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World Scholar's Cup

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World Scholar's Cup
Logo displaying the WSC's mascot, the alpaca.
Type:International Educational Program
Founder:Daniel Berdichevsky
Headquarters:Los Angeles, California
Managing Director:Jeremy Chumley
Lead Programmer:Tom Brazee
Director of Curriculum:Josephine Richstad

The World Scholar’s Cup (often abbreviated as WSC) is an annual international academic program. More than 50,000 students from over 60 countries participate every year.[1]

The program was founded by DemiDec, in particular by Daniel Berdichevsky, in early 2006.[2] The first WSC took place in South Korea in 2007 at the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies.[3] The World Scholar's Cup aims to teach students with interesting, not-taught-in-school lessons, and finding common ground between people of different backgrounds.

Tournament format


Teams and points system

Founder Daniel Berdichevsky showing off the WSC's mascot, the alpaca, at the 2011 local Jakarta Round.

Each team participating in the World Scholar's Cup is generally composed of three students, from the same school or different schools. Teams of two are permitted but face a scoring disadvantage.[4] Teams within a country or region may participate in any regional round, which usually takes place in a participating school, hall, or both. If teams are unable to attend a regional round, but would still like to participate in the Global Round, they may try to qualify through Qualification [citation needed]

Qualifying for the various Global Rounds requires that a team to:

  • exceed an 18,000 point threshold at a Regional Round (formerly 20,000 until 2023)
  • have at least two members from the same team or school.

To qualify to the Tournament of Champions (ToC) at Yale University, New Haven, teams must:

  • exceed a point threshold of about 20,000 points at a Global Round.
  • have all members qualify in a Global Round.
  • have at least two members from the same team.

A team can achieve a maximum score of 40,000 points. 10,000 of these points can be gotten through the Scholar's Bowl, while the other 10,000 can be gotten among the three teammates in a team. Each individual can score up to 4,000 points on the Scholar's Challenge, 3,500 points on the Team Debate, and 2,500 points on Collaborative Writing [citation needed]. One quirk of this scoring system is that theoretically a team composed of 1 participant can qualify for the Global Round.

Prior to 2023, the Scholar's Challenge and Collaborative Writing were worth 3,000 points each, while Team Debate was worth 4,000 points.

Age Divisions


The tournament is divided into junior and senior divisions, and participation in a division depends on the ages of a team's members. Participants[a] who are 14 years of age or older on January 1 of the current year are classified as senior.[b] In the 2017 Hanoi Global Round, a new Skittles Division was formed for students aged 8–9. In most regional rounds, both divisions participate separately but simultaneously, while global rounds have the events of each division staggered, with the junior division typically competing in an event a day before the seniors' event. Closing ceremonies are typically held separately as well.

In larger Regional and Global events, scholars may be divided into further age groups, as seen in the 2022 Bangkok Global Round,[5] and the 2024 Stockholm Global Round. Additionally, scholars may be divided into different waves, as seen in the 2023 London Global Round[citation needed] and Kuala Lumpur Global Round in 2024.[6]



Each Regional Round consists of four main events: the Scholar's Challenge, Collaborative Writing, Team Debate, and the Scholar's Bowl.[4] In addition to these four events, non-competitive activities take place in select tournaments. These activities are both social and academic. The academic activities each require knowledge of a curriculum made at the start of each season, which consists of questions about subjects like history, social studies, art and music, literature and media, science and technology, and a special area.

Team Events


The following are the team events.[7]

The Scholar's Challenge


The Scholar's Challenge is a 120-question multiple choice exam given to each individual competitor to complete within 60 minutes during the regional round, and 75 minutes during the global round. Prizes are awarded to top participants in each subject and to both top-scoring overall teams and individuals. The award for the highest score in the Scholar's Challenge for an event was formerly known as the Asimov Award, but in 2022, it was renamed to the Jac Khor Award in honor of the World Scholar's Cup team member who used to write the questions for the event but died during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A feature of the Scholar's Challenge, implemented in 2015, allows participants to select multiple answers per question. Though each question has only one correct answer, choosing multiple answers allows the participant to earn points that are the reciprocal of the number of answers chosen. If time was running out, a participant could shade in all five answers and win 0.2 points.

The Scholar's Challenge solely tests on the syllabus given by the World Scholar's Cup team. The challenge is intentionally designed to be challenging, hence the name, with many of its questions requiring deductive reasoning and logical understanding as opposed to memorization. In order to receive results on this test, students will need to study the given curriculum by the World Scholar's Cup.

The Scholar's Challenge is the event worth the most out of any event (30% of the marks for a team and 40% of marks for an individual). Based on the scoring convention of 4000 points per individual per challenge, every question is speculated to be worth an equal 33.33, or 100/3 points. The Scholar's Challenge is the most valuable event because of its difficulty, with no student ever having achieved a perfect score.

In terms of medals collected at the closing ceremony, the World Scholar's Cup awards at most 6 medals representing achievements in the 6 categories. Students can be awarded multiple medals for the Scholar's Challenge.

Collaborative Writing


This event is based on arguments, with students picking one of six different prompts associated to each subsection of the given curriculum. Each participant on a team must pick a different prompt. Participants pick one side of a topic and write for, against, or about it critically. Any writing form is allowed. While previously, computers and phones were permitted, a change occurring in late 2022 banned all devices in this event, most likely set due to the rise of ChatGPT, hence making it harder for scholars to get their citations and information. There is a rubric that scholars are judged on for their essays that can be found on the official World Scholar's Cup website.

At the beginning of the event, students have 20 (previously 30) minutes to work with their teammates to discuss and research their arguments. Following the collaboration period, students have 40 (previously 45) minutes to write their essay. There are no maximum or minimum word limits. Following the writing period, students then have 15 minutes to collaborate again with their teammates to edit one another's work, but they may not finish a teammate's essay.

This event is worth the least of the four scoring events, contributing 18.75% of a team's total score and 20% of an individual's score. The rubric as shown on the Scholars Cup website categorizes scoring into four segments: Clarity, Content, Style, and Originality. Clarity refers to how clearly a student argued their ideas, Content refers to the style and proficiency of such ideas, Style refers to the use of language and format of a writing piece, and Originality is somewhat of an oddball factor, accounting for the memorability and impact the writing piece had on a person.[8]

Recently, the World Scholar's Cup started regarding this event as ″Collabowriting″.

Team Debate


All teams have assigned rooms and arguments. In the room, teams will have 15 minutes to confer within the room before the debate begins. Teams may use World Scholar's Cup materials[c] or any outside resources to prepare in the 15 minute preparation time. However, devices and external sources are not permitted afterwards.

Each debater will stand in front of the room for the length of their speech. Speakers may use notes, but should not read their speeches in their entirety. Students may speak for up to four minutes, however there is no penalty for speaking up to four minutes. The judge will signal time left using knocks, with two knocks meaning the speaker must stop speaking. Between speakers, teams will have 60 seconds to prepare before the next speaker is called.

Before the end of the debate, the competing teams are required to give positive and constructive feedback to the opposing team for roughly 90 seconds, before the judge(s) announce a winning team. The winning team will then proceed to a designated room and the non-winning team to a different designated room, where each will face another team with the same number of wins and non-wins. There is no point bonus for winning a debate.

One cultural aspect of the debate is the 'lollipop'. In order to promote positivity and self-improvement, the World Scholar's Cup had replaced the term 'losing' with 'lollipopping' since 2015. This change was also reflected in the debate schedules that each team receives. Later in 2023, during the Junior Division's Bowl of the Bangkok August Gloal Round, it was announced that the term would be changed to 'pop' due to "scholars misunderstanding that they would get a lollipop when they lost," according to World Scholar's Cup team members.

In terms of scoring, Team Debate is the event worth second most, with it being worth 26.25% of a team's total score and 35% of an individual's score. The rubric dictates that the scoring for debaters individually includes details on presentation, strategy, and content, and team scores factor in teamwork and feedback as well. Every score in the debate ranges from 2-7. Additionally, the best speaker of a debate can be nominated by the judge, with the possibility of such speaker making it onto the Debate Showcase. [9]

Presentation includes how clearly a person spoke as well as how their stage presence was. Strategy refers to how organized an argument was, as well as their use of language. Content includes evidence and justification for a point, as well as rebuttals/prebuttals against the opposing team. Teamwork includes details on how respectful a team is as well as how well their arguments fit together. Feedback is based on respectfulness of the feedback as well as how helpful it is. Teamwork and feedback are included in a team's score for debate, but not in an individual's score.

The Scholar's Bowl

The clicker used for the World Scholar's Cup's Scholar's Bowl.

The Scholar's Bowl is a quiz bowl usually held in a theater. Team members work together to answer multiple choice questions that are displayed on a large screen.

In order to answer the questions, each team of students is given a clicker that is connected to a scoring computer on stage. Students then choose their answer by pressing their choice letter on the clicker. Students are given 15 seconds to submit their answer. Each successive question is harder and is worth more points than the previous one. Sometimes, rapid fire questions are given which have to be answered in five seconds and are worth more points than the 15-second questions.

Special segments of this event also exist that vary from round to round, possibly including games such as Geoguessr, Among Us and others.

The Scholar's Bowl implements questions, many of which tend including references to pop culture, and often include WSC in-jokes.

The Scholar's Bowl is worth no marks for an individual and 25% of the marks for a team. The value of the points shown during the Scholar's Bowl is not accurate to the amount of points received for each question. However, the ratios of question value are maintained.

Additionally, scholar's may celebrate with a ″Chauncey Roll″ when getting a question correct, a reference to a celebration of former staff member Chauncey Lo during his period as a scholar in the event.

This is often the last educational event of the competition before the awards ceremony.

Community Events


The following are the community events.[10]

The Scholar's Scavenge


The Scholar's Scavenge is an annual scavenger hunt at the Global Round and the ToC that first took place in 2009 in Singapore.

Students are teamed up randomly and given tasks. At least one person in the team takes photos and videos in order to show completion of the tasks. The tasks may relate to the curriculum, teamwork, organizer, location, or simply be jokes. Each task is worth a certain number of points depending upon the difficulty. At the end of the scavenge, the leader collects the photos and score them. These scores do not count toward the scores in the competition as a whole, but are only used for this event. Teams with the highest scores can be called for an award in an award ceremony.

The Debate Showcase

External videos
video icon Global Round Senior Debate Showcase at The Hague on YouTube (1 hour 7 minutes 46 seconds).

Debate Showcase is an additional event, with the round's top eight junior and senior debaters taking part. At most Regional Rounds there is only one Debate Showcase with both juniors and seniors taking part. Regardless, eight students debate in each Showcase.

The format mirrors the format of the Team Debate event, but the students debate in teams of four, rather than three, on stage in front of the rest of the participants.[4] When all eight speakers have gone, the host of the Showcase invites volunteers from the audience and debaters from the showcase to step forward and share their general thoughts on the topic that was debated.

Top-scoring debate participants in each round are the judging panel for the Showcase. When it ends, the panel announces the winners.

The Scholar's Ball


The Scholar's Ball was first added in 2011 at the Global Round in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The idea spawned from a conversation about the competition where one party misheard "Scholar's Bowl" as "Scholar's Ball".

The Scholar's Ball encourages mingling, dancing, and the chance to "look sharp". Students are required to come in formal wear. Some students refer to it as a "pseudo-prom" or "nerd-prom". It was introduced to allow students mingle with students from different countries.

The Scholar's Show


The first Scholar's Show occurred in 2010 at the regional round held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It originated from several students playing "We Will Rock You" during an intermission. When the song was over, Berdichevsky invited any student wanting to showcase their talent to come forward.

Student performances have ranged from vocal and instrumental performances to beat boxing, dancing, spinning around in circles, drinking hot sauce and magic tricks. The Scholar's Show is held at all two-day rounds at each Global Round and the ToC.

Flag March


The Flag March happens at the end of every Global Round and ToC before the Awards Ceremony. In the Flag March, there is one representative (flag bearer) from every country participating. The flag bearers carry the flag of their country and march to the stage,[11] followed by a member of staff giving a farewell speech.

The World Scholar's Camp


In 2012, the World Scholar's Camp was created and took place in Singapore in December 2012. It included seminars and outings to various locations in Singapore.

Camps take place at various schools and cities through the year.[12]

Awards Ceremony


The Awards Ceremony, also known as the Closing Ceremony, takes place just before the end of a round. Traditionally, staff members stand on stage and announce the winners for the entire round. Various winners may receive gold medals, silver medals, trophies, or pineapples (given with trophies). The winner of the round receives the tallest trophy, and gets to interact with the props on the stage. These winners are given these awards for achievement in all events, both for team and individual recognition. Awards are also given to scholars who scored relatively well overall, but did not receive a gold medal or trophy for any particular event. These were initially called Da Vinci Awards, but their name was changed to the Asimov Award in 2023, as the award for the highest Challenge score, which was formerly named Asimov, had been renamed. Later, a certificate is shipped to all participants.[4]

Hundreds to thousands of medals are given every round, in an effort to recognize every participant for their accomplishments. An inside joke of the competition is that around 3-10 awards must be given every second (depending on the round) in order to distribute everything on time.

Very Emotional Farewell To The Year's Theme


This began in the 2018 ToC. In it, scholars together say emotive goodbyes, as Havana plays in the background, and destroy the set of the year's theme in a non-violent way. The event happens at every ToC at the New Haven Green.

The Smurf Barbecue


This is a quasi-event that happens at the end of a ToC after the award ceremony. Parents, scholars, and staff members gather together at New Haven Green and interact with one another at night. The event is a form of farewell. Ironically, it does not actually entail smurfs or any barbecues.


A Collaborative Writing prompt sheet in the Manila Global Round in 2019; students can choose one from the six subjects, however, each teammate must choose a different subject.

The World Scholar's Cup curriculum has six subjects. The theme changes annually.[13] Students are often given questions that require critical thinking skills as well as their basic knowledge to come to a conclusion rather than focusing on memorization. For instance, instead of asking "On which date an experiment was performed?", the question would ask, "Which artist would be most likely to oppose this experiment?"

The subjects are[14]

  • Science & Technology
  • Literature & Media
  • Art & Music
  • Special Area (custom each year)
  • History
  • Social Studies

Until 2009, mathematics, economics,[13] and trigonometry were included in the curriculum. However, in 2010 it was eliminated in order to better address the goals of the competition since the subjects were considered as inflexible and difficult to debate. In 2008, the World Scholar's Cup added a 'film' category to its visual arts section, and in 2010 added a "music" category to its art section.[citation needed]

Until 2013, the World Scholar's Cup released curriculum guides each year—one for each subject. The guides were available free-of-charge on its official website. Starting in 2013, topic outlines and theme-relevant material was made freely available to students through their website. The World Scholar's Cup recommends connecting each section of the outline to the given theme and how they connect or impact society.[15]

Until 2014, there was a Current Affairs section, which was replaced by Social Studies. To address its absence, Current Affairs would from thereon out be integrated across all six subjects instead.[citation needed]

Previously, the World Scholar's Cup program would organize their syllabus into the 6 main subjects, allowing students to study in a more effective format. In this old form, students could choose specific topics to master in, with a common format within teams being to study 2 sections per teammate, where the team would have covered information on the Scholar's Bowl.[16] However, beginning with the 2023 season, the Scholars Cup removed these divisions and instead listed their content in large chunks.[17] This in turn made categorizing subjects far more difficult, though it also gave the WSC staff the flexibility to use content segments in more than one subject. The Scholar's Challenge still awards for these ambiguous subjects, and is still categorized.[18] It has been confirmed that the Special Area Subject is an undetermined subject area used by the World Scholar's Cup team to categorize information in the curriculum which does not fit elsewhere in the 5 main portions.



The all-time record for the highest individual score was achieved by Sol Swea at the 2019 Penang Regional Round, with a score of 9,116.[19]

The team score record was set by Aindra Tan, Lily Zhang, and Stephanie Liu at the 2024 Dalian Global Round, with a score of 35,140.2.[20]



The champions are as follows.[21]

Names in bold are the annual champions of the Tournament of Champions

Overall Individual Champions



Season Round Location Champion School Country
2012 Global Bangkok Chun Shin Yau Hwa Chong Institution  Singapore
ToC Yale Glenys Poon National Junior College  Singapore
2013 Global Dubai Herbert Chang Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
ToC Yale Medha Goyal Chinese International School  Hong Kong
2014 Global Singapore Terran Kroft Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
ToC Yale Nora Jandhyala GEMS Wellington International School  UAE
2015 Global Kuala Lumpur Chauncey Lo International School of Beijing  China
Mini Global Ireland Yuval Beker Ahad Ha'am High School  Israel
ToC Yale Chauncey Lo International School of Beijing  China
2016 Global Bangkok Dylan Kroft Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
Mini Global Prague Vishnu Sriram American International School Chennai  India
ToC Yale Pavithra Chempakanalloor Henry Wise Wood Senior High School  Canada
2017 Global Hanoi Nicol Yong St Joseph's Institution International School Malaysia  Malaysia
Athens Zhuoyan Li Keishin High School  Japan
Cape Town Chino Chen International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan
ToC Yale Tyus Sheriff Senri-Osaka International School  Japan
2018 Global Kuala Lumpur Tyus Sheriff Senri-Osaka International School  Japan
Barcelona Emily Deng University of Toronto Schools  Canada
Melbourne Alessandra Lim St Joseph's Institution International Singapore  Singapore
Mini Global Durban Heather Sandison Merrifield College  South Africa
ToC Yale Tyus Sheriff Senri-Osaka International School  Japan
2019 Global Beijing Sol Swea Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
The Hague Shaurya Chandravanshi Al Diyafah High School, Dubai  UAE
Sydney Xavier Dickason St. Andrew's College  New Zealand
Not-so-Mini Global Manila Tim Lin International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan
Mini Global Nur-Sultan Anushka Chakraborty The Indian High School Dubai  UAE
Durban Siddhant Tandon Dubai International Academy  UAE
ToC Yale Sol Swea Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
2020-2022 Not-Quite Global Shanghai Gustav Zhang Shanghai Jincai High School International Division  China
Winter Special Dubai Aaditya Gandhi Winchester School Jebel Ali  UAE
Global Dubai Shou Bernier American School in Japan  Japan
Prague Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Bangkok Alicia Freiin Von Richthofen Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
Bangkok (Graduate) Sirimongkul Heng New Generation School Preah Sisowath  Cambodia
Mini Global Nha Trang Aishath Laana Afeef Billabong High International School  Maldives
Cape Town Mbugua Mwihia Braeside High School  Kenya
ToC Yale Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
2023 Global Doha Yasemin Kocas Koç School  Turkey
Seoul Ruijie Pang Mulgrave School  Canada
London Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Xiamen Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok (August) Aletta Alex Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Bangkok (September) Karena Christen International School of Riga  Latvia
Mini Global Gold Coast Anita Zhong Brisbane State High School  Australia
ToC Yale Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
2024 Winter Special Dubai Abdullah Shaikh Cambridge International School Dubai  UAE
Global Baku Zichuan David Yang Middlesex School  USA
Kuala Lumpur Ethan Kuo International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan
Stockholm Jackson Simone La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Seoul Isabel Omar Valliappan Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Dalian Aindra Tan BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok I (August) Ethan Wang Sentinel Secondary School  Canada
Bangkok II (September) Hong Zhi Low Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Auckland Isabelle Boardman Perth College  Australia


Season Round Location Champion School Country
2012 Global Bangkok Kevin Kuo Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
ToC Yale David Boo Koh Hwa Chong Institution  Singapore
2013 Global Dubai Milo Thursfield Ardingly College  United Kingdom
ToC Yale Chauncey Lo International School of Beijing  China
2014 Global Singapore Yifeng Dong Dulwich College Shanghai  China
ToC Yale Aatmik Gupta Modern School, Barakhamba Road  India
2015 Global Kuala Lumpur Emile Timothy Anand Cambridge International School, Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Mini Global Ireland Owen Yeung Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
ToC Yale Sze Ann Pang Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
2016 Global Bangkok Alessandra Lim SJI International School  Singapore
Mini Global Prague Alexa Jeanne Wong Loste Immaculate Conception Academy  Philippines
ToC Yale Tyus Sheriff Osaka International School  Japan
2017 Global Hanoi Adam Mihir Libby Sishya School  India
Athens Sarah Luna Nabhani Mentari School Jakarta  Indonesia
Cape Town Anika Sharma Pathways World School Aravali  India
ToC Yale Chi Dao Mai Stanford Online High School  Vietnam
2018 Global Kuala Lumpur Jia Cheng Shen Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
Maia Anika Punzalan (Skittles Division) Miriam College  Philippines
Barcelona Vishnumaya Deepakchandran GEMS Modern Academy  United Arab Emirates
Melbourne Dipika Choudhury Perth Modern School  Australia
Muhammad Rafi Permadi (Skittles Division) BINUS School Simprug  Indonesia
Mini Global Durban Inga Wait Merrifield College  South Africa
ToC Yale Dipika Choudhury Perth Modern School  Australia
Rafi Rahman Yahdieka (Skittles Division) Global Sevilla Pulo Mas  Indonesia
2019 Global Beijing Kimberly Johnson Usman Singapore School Pantai Indah Kapuk  Indonesia
Justine English (Skittles Division) Nord Anglia International School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
The Hague Anne Ling-Yi Wu Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
Amy Wren (Skittles Division) Lord Kitchener Elementary School  Canada
Sydney Sirimongkul Heng Western International School  Cambodia
Mini Global Nur-Sultan Ming Xuan Zhang Almaty International School  Kazakhstan
Manila Bernice Zarzuela De La Salle Santiago Zobel School  Philippines
Durban Kate Hiewon Ahn American International School of Johannesburg  South Africa
ToC Yale Emma Johnson Kelmscott Senior High School  Australia
2020-2022 Not-Quite Global Shanghai Grace Jin Guang International School of Nanshan Shenzhen  China
Winter Special Dubai Wiktoria Blazik Jumeirah College  United Arab Emirates
Global Dubai Ann Mary Joseph Indian High School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Prague Yaara Heller Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Bangkok (Super Juniors) Prim Chantaraprabab Shrewsbury International School Riverside  Thailand
Bangkok Evelyn Teng St Joseph's Institution International Malaysia  Malaysia
Mini Global Nha Trang Samuel Albert Soekarno Dulwich College Singapore  Singapore
Nha Trang (Skittles) Hung Bui Khau Quang Vinschool Times City  Vietnam
Cape Town Claudia Folotiya Trident College  Zambia
ToC Yale Anya Figlarz-Grassino Royal West Academy  Canada
2023 Global Doha Ann Mary Joseph Indian High School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Seoul Ryln Mac Mulgrave School  Canada
London Sloane Kinney Carson Graham Secondary School  Canada
Xiamen Albert Liu Beijing World Youth Academy  China
Bangkok (August) Lynette Yeoh elc International School  Malaysia
Bangkok (September) Tsak Ming Casey Lee ISF Academy  Hong Kong
Mini Global Gold Coast Isabelle Boardman Perth College  Australia
ToC Yale Sloane Kinney Carson Graham Secondary School  Canada
2024 Winter Special Dubai Yimo Xie Mulgrave School  Canada
Global Baku Janna Youssef Safa British School  United Arab Emirates
Kuala Lumpur Sophie Almyra Rachman Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Stockholm (Super Juniors) Thorin Thompson Westmount Charter School Mid-High  Canada
Stockholm Ethan Qu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  United States
Seoul Or Ben Baruch Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Dalian Penelope Ortiz Stanford Online High School  China
Bangkok I (August) Reet Malhotra CPS Global School  India
Bangkok II (September) (Cria) Arissa Jade Chui American International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Bangkok II (September) Vihaan Sethi Aditya Birla World Academy  India
Auckland Kai-Ching Yu Taipei Wego Private Senior High School  Taiwan

Overall Team Champions



Season Round Location Champions School Country
2012 Global Bangkok Sara Ng, So Phia Ong, Chun Shin Yau Hwa Chong Institution  Singapore
ToC Yale Dikaios Pang, Louiz Kim-Chan, Glenys Poon National Junior College  Singapore
2013 Global Dubai Terran Kroft, Herbert Chang, Kevin Kuo Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
ToC Yale Medha Goyal, Jimin Kang, Cuthbert Chow Chinese International School  Hong Kong
2014 Global Singapore Kean Murphy, Jack Tan, Cheng Tat Chua  Singapore
ToC Yale Enrique Chuidian, Jonathan Mak, Nicholas Vallone Chinese International School  Hong Kong
2015 Global Kuala Lumpur Zihan Chen, Julie Wang, David Zhao Tsinghua International School/Phillips Academy Andover  China/ United States
Mini Global Ireland Maayan Asiskovich, Yuval Beker, Maya Michaely Ahad Ha'am High School  Israel
ToC Yale Nicole-Ann Lim, Caitlin Wee, Chan Wen-Shuen Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
2016 Global Bangkok Ivy Gao, Linda Huang, Ng Zi Ling Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
Mini Global Prague Vishnu Sriram, Nate Malone, Uday Saharia American International School Chennai  India
ToC Yale Kelvin Ho, Clement Ho, Owen Yeung Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
2017 Global Hanoi Eunice Lee, Sze Ann Pang, Teo Yue Qi Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
Athens Hila Ofek, Gull Shakhar, David Janglespied Rehovot School for Gifted and Talented  Israel
Cape Town Brandon Lin, Wendy O-charoenrat, Dana Chiueh International School Bangkok / International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Thailand /  Taiwan
ToC Yale Natalie Kainz, Jeff Hu, Jenny Hu King George V School  Hong Kong
2018 Global Kuala Lumpur Van An Trinh, Lexi Prichard, Terry Guo Island School/Iona Presentation College/Conestoga High School  Hong Kong/ Australia/ United States
Barcelona Jeremy Flics, Matthew Flics, Grace Pang Brooklyn Technical High School/Hwa Chong Institution  United States/ Singapore
Melbourne Tara Kripalani, Alessandra Lim, Kyle Lim St Joseph's Institution International Singapore  Singapore
Mini Global Durban Heather Sandison, Britney Schroeder, Banoyola Sicwebu Merrifield College, Brettonwood High School  South Africa
ToC Yale Skye Inada, Minami Matsushima, Tyus Sheriff Senri-Osaka International School  Japan
2019 Global Beijing Itamar Galyam, Shelly Napadensky, Hallel Ben Ari Rehovot School for Gifted and Talented  Israel
The Hague Brady Sanders, Colby Sanders, Shaurya Chandravanshi Ridge Point High School, Al Diyafah High School  United States/ United Arab Emirates
Sydney Christina Ines Fisher, Molly Anastasia Hammond, Hunter Paul Bannigan-Davis Kellett School  Hong Kong
Mini Global Nur-Sultan Juveria Hasan, Sakshi Koul, Vanessa Angela D'Souza Indian High School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Not-so-Mini Global Manila Katelyn E. Pen, Joshua Zhao, Janet Pen Jiang International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan
Mini Global Durban Hiral Verma, Jamie Simpson, Siddhant Tandon Dubai International Academy  United Arab Emirates
ToC Yale Sol Swea, Rhowan Ho, Hoven Ewe Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
2020-2022 Not-Quite Global Shanghai Gustav Zhang, Zhiyuan Khor, Jiayi Yin Shanghai Jincai High School International Division  China
Winter Special Dubai Arshita Lakhani, Eshal Ajmal, Amritha Anil Indian High School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Global Dubai Adam Khan, Zahra Bandukwala, Haniyah Motara British School of Bahrain  Bahrain
Prague Hagai Derzy, Liav Cohen, Aviv Richter Ahad Ha'am High School  Israel
Bangkok Adam Khan, Krishiv Kukreja, Rohan Sarma Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
Bangkok (Graduate Seniors) Jack Lim Wei Jye, Yi Wei Goh, Nur Sarah Nabihah Rosman Kolej GENIUSpintar  Malaysia
Mini Global Nha Trang Aidhin Ibrahim Kaleem, Abyan Abdul Rasheed Ali, Aishath Laana Afeef Billabong High International School  Maldives
Cape Town Neeraj Shah, Harsh Somani, Aditya Banerjee Dubai International Academy  United Arab Emirates
ToC Yale Aindra Tan, Sophia Li, Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  United States
2023 Global Doha Fathimath Ra'Um Mukhthar, Aishath Raaya Nimadh, Ayesha Kaya Rifaee Villa International High School  Maldives
Seoul Allegra Satyawan, Atalie Alex, Amadeo Prayoga Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
London Arthur Camara, Katareena Roska, Jackson Simone La Salle College Preparatory  United States
Xiamen Aindra Tan, Sophia Li, Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  United States
Bangkok (August) Aletta Alex, Abieyza Lam'a, Ahmad Moqtav Hidayat Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Bangkok (September) Shelly Pui Lei Chan, Carrinna Hoi Lam Tong, Bernice Yee Lam Lee Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Mini Global Gold Coast Haniyah Nayyer, Alice Yan, Anita Zhong Brisbane State High School  Australia
ToC Yale Aindra Tan, Sophia Li, Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
2024 Winter Special Dubai Abdullah Shaikh, Arjun Mehta, Priyanka Sathish Kumar Cambridge International School Dubai  UAE
Global Baku Tomiris Kassymova, Tlek Sovetkhan, Adilzhan Yessentayev Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Astana  Kazakhstan
Kuala Lumpur Ethan Tin Ching Hung, Jonathan Ching Nam She, Grace Wing Yi Ho Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Stockholm Amalia Klyaznika, Ryln Mac, Constance Yang Mulgrave School  Canada
Seoul Keira Khattar, Ludvig Martin, Michelle Zippora GEMS World Academy Dubai  UAE
Dalian Aindra Tan, Lily Zhang, Stephanie Liu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok I (August) Vivaan Jain, Vedaant Gusain, Yohan Jacob George NPS International School Singapore  Singapore
Bangkok II (September) Hong Zhi Low, Selina Shi Qi Ngu, Kaijie Chin Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Auckland Aiden Harrison, Rachel Liao, Grace Ly Aotea College  New Zealand


Season Round Location Champions School Country
2012 Global Bangkok Jasmine Thng, Alicia Lim, Selina Xu Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
ToC Yale Jun Kai Sebastian Guek, Jun Teck Roystan Ang, David Boo Koh Hwa Chong Institution  Singapore
2013 Global Dubai Angela Lin, Yifeng Dong, Romain Speciel Dulwich College Shanghai  China
ToC Yale Claudia Meng, Tara Parekh, Adele Lim Dulwich College Shanghai  China
2014 Global Singapore Claudia Meng, Adele Lim, Tara Parekh Dulwich College Shanghai  China
ToC Yale Helen Bae, Stella Qiu, Jessie Fan Skyline High School (Washington)/West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South/International School of Beijing  United States/ China
2015 Global Kuala Lumpur Khong Yan Yi, Vivien Tan, Wong Zi Ling Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
Mini Global Ireland Rotem Steiner, Nimrod Nakdimon, Owen Yeung Ort Kramim High School/Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Israel/ Hong Kong
ToC Yale Ruth Scharff-Hansen, Marshall Adams, Gordon Chi German Swiss International School  Hong Kong
2016 Global Bangkok Chi Dao Mai, Khoi Dang Vinh, Gabrielle Jia-Min Ho Australian International School Vietnam/Vo Truong Toan High School/International School Ho Chi Minh City  Vietnam
Mini Global Prague Claire Quan, Annie Qiu, Kevin Xu Shanghai American School, Pudong  China
ToC Yale Kyle Lim, Alessandra Lim, Tara Kripalani St. Joseph's Institution International  Singapore
2017 Global Hanoi Kohana Ah-Teck, Sasha Pond, Luka Murphy Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
Hanoi (Skittles) Supasinee Siripun, Willa Blair, Victor Phisitkul Ruamrudee International School  Thailand
Athens Noam Rotem, Ofek Linchevsky, Noa Alon Rehovot School for Gifted and Talented  Israel
Cape Town Aileen Bachtiar, Kathleen Humato, Fiona Limanto National High Jakarta School  Indonesia
ToC Yale Minh Le Hai, Ghina Hijanah Abdul Ghani, Chi Dao Mai Kells Academy/MRSM Alor Gajah/Stanford Online High School  Canada/ Malaysia/ Vietnam
2018 Global Kuala Lumpur Adam Mihir Libby, Sibhi Aravindan, Tejas Narayan Sishya School/American International School Chennai  India
Kuala Lumpur (Skittles) Melissa Steffi de Chavez, Zoie Irasusta, Maia Anika Punzalan Miriam College  Philippines
Barcelona Muktha Kaja, Abhay Sharma, Rohit Vivek GEMS Modern Academy  United Arab Emirates
Melbourne Health Muller, Xavier Dry, Pearson Chambel Scotch College Perth  Australia
Melbourne (Skittles) Giang La Chau, Linh Dinh Tran Phuong, Linh Phan Khanh Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted  Vietnam
Mini Global Durban Rehema Onchuru, Nozwelo Sibanda, Aymaan Zahir Al-Nur School  Botswana
ToC Yale Adam Mihir Libby, Sibhi Aravindan, Tejas Narayan Sishya School/American International School Chennai  India
Yale (Skittles) Samantha Claire Arcenas, Marie Anne Eloiza Beriña, Leica Juliene Cecilia Miriam College  Philippines
2019 Global Beijing Khok Jie Ying, Phua Yi Jun, Ariel Tear Nanyang Girls High School  Singapore
The Hague Anaya Sheth, Uddant Patodia, Shreya Tandon Hill Spring International School  India
Sydney Jocelyn Mary Koswara, Devina Graciella Kwee, Olivia Tjahjadi Kelapa Gading School  Indonesia
Mini Global Nur-Sultan Kushaal Baviskar, Abdullah Haroon, Stylianos Zuburtikudis Brighton College Abu Dhabi  United Arab Emirates
Not-so-Mini Global Manila Rafi Rahman Yahdieka, Cornelia Madeleine Sagita, Mikaila Maulidina Surya Global Sevilla Pulo Mas  Indonesia
Mini Global Durban Diego Gutierrez Lunstedt, Ava Serna, Kate Hiewon Ahn American International School of Johannesburg  South Africa
ToC Yale Chloris Wong, Ran Zhao, Katherine Yan King George V School, Hong Kong  Hong Kong
2020-2022 Not-Quite Global Shanghai Jingcheng Su, Mingyu Zhang, Zhixing Song Shanghai United International School Gubei  China
Winter Special Dubai Wiktoria Blazik, Angelique Hill, Ahmed Dogar Jumeirah College  United Arab Emirates
Global Dubai Abdelrahman El-Naggar, Isaak Tschekunow, Prakhar Shrimali Cairo American College  Egypt
Prague Shirel Aizman, Arbel Richter, Yaara Heller Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Bangkok (Super Juniors) Nguyen Dao Chi, Linh Nguyen Phuc, Minh Truong Nhat eSchool/Singapore International School Gamuda Gardens/TH School  Vietnam
Bangkok Evelyn Teng, Isaac Hwang, Moses Hwang St Joseph's Institution International Malaysia  Malaysia
Mini Global Nha Trang Ha An Pham, Thanh Hung Pham, Tra My Nguyen Dewey Schools Hanoi  Vietnam
Nha Trang (Skittles) An Khanh Tran Le, Thao My Xa, Linh Chi Nguyen Reigate Grammar School Vietnam/Vinschool Smart City  Vietnam
Cape Town Sara Gacii, Angel Tinotenda Mutesva, Matimba Faith Muntatika Braeside High School  Kenya
ToC Yale Audrey Effendi, Caitlin Valencia Yong, Jayden Christian Budiman IPEKA Integrated Christian School/ACS International  Indonesia/ Singapore
2023 Global Doha Aarushi Shah, Kabir Gupta, Vivaan Verma Hill Spring International School  India
Seoul Ethan Wang, Ryln Mac, Gio Son Mulgrave School  Canada
London Shira Carmel, Noam Brill, Lia Katzevman Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Xiamen Miranda Wang Le, Francine Hou, Emma Ye BASIS International School Shenzhen/Hangzhou Dipont School of Arts and Science/Guangdong Huiyang Senior High School  China
Bangkok (August) Rithvika Arun, Ananya Sajit Haridas, Siddharth Gupta Sishya School/KC High/Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School  India
Bangkok (September) Moses Hwang, Joe Hynn Ng, Wan Sumaiea Wan Saifulrizal St Joseph's Institution International Malaysia  Malaysia
Mini Global Gold Coast Harinder Singh, Caleb Turner, Isabelle Boardman Kelmscott Senior High School/Perth College  Australia
ToC Yale Verity Leung, Sloane Kinney, Ann Mary Joseph Traditional Learning Academy/Carson Graham Secondary School/Indian High School Dubai  Canada/ UAE
2024 Winter Special Dubai Sara Johnson, Yuvraj Dewan, Richard Koval Dubai International Academy Emirates Hills  UAE
Global Baku Janna Youssef, Naya Bashir, Sophia Bunao Safa British School  UAE
Kuala Lumpur Nguyen Chi Dao, An Tuan Vo, Truc Thi Thanh Huynh eSchool  Vietnam
Stockholm (Super Junior) Thorin Thompson, Sarah Gong, Darsh Singh Westmount Charter School Mid-High  Canada
Stockholm Jady Zhang, Ethan Qu, Bryan Ma BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  United States
Seoul Doron Englander, Shalev Duvdevani, Kfir Levita Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Dalian Qingmai Li, Albert Liu, Penelope Ortiz Daystar Academy/Singapore International School Hong Kong/Stanford Online High School  China/ Hong Kong
Bangkok I (August) Sachin Sathyasivan, Reet Malhotra, Aran S T Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram/CPS Global School/Sir Mutha School  India
Bangkok II (September) (Cria) Nguyen Mai Anh Do, Boi Linh Dinh, Thanh Tam Nguyen Doan Thi Diem School/TH School/Vinschool Times City  Vietnam
Bangkok II (September) Kenneth Nathanael Susanto, Luo Jia Sheng, Michelle Elaine Lie Bina Tunas Bangsa School  Indonesia
Auckland Andrew Yuan, Jack Fu, Cayden Ting Melbourne Grammar School  Australia

Individual Event Champions



Season Round Location Event Champion School Country
2020-2022 Not-quite Global Shanghai Debate Gloria Yiren Bao BASIS International School Hangzhou  China
Writing Weiyang Xia Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou  China
Challenge Cheuk Kiu Liu Fudan International School  China
Winter Special Dubai Debate
Global Dubai Debate Uswa Fatima Lahore Grammar School 1A1 Senior  Pakistan
Writing Shou Bernier American School in Japan  Japan
Challenge Adam Khan British School of Bahrain  Bahrain
Prague Debate Yuval Bar Yochay Sharret Junior High  Israel
Writing Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Challenge Daniel Yehoshua Ahad Ha'am High School  Israel
Bangkok Debate Natasha Khoo St Joseph's Institution International Malaysia  Malaysia
Debate (Graduate) Penelope Jin Queenwood School  Australia
Sirimongkul Heng New Generation School Preah Sisowath  Cambodia
Writing Lara Gan St Joseph's Institution International Malaysia  Malaysia
Writing (Graduate) Sharon Tan Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park  Malaysia
Challenge Krishiv Kukreja Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
Challenge (Graduate) Yi Wei Goh Kolej GENIUSpintar  Malaysia
Mini Global Nha Trang Debate Kanatia Dhanurendra Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro  Indonesia
Writing Aishath Laana Afeef Billabong High International School  Maldives
Challenge Aishath Laana Afeef Billabong High International School  Maldives
Cape Town Debate Kanyama Sinuyuni Rhodes Park School  Zambia
Writing Meagan Maina Braeside High School  Kenya
Challenge Asifiwe Joy Chanda Rhodes Park School  Zambia
ToC Yale Debate Jed Gregory Hillcrest Christian College  Australia
Writing Chakriya Jirasutthichoti Denla British School  Thailand
Challenge Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
2023 Global Doha Debate Aryaa Gupta Sharjah English School  UAE
Writing Chantal Cai William Lems Braeburn Arusha International School  Kenya
Challenge Laith Twair Park House English School  Qatar
Seoul Debate Ruijie Pang Mulgrave School  Canada
Writing Sok Pich Vantey AUPP High School Foxcroft Academy  Cambodia
Challenge Allegra Satyawan Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
London Debate Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Writing Špela Maček Gimnazija Maribor II  Slovenia
Challenge Arthur Camara La Salle College Preparatory  USA
Xiamen Debate Kushi Hosahalli BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Writing Kexuan Hu Nanjing Jinling High School International Department  China
Eunjun Ha Shanghai Jincai High School International Division  China
Jia Yi Zhu Shanghai United International School Hongqiao  China
Julia Zheng Wycombe Abbey School Hangzhou  China
Ruonan Zhao RE Mountain Secondary School  Canada
Lily Yangliu Mulgrave School  Canada
Cheuk Nam Monique Su Chinese International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Venus Fung Yew Chung International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Sof Nazareno Yew Chung International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Emily Zhu Yew Chung International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Zhi Yi Cheong Melaka International School  Malaysia
Challenge Aindra Tan BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok (August) Debate Arda Achmad Murdarso Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro  Indonesia
Writing Ash Humski Sacred Heart College, Sorrento  Australia
Challenge Aletta Alex Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Bangkok (September) Debate Feyy Avilla Yolwans Sekolah Ciputra  Indonesia
Writing Aavienda Chowdhry Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
Challenge Aadhit Adipi Rau Sishya School  India
Mini Global Gold Coast Debate Chloe Jearapunpong Queenwood School  Australia
Writing Darcy Botheras Queenwood School  Australia
Challenge Anita Zhong Brisbane State High School  Australia
ToC Yale Debate Valerina Wibawa BINUS School Simprug  Indonesia
Writing Aindra Tan BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Xiaoyue Nicole Lai BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Challenge ZhiXing Song UWC South East Asia East  Singapore
2024 Winter Special Dubai Debate Abdullah Shaikh Cambridge International School Dubai  UAE
Writing Deenathi Thinakaran Credence High School  UAE
Challenge Abdullah Shaikh Cambridge International School Dubai  UAE
Global Baku Debate Tomiris Kassymova Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Astana  Kazakhstan
Writing Salar Ahmad Syed TNS Beaconhouse DHA  Pakistan
Challenge Zichuan David Yang Middlesex School  USA
Kuala Lumpur Debate William Owen Holyport College  United Kingdom
Writing Anuricca Giri British School Kathmandu    Nepal
Challenge Brent Yee Him Lu Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Stockholm Debate Dellon Evans Aquinas College  Bahamas
Writing Mateo Lejuene International School of Geneva La Châtaigneraie   Switzerland
Challenge Amalia Klyaznika Mulgrave School  Canada
Seoul Debate Taylor Beresford-Peirse Sacred Heart College Sorrento  Australia
Writing Olivia Wanatowski Leman International School Chengdu  China
Challenge Emily Goodwin Piedmont Hills High School  USA
Dalian Debate Kushi Hosahalli BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Writing Jinkai Hao School of the Nations Macao  Macao
Challenge Aindra Tan BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok I (August) Debate Živa Tancer Gimnazija Maribor II  Slovenia
Writing Ethan Cassell United World College South East Asia Dover  Singapore
Challenge Ethan Wang Sentinel Secondary School  Canada
Bangkok II (September) Debate Gia Narang Aditya Birla World Academy  India
Writing Selina Shi Qi Ngu Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Challenge Hong Zhi Low Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Auckland Debate Grace Ly Aotea College  New Zealand
Writing Yizhen Pu Kelmscott Senior High School  Australia
Challenge Yu-Yao Chu United World College South East Asia Dover  Singapore


Season Round Location Event Champion School Country
2020-2022 Not-quite Global Shanghai Debate Jeremy Azzopardi Western Academy of Beijing  China
Writing Yolanda Yao QSI International School of Shenzhen  China
Challenge Zhixing Song Shanghai United International School Gubei  China
Winter Special Dubai Debate
Global Dubai Debate Tamanna Gulati Modern School Vasant Vihar  India
Writing Ishanvi Nijhawan Pathways School Noida  India
Challenge Ved Kedia Jumeirah College  UAE
Prague Debate Greta Marazzi St George’s School of Montreal  Canada
Writing Georgia Clark St George’s School of Montreal  Canada
Challenge Yaara Heller Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Bangkok Debate (Super Juniors) Mantra Venkatachalam Sishya School  India
Debate Henry Xu Walnut Grove Secondary School  Canada
Writing (Super Juniors) Anita Bergin Lanna International School  Thailand
Writing Poomkarn Taedullayasatit Shrewsbury International School Riverside  Thailand
Challenge (Super Juniors) Nguyen Nhat Minh Vu Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted  Vietnam
Challenge Audrey Effendi IPEKA Integrated Christian School  Indonesia
Mini Global Nha Trang Debate (Skittles) Hung Bui Khau Quang Vinschool Times City  Vietnam
Debate Samuel Albert Soekarno Dulwich College Singapore  Singapore
Writing (Skittles) Duong Pham Minh Vinschool Times City  Vietnam
Writing Mateo Winata Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro  Indonesia
Challenge (Skittles) Hien Tam Nguyen Vinschool Green Bay  Vietnam
Challenge Rabaani Mehra Mount Litera Zee School Amritsar  India
Cape Town Debate Reeghan Limiero Schutz American School  Egypt
Writing Megan Menezes Braeside High School  Kenya
Challenge Sara Gacii Braeside High School  Kenya
ToC Yale Debate Denzell Malachi Freddynanto Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro  Indonesia
Writing Megan Menezes Braeside High School  Kenya
Challenge Anya Figlarz-Grassino Royal West Academy  Canada
2023 Global Doha Debate Ann Mary Joseph Indian High School Dubai  UAE
Writing Sruthi Sasikumar GEMS Modern Academy Dubai  UAE
Challenge Vivaan Verma Hill Spring International School  India
Seoul Debate Shing Lam Joshua Chu Harrow International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Writing Jared Joon Hoe Du HELP International School  Malaysia
Challenge Ryln Mac Mulgrave School  Canada
London Debate Adi Mualem Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Writing Chibwe F Kasonde St Ignatius College  Zambia
Challenge Lia Katsevman Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Xiamen Debate Shijie Hao BASIS Bilingual School Shenzhen  China
Writing Bei Zhang Shanghai United International School Hongqiao  China
Challenge Lily Zhang BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Bangkok (August) Debate Raina Premiera Gumay Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro  Indonesia
Writing Suin Lee Hsinchu International School  Taiwan
Challenge Cat Tuong Nuynh Ngoc Pennsylvania American International School  Vietnam
Bangkok (September) Debate Shah Zain Uddin The British School, Kathmandu    Nepal
Writing Ida Ayu Landia Parami Puspanta Regents School Bali  Indonesia
Challenge Rayn Alakay Danuseputra Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village  Indonesia
Mini Global Gold Coast Debate Grace Zhao Brisbane Girls Grammar School  Australia
Writing Charlotte Lin Brisbane Girls Grammar School  Australia
Challenge Isabelle Boardman Perth College  Australia
ToC Yale Debate Devika Raj Batra Modern School Vasant Vihar  India
Writing Bei Zhang Shanghai United International School Hongqiao  China
Challenge Sloane Kinney Carson Graham Secondary School  Canada
2024 Winter Special Dubai Debate Shreyasi Saxena Raffles World Academy  UAE
Writing Siddhant Venkata Bhavaraju GEMS Modern Academy  UAE
Challenge Yimo Xie Mulgrave School  Canada
Global Baku Debate Rose Gougenheim Raha International School  UAE
Writing Rohan Packer British International School Istanbul  Turkey
Challenge Sidney Yu United World College South East Asia Dover  Singapore
Kuala Lumpur Debate Zainab Zahra Cheema Lahore Grammar School 1A1 Senior  Pakistan
Writing Yug Pachchhapurkar Greenwood High International School  India
Challenge Nguyen Chi Dao eSchool  Vietnam
Stockholm Debate (Super Junior) Thorin Thompson Westmount Charter School Mid-High  Canada
Debate Wildan Omar Crawford International School  Kenya
Writing (Super Junior) Sum Kiu Serene Poon Maryknoll Convent School  Hong Kong
Writing Ingrid Maria Șova Romanian-Finnish High School  Romania
Challenge (Super Junior) Thorin Thompson Westmount Charter School Mid-High  Canada
Challenge Ethan Qu BASIS Independent Silicon Valley  USA
Seoul Debate Kolbi Canell Bali Island School  Indonesia
Writing Yada Rujanevej International Community School Bangkok  Thailand
Challenge Or Ben Baruch Ahad Ha'am Middle School  Israel
Dalian Debate Ethan Zhu Harrow International School Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Writing Yong Yan Kuo Shanghai Singapore International School  China
Challenge Penelope Ortiz Stanford Online High School  China
Bangkok I (August) Debate Ashley Korir Moi Educational Centre  Kenya
Writing Tanya Mungaroo Westcoast International Secondary School  Mauritius
Challenge Ahza Khalfani Rashdan Sekolah Cikal Serpong  Indonesia
Bangkok II (September) Debate (Cria) Vanesa Wijaya Irawan Singapore Intercultural School Surabaya  Indonesia
Debate Nadja Liew HELP International School  Malaysia
Writing (Cria) Leann Park Yew Chung International School of Beijing  China
Writing Isabelle Shireen Noor Adlan Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Challenge (Cria) Boi Linh Dinh TH School  Vietnam
Challenge Jane Ong Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Auckland Debate Lachlan Mar Melbourne Grammar School  Australia
Writing Sonia Gao Bucklands Beach Intermediate  New Zealand
Challenge Zhuoxin Frank Jin Scots College  New Zealand

Coach of The Year

Year Coach School Country
2011 James Unsworth Australian International School Malaysia  Malaysia
2012 Nicholas Mokua Light International School  Kenya
Michael Sheridan International School of Beijing  China
2013 Glenda Clark Winchester School  UAE
Frank Hardee North London Collegiate School Jeju  South Korea
Emily Fitzpatrick Qatar International School  Qatar
Tomohiko Takasaki Delegation of Japan  Japan
2014 Matt Roberge Mentari School Jakarta  Indonesia
2015 Selena Gallagher International School Bangkok  Thailand
Darren Lim Prince of Wales Island International School  Malaysia
Matthew Savage & Marie Beanland Bromsgrove International School  Thailand
Mara Nanaman National High Jakarta  Indonesia
Simeon Sostenes Enriquez-Padre 21st Century Private Academy  UAE
Jason Caesar Jincai High School  China
Agustina Ken Hendrayani Sekolah Ciputra  Indonesia
2016 Gina Williams Bahçeşehir College  Turkey
Yaniv Boxer Hillel School  Israel
Saltanat Rahmanova Aychurok Girls High School  Kyrgyzstan
Mitch Pryor International School Yangon  Myanmar
Jennifer Chung Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Nate Samuelson Shanghai High School International Division  China
Adrian Walker St. Christopher's School Bahrain  Bahrain
Katarina Lovenjak OŠ Danile Kumar  Slovenia
Craig Bowker BESA Leadership Academy  South Africa
Joyce Mburu Rusinga School Nairobi  Kenya
Dalia Ben Assa Ahad Ha'am High School  Israel
David Sheppard Tanglin Trust School  Singapore
2017 Louise Ormesher Iona Presentation College  Australia
Jonathan Marsh British School Muscat  Oman
Sumana Chatterjee GEMS Modern Academy  UAE
William Norris UCSI International School Kuala Lumpur  Malaysia
Kristine Oehlers Nanyang Girls' High School  Singapore
Steve Sheriff Senri-Osaka International School  Japan
Jake Sklarew International School of Beijing  China
Seth Roberts International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan
Yaffa Gluska Rashish Junior High  Israel
Carmen Ogweno Brookhouse School  Kenya
Janice Doyle Dominican International School Taipei  Taiwan
Agafe Joy Diaz Creative British School  UAE
Marie Beanland Scotch College Adelaide  Australia
Orit Feder Rehovot School for Gifted and Talented  Israel
Cynthia Samynaden Brettonwood High School  South Africa
Elizabeth Serhan La Salle High School  United States
Charles Soko Rhodes Park School  Zambia
Patience Masaire Peterhouse Boys School  Zimbabwe
Nuhal Nassar English Talents School  Jordan
2018 Eka Devi SDI Al Azhar 35 Surabaya  Indonesia
Tom Wash Ruamrudee International School  Thailand
Ashli Carte GEMS World Academy Singapore  Singapore
Mark Williams French International School of Hong Kong  Hong Kong
Zainab Noor Lahore Grammar School State Life  Pakistan
Peter Flynn Dubai English Speaking College  UAE
Danielle Richmond Concordia International School Shanghai  China
Lydia Sundaramutty HELP International School  Malaysia
Shannon Hancock International School of Amsterdam  Netherlands
Aaron Stamboulieh St. George's School of Montreal  Canada
Ece Kahraman Koç School  Turkey
Craig Sanders Ridge Point High School  USA
CJ Junior Light International School  Kenya
Marlene Gracie Grace Trinity School for Girls  South Africa
Divya Pandanda Pathways School Noida  India
Adam Saligman Almaty International School  Kazakhstan
Eliysha Saputra Singapore National Academy  Indonesia
Sam Sterrett Scotch College  Australia
Felda Mohammed Asari Kolej Yayasan Saad  Malaysia
Petri Mostert Curro Hillcrest  South Africa
2019 Marie Nieto Dwight School  USA
Yasin Motara British School of Bahrain  Bahrain
Diana Richardson Emirates International School Meadows  United Arab Emirates
Gary Cairns St. Joseph's Institution Malaysia  Malaysia
Simon Goddard Weedon Doshisha International Junior and Senior High School  Japan
Tanya Atherton Sacred Heart College  Australia
Vaishali Thukral Heritage School Rohini  India
Thomas Bravo Shenzhen Houde Academy  China
Fenty Gultom Sekolah Victory Plus  Indonesia
Dr. Abhilasha Chaube Indian High School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Sundoss Shad Lahore Grammar School 1A1 Senior  Pakistan
Francesca Stafford St. Catherine's British School  Greece
Vivienne Brooks NLCS Jeju  South Korea
Vedya Salma Almelek SEV Middle School  Turkey
Ruby Awad Philippine Global School  United Arab Emirates
Jerry Maosa Greensteds International School  Kenya
Verica Jankova SMS Jane Sandanski  North Macedonia
Jon Wingfield The Bromsgrove School  United Kingdom
Amy Lee St. Joseph's Institution International  Singapore
Hellena Maria Global Jaya School  Indonesia
Sarah Semple Aotea College  New Zealand
Grant Smith Churchie & Jumeirah College  Australia/ United Arab Emirates
Francesca Hickey Avonside Girls' School  New Zealand
Tom McNickle Wesley College  Australia
Ryan Jay Yong Riconalla Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental Etc.  Indonesia
Shona Knowles St. Aquinas College  Bahamas
Magic Mike Light Academy Kampala  Uganda
Raymond Mitchell Africa Manila Xiamen International School  China
Claire Bower British Vietnamese International School Hanoi  Vietnam
Edgar Salmingo St. John Bosco High School (Bellflower, California)  United States of America
Janeth Batitis Western International School  Cambodia
Gio Pastor Southville International Schools+  Philippines
Ronwyne Pearce Merrifield College  South Africa
Hannah Chipenzi Lusaka International Community School  Zambia
Tlou Mashitisho Mitchell House College  South Africa
Todd Nolen Nord-Troms Videregående Skole  Norway
Gerry Nolen Nord-Troms Videregående Skole  Norway
2021 Nigel Kaw Pioneer Junior College  Singapore
Matt Roberge Mentari School Jakarta  Indonesia
Nikola Gjelincheski Yahya Kemal Karposh  North Macedonia
Amanda Po Winchester School Dubai  United Arab Emirates
Sarah Palmer BIBA Beijing  China
Charlotte Stonehouse Shanghai Hongwen School  China
Paul Newman Shanghai United International School - Hefei  China
Nelisa Rivera Casim Beijing SMIC  China
2022 Rebecca Rickets Safa British School  United Arab Emirates
Savita Chaudhary DPS International  India
Gular Hasanova Landau School  Azerbaijan
Ingrid Stanciu International School of Bucharest  Romania
Michael Norton GEMS International School  United Arab Emirates
Daniya Ibragimova Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz  Kazakhstan
Sinead Hickie Uptown International School  United Arab Emirates
Jeremy Chumley Texas  Vietnam
Stella Ablett Alcuin College  Canada
Jeff Collie Ermitage International School  France
John Erb La Salle College Preparatory  United States of America
Batia Tucker Ort Kramin  Israel
Anh Dao Mai eClass  Vietnam
Clare Gibbings Kazakhstan International School  Kazakhstan
Danny Nason Bangkok Patana School  Thailand
Christine Vithayathil Panyaden International School  Thailand
Olga Roux Kloof High School  South Africa
Saroj Wilson Ghiyasuddin International School  Maldives
Zayid Jones KPIS International School  Thailand
Charity Makhala Al-Nur School  Botswana
2023 Lukia Kabaami Aga Khan Kampala  Uganda
Farheen Shah Hill Spring International School  India
Sushma Yadav GD Goenka Global School  India
Kennedy Ombuni Braeburn Arusha International School  Kenya
Samuel Mott King's College Doha  Qatar
Ozlem Ekmeci Koç School  Turkey
Chris Kemp Premier International School    Nepal
Sigal Brum-Eldar Sharret Junior High  Israel
Elvira Nazarova United World International School  Kyrgyzstan
Zac Ellington BASIS International School Hangzhou  China
Grace Yang BASIS International School Hangzhou  China
Javzandulam Khorolsuren Ulaanbaatar Elite International School  Mongolia
Shabana Jamil New Millennium School Bahrain  Bahrain
Belinda Pilgrim A. B. Patterson College  Australia
Tjasa Lutar Kafol OŠ Antona Ukmarja Koper  Slovenia
Juana Nolasco Cairo American College  Egypt
Chipo Michelo Milandu St Ignatius College  Zambia
Griffin Abrams  China
Sandy Zheng Beijing World Youth Academy  China
Stella Tang Zhuhai International School  China
James Green Payne IV Tsinglan School  China
Venus Guan Daystar Academy  China
Sherly Saputra Penabur Secondary Kelapa Gading  Indonesia
Pradip Bajracharya Genius International School    Nepal
Almas Qureshi Raffles World Academy  UAE
Mya Myint Kyi Singapore International School Myanmar  Myanmar
Jerome Reyes Arellano Mentari International School Bintaro  Indonesia
Krystyna Butchart German Swiss International School  Hong Kong
Jacques Du Toit Hillcrest Christian College  Australia
Lia Roberge Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
Shayana Chow Safa Community School  UAE
Ronald Kevin Pineda The Philippine Global School  UAE/ Philippines
2024 Colin Hedivan EIS Meadows  UAE
Meri Roditi American Collegiate Institute  Turkey
Caroline Oversier American School of Bahrain  Bahrain
Alexa Forte British International School of Abu Dhabi  UAE
Sangeeta Taunk DPS STS Dhaka  Bangladesh
Tim Pass British School Kathmandu    Nepal
Anja Smithers British School Kathmandu    Nepal
Erick Huma Hillcrest International School  Kenya
Maggie Wong British School Kathmandu    Nepal
Sam Leong Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Andriana Chomakovska St George International School  Bulgaria
Pui Ying Michel Kong Maryknoll Convent School  Hong Kong
Mercy Chepkemoi Sandford International School  Ethiopia
Riziki Alisile Mbembela Dar es Salaam Independent School  Tanzania
Edith Bernard Kopoka Dar es Salaam Independent School  Tanzania
Gerson Nazareth Fungo Dar es Salaam Independent School  Tanzania
Edith Weseja Bwena Dar es Salaam Independent School  Tanzania
Asher Sijenyi Brookhouse School  Kenya
Polina Angelova High School of Digital Science SoftUni Buditel  Bulgaria
Susan Pepsin Uskudar American Academy  Turkey
Bakari Makange Feza International School  Tanzania
Uri Schwartz Yavne GCC School  Israel
Karl Hockley Huili School Shanghai  China
Bugra Tunca Ozel Ege Lisesi  Turkiye
Andy Wu Morrison Academy Taichung  Taiwan
Beatrice Awanda Riara Springs High School  Kenya
Travis McDonald Suzhou Singapore International School  China
Joey Tse Club SuSo  China
Junxia Shi Shenzhen Yadi School  China
Maggie Yang Nord Anglia Chinese International School  China
Susan Gotthelf Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School International Division  China
Jingwei Yang HD Beijing  China
Veronica Luyang Zhan SUIS Qingpu Campus  China
Michael Havener Shanghai Singapore International School  China
Freitz Gerald Talavera BINUS School Simprug  Indonesia
Denis Harter International School Bangkok  Thailand
Salimin Kong Bright Consultant Education  Cambodia
Sam Lofty Bright Consultant Education  Cambodia
Artee Rughoonundun Westcoast International Secondary School  Mauritius
Jasmine Tyler Berkeley International School  Thailand
Zita Szigeti Kodaikanal International School  India
Ruth Edna Ayallo Nova Pioneer Athi River  Kenya
Maria Puspita Chandra Kumala School  Indonesia
Danica Dai ELCHK Lutheran Academy  Hong Kong
Sangeeta Chaudri Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School Jakarta  Indonesia
Conor Lennon King Mongul's International Demonstration School  Thailand
Gilbert Mokala Woodford School Lusaka  Zambia
Megan Monks Aquinas College  Australia
Johanna Perry Kinross College  Australia
Jeanevieve Walia Kinross College  Australia
Sheridan Bell Bucklands Beach Intermediate  New Zealand
Coach of the Decade Dr. Selena Gallagher Cairo American College  Egypt
Yaffa Gluska Ahad Ha’am Middle School and Rashish Junior High  Israel
Darren Lim Prince of Wales Island International School  Malaysia
Janice Doyle Dominican International School  Taiwan
Jason Caesar Shanghai Jincai International School & GEMS World Academy  China/ UAE
Jennifer Chung Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School  Hong Kong
Grant Smith Jumeirah College & Churchie  UAE/ Australia
Matt Roberge Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta  Indonesia
James Unsworth Australian International School  Malaysia
Dalia Ben Assa Begin High School  Israel
Gary Cairns St. Joseph's Institution Malaysia  Malaysia
Saroj Wilson Ghiyasuddin International School  Maldives
Eka Devi SMP Al Azhar 13  Indonesia
K. Mick Sheridan NIST International School  Thailand

Alpaca Scholar of the Year

Year Scholar Recipient School Country
2014 Terran Kroft Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
2015 Chauncey Lo International School of Beijing  China
2016 Dylan Kroft Kaohsiung American School  Taiwan
Aimee Watts American School of Rio de Janeiro  Brazil
2017 Alexa J. W. Loste Immaculate Conception Academy  Philippines
Amelia Marlowe BINUS School Simprug  Indonesia
Phoebe Savage International Community School Amman  Jordan
Nimrod Nakdimon ORT Kramim  Israel
Elizabeth Kalamatila Rhodes Park School  Zambia
2018 Sol Swea Han Chiang High School  Malaysia
Rishika Arora Shalom Hills International School  India
Alessandra Lim St Joseph's Institution International Singapore  Singapore
2019 Noam Rotem Rehovot School for Gifted and Talented  Israel
Julia Than Hlaing British School of Yangon  Myanmar
Janet Chen Jiang International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park  Taiwan

Cria Scholar of the Year

Year Scholar Recipient School Country
2018 Jaymee Chen St. Andrew's College  New Zealand
2019 Theo Simons Selwyn House School  Canada
Frederick Simons  Canada

Alpaca of the Year

Year Recipient
2015 Sara Syed
2016 Tom Brazee
2017 Julie Wang
Isabel "Izzie" Hahn
2018 Dylan Kroft
Kevin "KK" Kuo
Vishal Verma
2019 Jacqueline Khor
Robert Brown
2021 Min Chiang
Douglas Lau
2022 Terran Kroft
Logan Muir
Stephanie Yeung
2023 Lexi Witt
2024 Arsh Shrivastava
Alpaca of the Decade Kevin Kuo


Year Recipient
2016 Isabel Hahn
2017 Albert Ma
2018 Alisya Reza
Jerry's Head
Julie Wang
2019 Angela Chen
Rachel Chen
Aled Lines
2021 Rabieh Ansari
Doris Huang
2022 Rabieh Ansari
Vishal Verma
Olivia Watson

Events in China


World Scholar's Cup events in China are hosted by ASDAN China, a Chinese subsidiary of ASDAN. Participants are required to apply through a third party Mini Program in WeChat. Chinese event information as well as results are sometimes not provided on the World Scholar's Cup official website, but instead on ASDAN China's.[22]

See also



  1. ^ Called as 'scholars' throughout the event.
  2. ^ Stated in a picture at the official website.
  3. ^ Teams joined were given materials to help them during the program months prior to the program.
  4. ^ Stated in a picture at the official website.
  5. ^ Teams joined were given materials to help them during the program months prior to the program.


  1. ^ "Yangon Promotional Poster" (PDF).
  2. ^ "3 Murid Indonesia Harumkan Bangsa di World Scholar's Cup". Republika Online (in Indonesian). January 14, 2018. paragraph 2. Retrieved June 28, 2020.
  3. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · History". scholarscup.org. Retrieved July 3, 2020.
  4. ^ a b c d "The World Scholar's Cup". DemiDec Resources. Archived from the original on July 29, 2009. Retrieved July 3, 2020.
  5. ^ "Bangkok 2022 Global Round Results".
  6. ^ "Kuala Lumpur Draft Schedule".
  7. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · Team Events". www.scholarscup.org. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  8. ^ "Collaborative Writing".
  9. ^ "Team Debate".
  10. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · Community Events". www.scholarscup.org. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  11. ^ "Flag Bearer List Sheet1.pdf" (PDF). Dropbox. Retrieved September 6, 2015. [dead link]
  12. ^ "2012 Viewbook" (pdf). Retrieved March 16, 2013. (Download)
  13. ^ a b "DemiDec Presents the World Scholar's Cup". DemiDec Resources. Archived from the original on October 3, 2008. Retrieved July 3, 2020.
  14. ^ "Vea Siap Harumkan Indonesia Pada Ajang World Scholars Cup di Amerika Serikat". Warta Kota (in Indonesian). November 6, 2019. Paragraph 4. Retrieved June 29, 2020.
  15. ^ "Subject Introduction". Retrieved March 16, 2013.
  16. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · Subjects". web.archive.org. December 7, 2022. Retrieved August 27, 2024.
  17. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · Subjects". web.archive.org. January 4, 2023. Retrieved August 27, 2024.
  18. ^ "Themes".
  19. ^ Jeremy Chumley (April 21, 2019). Sarah Swea Named Highest WSC Scorer of All Time. Retrieved September 3, 2024 – via YouTube.
  20. ^ Daniel Berdichevsky (August 12, 2024). WSC 2024 Dalian Global Round | Senior Division Champions. Retrieved September 3, 2024 – via YouTube.
  21. ^ "The World Scholar's Cup · Tournament Results". The World Scholar's Cup. Retrieved June 28, 2020.
  22. ^ "World Scholar's Cup(WSC)". 阿思丹(ASDAN China)—中国领先的国际素质教育平台. Retrieved July 18, 2024.