In this round of the WikiCup, the bottom three contestants of the top eight were eliminated on September 30th, while the top five continued for an additional month. On October 31, the WikiCup ended, and Durova was crowned winner!
Top 4
Durova (1830)
Ottava Rima (1720)
Sasata (1627)
Theleftorium (1149)
Eliminated 3
Candlewicke (586)
Mitchazenia (376)
Juliancolton (349)
Shoemaker's Holiday (1224)
All scores are accurate as of the end of the WikiCup.
Content Leaders
As of this newsletter, the following is a list of participants in this round with the most:
Well, it was a long, long ride, with plenty of ups as well as downs (but I'm sure you'll agree, definitely more ups). It's been ten long months since our kick-off in January, and the level of competition has intensified so much so quickly. It's a wonder there was any puff left in our final eight by the end, but they fought to the death and, eventually, Durova pulled through, making her proficiency with FPs count as the contest drew to a close. Special mentions must go to the other members of the last four, Ottava Rima, Sasata and Theleftorium, all of whom put in a astonishing shift in their efforts to peel Durova away from her victory. Congratulations again!
The announcement of the ed17 as the newest judge to the WikiCup panel was made today - I wish him all the best in his new role.
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