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Wikipedia:Selected anniversaries/July 19

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Holly Cheng (talk | contribs) at 22:21, 19 July 2011 (shorten). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


This is a list of selected July 19 anniversaries that appear in the "On this day" section of the Main Page. To suggest a new item, in most cases, you can be bold and edit this page. Please read the selected anniversaries guidelines before making your edit. However, if your addition might be controversial or on a day that is or will soon be on the Main Page, please post your suggestion on the talk page instead.

Please note that the events listed on the Main Page are chosen based more on relative article quality and to maintain a mix of topics, not based solely on how important or significant their subjects are. Only four to five events are posted at a time and thus not everything that is "most important and significant" can be listed. In addition, an event is generally not posted this year if it is also the subject of the scheduled featured article or picture of the day.

To report an error when this appears on the Main Page, see Main Page errors. Please remember that this list defers to the supporting articles, so it is best to achieve consensus and make any necessary changes there first.

July 18 July 20
Staging area


Use only ONE image at a time


Blurb Reason
1333Second War of Scottish Independence: Scottish forces under Sir Archibald Douglas were heavily defeated by the English at the Battle of Halidon Hill while trying to relieve Berwick-upon-Tweed. Tagged with {{nofootnotes}}
1908Feyenoord Rotterdam, today one of the "big three" professional football teams in the Netherlands, was founded as the club Wilhelmina in a pub. Tagged with {{story}}
1947Korea politician Yuh Woon-Hyung was assassinated. Needs more footnotes
1979Sandinista rebels overthrew the US-backed government of the Somoza family in Nicaragua. too long, cleanup section, refimprove section


  • 1947Burmese nationalist Aung San and six members of his newly formed cabinet were assassinated during a cabinet meeting.

July 19: Seventeenth of Tammuz (Judaism, 2011); Burmese Martyrs' Day; Independence Day in Laos (1949)

The Mary Rose as depicted in the Anthony Roll

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