Wikipedia:WikiProject Mesoamerica/NewRequests
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• New & Requested • Stub expansion • Attention & Cleanup • Improvement • Review preparation • |
This Project subpage lists the following article-related activities, as part of the current worklist:
- Requests to create new articles relating to Mesoamerica (i.e., "wanted" or "missing" articles)
- Newly created articles relating to Mesomerica
- Requested articles - instructions
If you have a request or identify a need for a new article, list it under the "Requested" section, newest at the bottom. If the proposed title of the new article is not self-explanatory, you can use the corresponding talk page to describe what the article is supposed to cover.
Another way to populate this list is to note any redlinks for Mesoamerican articles as you come across them.
Remember to check if the article does not already exist under another name or spelling- the article catalogue (incomplete) can be used for this as well as searching.
Priority creation requests: To assign a particular wanted or requested article some degree of priority, you can also add it to the 'requested' section on the Project's priority Tasklist template, {{WP Mesoamerica tasklist}}. The number of entries on this template should be kept to a handful, say around 6 to 10 maximum.
If the lists below begins to grow too long to appear comfortably when viewed from the Activities mainpage, newly created entries which have been listed for a while can be archived under the "Previously created" section below.
- Newly created articles - instructions
Once an article is created, it should be moved to the "New articles" section, noting also the date it was created, i.e. article name (mmm dd).
DYK: Any newly created articles that have an interesting or unusual fact in them should be suggested for the Did you know? box on the Main Wikipedia page. DYK has a 72 hr. time limit from the creation of the article, and generally the article needs to be in reasonable shape to be eligible for selection. Therefore, project members may be interested to assist in expanding these new articles within the timeframe for DYK nomination.
The content of these two lists below appears on the Activities mainpage.
[edit]Check regularly the results of potential Mesoamerican new articles identified by User:AlexNewArtBot. This is a bot which runs daily, searching through newly created articles to find content matches which may indicate (based on a ruleset we supply) the article is within project scope. Matches against a predefined points scheme are totalled, those which meet or exceed the predefined threshhold (ie are likely in WP:MESO scope) are listed on the search results page. Those which matched against at least one of the criteria but didn't make the threshhold (ie, only potentially in scope, or perhaps are tangentially related) are noted in the full daily log.
- User:AlexNewArtBot/MesoamericaSearchResult—listing of new articles with scores meeting the threshhold; (shortcut: WP:MESO/NEWHITS)
- User:AlexNewArtBot/MesoamericaLog—daily log of potential hits, including those under the threshhold; (shortcut: WP:MESO/NEWLOG)
- User:AlexNewArtBot/Mesoamerica— the (configurable) ruleset which determines the search results; (shortcut: WP:MESO/NEWRULE)
For those on the NEWHITS page, once they've been checked and (if within project's scope) the WP:MESO project banner added to their talk pages and they've been added to WP:MESO/NEW listing, mark off with {{Y}}. If a false positive (ie not properly in project scope), mark off with {{N}}. Optionally add brief comments. If unsure, {{?}} can be used.
Also review the NEWLOG page, the daily log of all articles which met at least one of the stipulated criteria. Some of these could still be in project scope, if they are then transfer them to the NEWHITS page, add the project banner, etc. Others may mention Mesoamerican topics without themselves being in project scope- these can be reviewed just to make sure they contain appropriate and correct info. Note, this daily log is overwritten each pass, so you may have to check back through the page's history.
- Last version of WP:MESO/NEWLOG checked: 09 Apr 2008
[edit]- Teuchitlan tradition (May 27) DYK with photo
- Western Mexico shaft tomb tradition (Apr 18) DYK
- Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca (Apr 8)
- Ernst Mengin (Apr 8)
- Eduard Seler (Apr 8)
- Ronald Spores (Apr 8)
- The stinking corpse (Apr 7)
- H. B. Nicholson (Mar 31)
- Azcapotzalco (altepetl) (Mar 29)
- Peralta (Mesoamerican site) (Mar 28)
- Gaspar Antonio Chi (Mar 28)
- Museu Barbier-Mueller d'Art Precolombí (Mar 27)
- Antonio del Rincón (Mar 25)
- Coixtlahuaca (Mar 23)
- Ross Hassig (Mar 23)
- Tizatlan (Altepetl) (March 23) (stub)
- Ocotelolco (Altepetl) (March 23) (stub)
- Xicotencatl II (March 23)
- Maxixcatl (should probably be moved to Maxixcatzin) (Mar 22)(stub)
- Alfredo Barrera Vásquez (Mar 18) had been deleted for lack of notability, now recreated
- Coatlicue statue (Mar 17)
- New River (Belize) (Mar 16)
- Xnaheb (Mar 15)
- Mapa pintado en papel europeo y aforrado en el indiano (Mar 13)
- Mount Tlaloc (Mar 12)(stub)
- Toxcatl (Mar 12)
- Francisco Jiménez (Mar 11)
- Tangaxuan II (March 11)
- Mapa Quinatzin (Mar 9)
- Tajal Chan Ahk (Mar 6)
- Nahuas of La Huasteca (Mar 6) cleanup by Maunus
- Natalio Hernández (Mar 5)
- Ancient Mexico (Mar 3)
- Yax Nuun Ayiin II (Feb 29)
- Yagul (Feb 29)
- Kan Maax (Feb 29) was a copyvio, now stub
- Guiengola (Feb 27)
- Yax Pasaj Chan Yopaat (Feb 27)
- K'iche' Kingdom of Q'umarkaj (Feb 25) (DYK)
- Proto-Nahuan (Feb 22)
- Jorge de Alvarado (Feb 13)
- List of Zapotec languages (Feb 11)
- Thomas Barthel (Feb 10)
- Textiles of Oaxaca {Feb 3)
- Votan (Jan 31), reclaimed from rdir, now DYK
- Antiquities of Mexico (Jan 29)
- Michael E. Smith (Jan 28)
- Epi-Olmec culture (Jan 28) DYK with photo by Maunus
- Smoking Squirrel (Jan 24) maybe needs rename
- Matthew Restall (Jan 23)
- Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest (Jan 23) DYK
- Southern Maya area (Jan 22) v. detailed!
- San Martin Pajapan Monument 1 (Jan 3) - DYK with photo
[edit]Since 2006
[edit]- 260-day Mesoamerican calendar - change from redirect; see note on discussion page (Jun 22)
- History of Mesoamerica (In which way is this different from Mesoamerican chronology?)(see suggested distinction at talk pg) (Jul 24)
- Taríacuri (Sept 1)
- Emblem glyph change from redirect (Oct 11)
- Chenes (Maya region & style) (Oct 18)
- Icpal (in what sense?)(also it should be icpalli to correspond with nahuatl grammar) (Dec 4)
- Telpochcalli (Dec 16)
- Aztec warrior societies (Dec 19)
- Huastec civilization (Dec 19)
Since 2007
[edit]- Mesoamerican religion (Jan 13)
- Tolteca-Chichimeca (Jan 22)
- Mariano Fernández de Echeverría y Veytia (Jan 23)
- Palenque Round Table (Jan 30)
- Huexotla (Feb 3)
- Boban Calendar Wheel (Feb 5)
- Codex Boturini change from redirect (Feb 5)
- Codex Cozcatzin change from redirect (Feb 5)
- Codex Ixtlilxochitl change from redirect (Feb 5)
- Codex Magliabechiano change from redirect (Feb 5)
- Codex Osuna change from redirect (Feb 5)
- Codex Vaticanus B (Feb 5)
- Codex Vergara (Feb 5)
- Codex Xolotl (Feb 5)
- Mapa de Santa Cruz (Feb 5)
- Mapa de Teozacoalco (Feb 5)
- Mapa de Tlotzin (Feb 5)
- Plano en Papel de Maguey (Feb 5)
- Tonalamatl Aubin (Feb 5)
- Codex Vergara (Feb 16)
- Zapotec writing change from redirect (Feb 17)
- Techialoyan (Feb 22)
- Tepanec War (Feb 26)
- Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca (Feb 27)
- Christianization of Mexico (Mar 2)
- Tlacatecuhtli (Mar 14)
- Tlilancalqui (Mar 14)
- Olmeca-Xicalanca (Mar 19)
- Quatrefoil (Mesoamerican motif) (Mar 23)
- Tetlepanquetzatzin (Mar 25)
- Nahuatl literature (Apr 30)
- Bancroft Dialogues (Apr 30)
- Acuecuexatl (1499 flood in Tenochtitlan) (May 1)
- Cah - Maya local state (May 3)
- Ñuu - Mixtec local state (May 3)
- Ñuiñe (May 11)
- Aquiauhtzin (May 17)
- Ayocuan Cuetzpalin (May 17)
- Chichicuepon (May 17)
- Macuilxochitzin (daughter of Tlacaelel) (May 17)
- Tecayehuatzin (May 17)
- Temilotzin (May 17)
- Tlaltecatzin (May 17)
- Tochihuitzin Coyolchiuhqui (May 17)
- Edwin Shook (Jun 19)
- Anna O. Shephard (Jun 19)
- Códice García Granados/Codex García Granados (Jul 1)
- Primordial title (Jul 29)
Since 2008
[edit]- Malinalco (archaeological site) (see [Malinalco, Mexico State]) (Feb 4)
- Joseph Marius Alexis Aubin (Mar 7)
- Otto Stoll (Apr 9)
- Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (Apr 9)
- Handbook of Middle American Indians (Apr 9)
- List of Mesoamerican cultures (Apr 9)
- List of Mesoamerica scholars (Apr 9)
- Carlos Aguilar Piedra (Apr 9) leading Costa Rican archaeologist, recently deceased
- Ignacio Guzmán Betancourt (Apr 9) INAH director
- Instituto Hondureño de Antropologia e Historia (Apr 9) IHAH
- Yolanda Lastra de Suárez (Apr 9)
- Southeastern Mesoamerica (Apr 9)
- Three Rivers region (Apr 9) arch. zone in Belize
- El Gigante (archaeological site) (Apr 9)(Honduran arch. site)
- Sarcophagus of Pacal II (or maybe Tomb of Pacal II) (apr 10)
- Temple of Inscriptions (Palenque) (apr 10)
- Walter Lehmann) German americanist (Apr 11)
- Karl Anton Nowotny (May 6)
- Fernando Horcasitas (Sept 12)
Since 2009
[edit]- Maya superpower theory (Jan 17)
- Lerma point (Aug 06)
- Charles E. Lincoln (Oct 10) (potential recreate after earlier AfD
Since 2011
[edit]Previously created
[edit]- Cantares Mexicanos (Dec 28)
- New Philology (Dec 25) - small stub with some references and a bibliography of New Philology
- James Lockhart - stub
- Mesoamerican rubber balls (Dec 19) - built largely from a section from Mesoamerican ballgame
- Mesoamerican ballcourt (Nov 24) - DYK with drawing
- Speech scroll (Nov 11) - DYK with drawing
- Codex Laud (Nov 10)
- Mixtec codices (Nov 10)
- Greenstone (archaeology) (Oct 16) - stub
- Carlos Samayoa Chinchilla (Oct 12)
- Otomi (military) |)ct 12)
- San Andrés (Mesoamerican site) (Oct 11) - DYK with drawing
- List of Nahuan languages (Oct 10)
- Tzihuactlayahuallohuatzin (Sep 29)
- Classic Veracruz culture (Sep 11) - DYK
- Battle of Tlatelolco (Sep 4)
- Huehue Huitzilihuitl (Aug 28) (es article)
- Maarten Jansen (Aug 22)
- Huehue Huitzilihuitl (Aug 8)
- Anales de Tecamachalco (Aug 3)
- Yik'in Chan K'awiil (Jul 8)
- Zaachila (Jun 29) - stub
- Mexica (Jun 26) - a skeleton of an article, but some information could be taken from Aztec
- Primeros Memoriales (Jun 22) - stub
- Museo Popol Vuh (Jun 9) - stub
- Aztec clothing (May 26) - needs expansion
- Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages (ALMG) (May 21) -translated stub
- List of Tlatelolco rulers (May 13)
- R. H. Barlow (May 9) - stub
- List of Mexico-Tenochtitlan rulers (May 5)
- Kent V. Flannery (May 3)- quick stub to close out some redlinks
- Joyce Marcus (May 3)- quick stub to close out some redlinks
- Richard MacNeish (May 2)- stub, but accessible good biog. cited should facilitate expansion
- Lienzo (May 1)- one-line stub
- Xaltocan (May 9) - this article has been completely rewritten and the previous article moved to Xaltocan, Tlaxcala
- Teponaztli (April 25) DYK with photo
- Oxtotitlan (created in February, expanded April 22) DYK with photo
- Lord Kingsborough (April 8) - stub
- Matacapan (April 6) - one-sentence placeholder stub
- Jaina Island (April 5) - expanded from stub, DYK with photo
- Maya collapse (April 3) - tentatively titled pending a decision on the name (see discussion here)
- Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc (very small stub please expand )
- Merle Greene Robertson (Mar 28), quick para or two
- Valley of Oaxaca (Mar 27)
- Maya diet and subsistence - not technically new, but completely re-written over the last few days and is, more-or-less, a new article with a spiffy new article title as well. NB- this now renamed to Maya cuisine, not sure of the new title..?
- Quauhxicalli/Cuauhxicalli (Mar 17)
- Las Limas Monument 1 (Mar 9) DYK with photo
- Remojadas (Mar 2) DYK with photo
- Codex Azcatitlan (Mar 2)
- Matrícula de Tributos (Feb 28)
- La Mojarra (Feb 28) - stubbish
- Uaymil (Feb 26) - stubbish
- Komchen (Feb 26) - stubbish
- Jacob Dacian (Feb 26) DYK
- Juxtlahuaca (Feb 21) DYK, with photo
- Oxtotitlan (Feb 21) - very stubbish, subsequently expanded in April
- Borgia group (Feb 21)
- Las Bocas (Feb 21) - stubbish
- Laguna de los Cerros (Feb 20)
- Aztec writing (Feb 17)
- Mesoamerican Long Count calendar (Feb 16) - a section pulled from Maya calendar, with a good deal of additional explanation
- El Manatí (Feb 14) DYK
- Codex Tudela (Feb 14)
- Codex of Tlatelolco (Feb 14)
- David Stuart (Mayanist) {Feb 12)
- Etlatongo (Feb 10)
- Olmec influences on Mesoamerican cultures (Feb 09) (an excellent start) DYK
- Zazacatla (Feb 08) (recently discovered Olmec-influenced Formative site)
- Codex Mexicanus (feb 08)
- Aubin Codex (feb 06)
- Codex en Cruz (feb 05)
- Floyd Lounsbury (feb 04)
- Toquegua (Jan 25) (bare bones)
- Geronimo de Mendieta (Jan 25) a one-line stub which could be expanded by translating the article es:Jerónimo de Mendieta
- Toribio de Benavente Motolinia (jan 25)
- Talud-tablero (Jan 25) (stub)
- Yopi at Tlapanec people (22 Jan)
- Tepetlaoztoc (Jan 22)
- Codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Jan 20) (stub)
- Xiuhpohualli (Jan 12) (stub)
- Karl Taube (Jan 11)
- Stephen D. Houston (Jan 8)
- Maya maize god (Jan 7)
- Oxkintok (Jan 5)
- Mirador Basin (Jan 1)
[edit]- Colegio de Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco (Dec 21)
- Petén Basin {Dec 20)
- Karl Sapper (Dec 18)
- Tlacochcalcatl (dec 17.)
- Tlacateccatl (dec 17.)
- Chunchucmil (Dec 9), nearing A or FA!
- Katun (Maya calendar) (Dec 6), bare stublet
- Pochutec
- Sakapultek
- Sipakapense
- Poqomchi' language
- Poqomam language
- Q'anjob'al language
- Mocho' language
- Ch'orti' people (Dec 7), stub
- Ángel María Garibay K. (Dec 6), a start
- El Pilar (Nov 9)
- Lenca language (Nov 9) (stub)
- Lenca (Nov 8) (restart from the dubious 'Maya Lenca Principality')
- Atlacatl (Nov 5) (rewritten from import)
- Naachtun (Oct 17) (begin stub from redirect)
- Tortuguero (Maya site) (Oct 10)
- Putún Maya (Oct 10)
- Frans Blom (Oct 1?)
- Chacmultun (Sept 28)
- La Corona (Sept 20)
- Aguateca (Sept 18)
- Acanceh (Sept 17)
- Cerro de las Mesas (Sept 11)
- David H. Kelley (Sep 12) (a bare stublet to start with)
- Canek (Sept 1)
- P'urhépecha language (31 aug)
- Tarascan state (31 aug)
- Itza (currently a particularly stubby stub)
- Maya art (27 Aug) (needs more work)
- San Andrés (26 Aug) (translated from Spanish wiki article)
- Cancuén (26 aug) (could use more info)
- Matthew William Stirling(26 Aug.)
- Mesoamerican architecture(21 aug) (still needs work)
- Geography of Mesoamerica (this is material cut from main mesoamerica article. needs much work)
- Mixtecan languages (Aug 11) (translated from Spanish wiki article)
- Mesoamerican literature(Aug 10) (this should go instead of Mesoamerican codices)
- Cotzumalhuapa(Aug 9)
- Mesoamerican writing systems (Aug 8)
- Tlatilco culture (Jul 20)
- Mesoamerican Linguistic Area (Jul 19)
- List of Maya sites (Jul 14)
- Huehueteotl (Jul 14) - from rdir
- Culhuacan (Jul 12) - needs a good copyediting
- Tayasal (Jul 11)
- Aké (Jul 10)
- La Travesía (Jul 10)
- La Mojarra Stela 1 (Jul 10)
- Tuxtla Statuette (Jul 9)