Little Big Horn College
Little Big Horn College is a Native American tribal college based in Crow Agency, Montana. Little Big Horn College is a two-year, tribally owned community college, serving the people of the Crow Indian Reservation. The college is directed by the Board of Trustees elected by districts within the reservation. Current enrollment is 398 students.
Little Big Horn College was first opened in 1980 as the chartered school of the Crow Nation. Dr. Janine Pease advocated the college's beginning and is the college's first president. Under the 1994 Equity in Education legislation of the US Congress, Little Big Horn College became a Land Grant Institution, joining the ranks of the 1864 and 1890 land grant colleges. The college is member of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. The name Little Big Horn comes from the smaller of two rivers on the reservation, both receiving the distinction by the Big Horn Mountains, of which, the rivers flow from.
See also
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