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Acsensorize (v.t.), pronounced as ac-sensor-ize, is the act of adding a multitude of dissimilar sensors, generally of a variety of sensing modalities, to an existing system that may or may not already have sensors;

  • acsensorizing (pres. part.);
  • acsensorized (past. part.);
  • acsensorization (n.) is the process of acsensorizing.

It was first used by researchers at General Motors Global Research and Development, and was published in.[1] The word was motivated by accessorize. Acsensorizing plays a significant role in big data research and machine learning.

See also



  1. ^ Jeffrey A. Abell, Debejyo Chakraborty, Carlos A. Escobar, Kee H. Im, Diana M. Wegner and Michael A. Wincek, Big Data Driven Manufacturing --- Process-Monitoring-for-Quality Philosophy, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (JMSE) on Data Science-Enhanced Manufacturing, October 2017, 139 (10)