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Baka wa kaze o hikanai

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Baka wa kaze o hikanai (in Japanese: 馬鹿は風邪を引かない) is a Japanese proverb and urban legend that translates to,"idiots don't catch colds".



The phrase is said to have become popular during the Edo period (1600s-1800's).[1][2]



The phrase does not mean that certain people do not get sick, but it implies that carefree people are less likely to notice they are sick or to worry about being sick.[3][4][5][6][7]


  1. ^ Hagiri, Yuuki (2019), 馬鹿は風邪を引かない? [Don't idiots catch colds?] (in Japanese), Ueno Dispensing Pharmacy, archived from the original on 30 March 2023, retrieved 13 March 2023
  2. ^ バカは風邪をひかないの由来はどこからやってきた!? [Where did the saying that idiots don't catch colds come from? ?] (in Japanese), Real Hot Space Entertainment News, 2019, archived from the original on 4 February 2023, retrieved 13 March 2023
  3. ^ 夏かぜにまつわるウワサ よく聞くウワサの真偽をリサーチ [Rumors related to the summer cold Research the truth of the rumors you often hear] (in Japanese), excite.co.jp, 2012, retrieved 13 March 2023
  4. ^ 「バカは風邪ひかない」には医学的根拠があった!? [There is a medical basis for the claim that "stupids don't catch colds"!?] (in Japanese), Line, 2015, retrieved 13 March 2023
  5. ^ Saeki, Jun (2017), 1日も休めない社長のカンタン風邪予防術 [A simple cold prevention technique for the president who can't take a day off] (in Japanese), President.jp, archived from the original on 18 April 2023, retrieved 13 March 2023
  6. ^ Hagiri, Yuuki (2018), あなたの風邪予防は効果的?医師が薦める冬を乗りきる6の健康法 [Is Your Cold Prevention Effective? 6 health methods recommended by doctors to survive the winter] (in Japanese), Chanoma, retrieved 13 March 2023
  7. ^ Shimakoto, Takahashi (2015), 【2015年風邪ひき率調査】「バカは風邪ひかない」は嘘だった [[2015 Cold Catch Rate Survey] "Idiots don't catch colds" was a lie] (in Japanese), Sirabee, retrieved 13 March 2023