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2024 Judgments of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

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This is a list of the judgments given by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in the year 2024.

In 2024 Lord Reed is the President of the Supreme Court, Lord Hodge is the Deputy President.

The table lists judgments made by the court and the opinions of the judges in each case. Judges are treated as having concurred in another's judgment when they either formally attach themselves to the judgment of another or speak only to acknowledge their concurrence with one or more judges. Any judgment which reaches a conclusion which differs from the majority on one or more major points of the appeal has been treated as dissent.

All dates are for 2024 unless expressly stated otherwise.

2024 case summaries


Unless otherwise noted, cases were heard by a panel of 5 judges.

Cases involving Scots law are highlighted in orange. Cases involving Northern Irish law are highlighted in green.

Case name Citation Date Legal subject Summary of decision
Paul & Anor v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] UKSC 1 11 January 2024 Tort law, Nervous shock A person cannot claim compensation for a recognised psychiatric illness caused by witnessing the death or injury of a close family member or other loved one due to medical negligence. Such an event is not discrete enough to qualify as a recognisable accident that incurs liability.[1]
Herculito Maritime Ltd and others v Gunvor International BV and others [2024] UKSC 2 17 January 2024 Admiralty law, Insurance law That decision had held that the contracts of carriage contained in or evidenced by a series of bills of lading did not preclude the shipowner, and thus its subrogated insurers (the respondents), from seeking a contribution in General Average from Cargo Interests and their subrogated insurers (the appellants) after a piratical seizure of the POLAR in the Gulf of Aden had necessitated the payment out of a US$7 million ransom.[2]
In the matter of an application by Stephen Hilland for Judicial Review [2024] UKSC 4 7 February 2024 Parole A person on release from prison can have conditions applied to their parole which are not applied to prisoners on similar sentences.[3]
Jersey Choice Ltd v His Majesty’s Treasury [2024] UKSC 5 14 February 2024 Value-added tax A company in the Channel Islands has no claim to loss and damage as a result of removing low value consignment relief from mail order imports into the UK from the Channel Islands.[4]
Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd [2024] UKSC 6 14 February 2024 Tort law, Remoteness, Burden of proof A victim is entitled to recover damages for contractual liabilities to third parties resulting from the tortfeasor's physical damage to property. This loss does not constitute pure economic loss. The burden of proof lies with the defendant to demonstrate that the claim is not a reasonable pre-estimate of the actual loss and is thus too remote. If the claim is deemed unreasonable, only the actual foreseeable loss of use can be recovered.[5]
In the matter of an application by RM (a person under disability) by SM, his father and next friend (AP) for Judicial Review [2024] UKSC 7 21 February 2024 Mental Health Act 1983 A patient in Northern Ireland mental healthcare can rely on relevant case regarding the England and Wales where the legislative language in the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.[6]
Lifestyle Equities CV and another v Amazon UK Services Ltd and others [2024] UKSC 8 21 February 2024 Trade Marks Act 1994 A seller can not sell goods that infringe on UK trade marks, by delivering to the UK, while selling goods with USA marks and using a US website.[7]
Bertino v Public Prosecutor's Office, Italy [2024] UKSC 9 6 March 2024 European Arrest Warrant, Extradition Act 2003 A criminal defendant has the right to be present at trial as guaranteed by article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.[8]
Merticariu v Judecatoria Arad, Romania [2024] UKSC 10 6 March 2024 European Arrest Warrant, Extradition Act 2003 A criminal defendant has the right to be present at trial as guaranteed by article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.[9]
Hassam and another v Rabot and another [2024] UKSC 11 26 March 2024 Tort law In determining the damages payable for pain, suffering and loss of amenity due the Civil Liability Act 2019 should be used in the case of whiplash injuries and common law awards should be applied in non-whiplash injuries.[10]
Secretary of State for Business and Trade (Respondent) v Mercer [2024] UKSC 12 17 April 2024 Labour law Section 146 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 is incompatible with article 11 of the ECHR.[11]
RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV [2024] UKSC 18 15 May 2024 Commercial law, Force majeure A reasonable endeavours proviso in a force majeure clause does not oblige a contractual party to accept an offer of non-contractual performance, unless expressly stated otherwise. This principle is based on the freedom of contract, which includes the freedom not to contract, and the importance of legal certainty.[12]


  1. ^ "Press Summary: Paul and another (Appellants) v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (Respondent); Polmear and another (Appellants) v Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (Respondent); Purchase (Appellant) v Ahmed (Respondent) [2024] UKSC 1 On appeal from: [2022] EWCA Civ 12" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 29 May 2024.
  2. ^ "Press Summary: Herculito Maritime Ltd and others (Respondents) v Gunvor International BV and others (Appellants) [2024] UKSC 2 On appeal from: [2021] EWCA Civ 1828" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 17 January 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  3. ^ "Press Summary: In the matter of an application by Stephen Hilland for Judicial Review (Appellant) (Northern Ireland) [2024] UKSC 4 On appeal from: [2021] NICA 68" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 7 February 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  4. ^ "Jersey Choice Ltd (Appellant) v His Majesty's Treasury (Respondent) [2024] UKSC 4 On appeal from: [2021] EWCA Civ 1941" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 14 February 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  5. ^ "Press Summary: Armstead (Appellant) v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd (Respondent) [2024] UKSC 6 On appeal from: [2022] EWCA Civ 497" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 29 May 2024.
  6. ^ "Press Summary: In the matter of an application by RM (a person under disability) by SM, his father and next friend (Respondent) for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) In the matter of an application by RM (a person under disability) by SM, his father and next friend (Respondent) for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) No 2 [2024] UKSC 7 On appeal from: [2022] NICA 35" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 21 February 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  7. ^ "Press Summary: Lifestyle Equities CV and another (Respondents) v Amazon UK Services Ltd and others (Appellants) [2024] UKSC 8 On appeal from: [2022] EWCA Civ 552" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 21 February 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  8. ^ "Press Summary: Bertino (Appellant) v Public Prosecutor's Office, Italy (Respondent) [2024] UKSC 9 On appeal from: [2022] EWHC 665 (Admin)" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 6 March 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  9. ^ "Press Summary: Merticariu (Appellant) v Judecatoria Arad, Romania (Respondent) UKSC 10 On appeal from: [2022] EWHC 1507 (Admin)" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 6 March 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  10. ^ "Press Summary: Hassam and another (Appellants) v Rabot and another (Respondents) UKSC 11 On appeal from: [2022] EWHC Civ 19" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 26 March 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  11. ^ "Press Summary: Secretary of State for Business and Trade (Respondent) v Mercer (Appellant) UKSC 11 On appeal from: [2022] EWCA Civ 379" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 17 April 2024. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
  12. ^ "Press Summary: RTI Ltd (Respondent) v MUR Shipping BV (Appellant) [2024] UKSC 18 On appeal from: [2022] EWCA Civ 1406" (PDF). www.supremecourt.uk (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court. 31 May 2024.