhyl Bardylis Bârzilă Bardolf Bardülisz Bartelzoon Bærtelsen Bordziło Bardzila Бардзіла Бордзило Бордзіло
Beard Bardon Bordelína Bardelle Bardhyll Bardyllis Bartholf Bordziłowski Bardzilauskas Bardzila Bordzilo Bordzilo
Bardell Bardonneau Bardhill Barding Bordiło Barzila Бардзілоўскі Бордзиловский Бордзіловський
Barden Bardouleau Bardhull Bordelius (Latin) Bordiłowski Barzilovičius Bardziloŭski Bordzilovskiy Bordzilovsʹkyy
Bardolph Bardéline Bartelsohn Borziło Барзіла Бордило Борділо
Bardon Bardelais Borziłowicz Barzila Bordilo Bordilo
Bardeline Барзіловіч Бордиловский Борділовський
Bardillon Barzilovič Bordilovskiy Bordilovsʹkyy
Барзило Барзіло
Barzilo Barzilo
Барзилович Барзілович


  • Bardzily - Village in Belarus; named after Ivan Harbuz-Bordzilovskiy
  • Bardzilovo - Village in Belarus; named after an ancestor of Bordziła
  • Bordziłówka - Villages in Poland and Belarus; named after an ancestor of Bordziłowski
  • Barzilovica - Village in Serbia; named after an ancestor of Barzilović


  1. ^ Förstemann, Ernst Wilhelm (1900). Bd. Personennamen. 2., völlig umgearb. Aufl (in German). W. Fink.
  2. ^ Гапоненка, І. (2007). Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Магілёўская вобласць: нарматыўны даведнік (978-985-458-159-0 ed.). В. Лемцюговай; Менск: Тэхналогія. pp. 406 с.
  3. ^ НГАБ у Менску, ф. 1817, воп. 1, спр. 42, с. 226
  4. ^ "Bardzily, okolica at map (Chausy uezd, Mogilev guberniya)". Radzima.
  5. ^ Robert Ferguson, The Teutonic Name-System Applied To The Family Names Of France, England, & Germany, (B. and J.: 1864).