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Arfon (hymn tune)

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Arfon is a traditional Welsh hymn tune which exists with major and minor variants.[1][2]

General information


The hymn tune Arfon originates as a Welsh folk tune of six lines (with the second couplet [a duplicate of the first] being omitted), but it was adapted into a French hymn tune as the eight-line tune known today.[1][2] In its major form, it can be used as an alternative tune for the Ascensiontide hymn Hail, Thou once despised Jesus.[3] In its minor form, it is the tune for the Passiontide hymn Man of sorrows, wrapt in grief by Matthew Bridges.[4]





\new Staff <<
\clef treble \key g \major {
      \time 4/4 \partial 1    
      \relative g' {
        d4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a b g | c4 b a g | b8 a g fis g2 \bar"" \break
        d4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a b g | c4 b a g | b8 a g fis g2 \bar"" \break
        d'4 d8 c b4 d | c4 b b a | d4 d8 c b4 d | c4 b a2 \bar"" \break
	d,4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a b g | c4 b a g | b8 a g fis g2 \bar"|."
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 86 }



\new Staff <<
\clef treble \key g \minor {
      \time 4/4 \partial 1    
      \relative g' {
        d4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a bes2 | c4 bes a g | bes8 a g fis g2 \bar"" \break
        d4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a bes2 | c4 bes a g | bes8 a g fis g2 \bar"" \break
        d'4 d8 c bes4 d | c4 bes a2 | d4 d8 c bes4 d | c4 bes bes a \bar"" \break
	d,4 g g8 fis e d | g4 a bes2 | c4 bes a g | bes8 a g fis g2 \bar"|."
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 86 }


  1. ^ a b "ARFON (Major)". Retrieved 29 July 2018.
  2. ^ a b "ARFON (Minor)". Retrieved 29 July 2018.
  3. ^ "96107". Retrieved 29 July 2018.
  4. ^ "Breviary Hymns: Man of Sorrows, Wrapt in Grief". Retrieved 29 July 2018.