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Amangeldi Taspihov 2019 presidential campaign

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Amangeldi Taspihov for President
Campaigned for2019 Kazakh presidential election
CandidateAmangeldi Taspihov
Member of the Mazhilis (2016–present)
24 April 2019
Official nominee
24 April 2019
Lost election
9 June 2019
SloganЖұмыс істейтін шақ!
("Time to work!")

Amangeldi Taspihov, Chairman of the West Kazakhstan Region's Trade Unions and former MP of Mazhilis was nominated by the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan (QRKF) to be the presidential candidate on 24 April 2019.[1] On 4 May 2019, Taspihov became registered candidate by the Central Election Commission after gathering about 120,000 signatures.[2] On 13 May, Taspihov's campaign published their own electoral platforms.[3]


  • Strengthening the responsibility of unfair employers
  • Safe working conditions
  • Ensuring labor rights of employees
  • Decent living wages
  • Regulation of labor migration



Throughout the campaign, Taspihov's campaign emphasized on protecting the rights and interests of working Kazakhstanis.

On 27 May 2019, he proposed amendments to the labor code, saying “these are people who received education, were born here, became specialists. When there should be a return for their homeland, they are forced to leave for other countries, as they are in demand in other countries, they do not receive a decent salary - this is a big problem, I think this problem can be solved. This issue should be dealt with especially by local executive bodies, akims in order to create better conditions in rural areas, create jobs."[4]

During the presidential debates, Taspihov talked about being from large family and didn't attend rallies but worked and wasn't a life-long Mazhilis MP.[5]



Results of the 2019 presidential election

Kassym-Jomart TokayevNur Otan6,539,71570.96
Amirjan QosanovUlt Tagdyry1,495,40116.23
Dania EspaevaAk Zhol Democratic Party465,7145.05
Toleutai RaqymbekovAuyl People's Democratic Patriotic Party280,4513.04
Amangeldi TaspihovFederation of Trade Unions182,8981.98
Jambyl AhmetbekovCommunist People's Party167,6491.82
Sadibek TügelUly Dala Qyrandary84,5820.92
Valid votes9,216,41099.38
Invalid/blank votes57,7000.62
Total votes9,274,110100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,960,36477.54
Source: CEC


  1. ^ Zhussupova, Dilshat (2019-04-26). "Kazakh trade union federation nominates Amangeldy Taspikhov to run for president". The Astana Times. Archived from the original on 2019-04-26. Retrieved 2020-11-19.
  2. ^ "Амангельды Таспихов зарегистрирован в качестве кандидата в Президента РК". inbusiness.kz (in Russian). 2019-05-04. Retrieved 2020-11-19.
  3. ^ "ПРЕДВЫБОРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА КАНДИДАТА В ПРЕЗИДЕНТЫ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН АМАНГЕЛЬДИ ТАСПИХОВА". fprk.kz (in Russian). 2019-05-13. Archived from the original on 2020-11-28. Retrieved 2020-11-19.
  4. ^ "Амангельды Таспихов предложит поправки в Трудовой кодекс". almaty.tv (in Russian). 2019-05-27. Retrieved 2020-11-19.
  5. ^ "Претенденты и доверенные лица. В Казахстане прошли теледебаты кандидатов". Радио Азаттык (in Russian). 2019-05-29. Archived from the original on 2019-05-29. Retrieved 2020-11-19.