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Generally, a peer-to-peer computer network refers to any network that does not have fixed clients and servers, but a number of peer nodes that function as both clients and servers to the other nodes on the network. This model of network arrangement is contrasted with the client-server model. Any node is able to initiate or complete any supported transaction. Peer nodes may differ in local configuration, processing speed, network bandwidth, and storage quantity.

Although the term may technically be applied to any number of networking technologies and applications that use this model (such as the NNTP protocol used for transferring Usenet news), it is most frequently used to refer to file sharing networks such as Gnutella, Kazaa, and the now-defunct Napster which provide facilities for free, anonymous file transfer between personal computers connected to the Internet.

Mp3 files of popular music are the most commonly shared files on such networks, followed by movies, making peer to peer networks extremely dangerous to the business models of established media companies. Consequently, peer to peer networks have been targeted by industry trade organizations such as the RIAA and MPAA as a potential threat. The Napster service was shut down by an RIAA lawsuit, and both groups spend large amounts of money attempting to lobby lawmakers for legal restrictions. The most extreme manifestation of these efforts to date (as of January, 2003) has been a bill introduced by California Representative Berman, which would allow copyright holders the legal right to break into computer systems believed to be storing copyrighted material, and to subvert the operation of peer to peer networks. The bill died in committee in 2002, but Rep. Berman has indicated that he will reintroduce it during the 2003 sessions.

Peer to Peer From a Computer Science Perspective

Technically, a true peer-to-peer application must implement only peering protocols that do not recognize the concepts of "server" and "client". Such pure peer applications and networks are rare. Most networks and applications described as peer-to-peer actually contain some non-peer elements, such as DNS. Also, real world applications often use multiple protocols and act as client, server, and peer simultaneously, or over time.

Peer protocols

Peer-to-Peer Applications

An earlier generation of peer-to-peer systems were called "metacomputing" or were classed as "middleware". These include: