User talk:HolyCrocsEmperor/Archives/2024/March
The real myself
[edit]Jakarta, Tibet, Taiwan, Zall bookstore. Those are my memories, those are the real myself HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 16:19, 4 March 2024 (UTC)
卓尔书店,书店负一层的鸡排还有食阁,那是我最熟悉的一栋建筑了;深夜无人的自习室,csgo,还有耳机里面倍速补课的奇葩说;Somerset地铁站还有外面的餐店,那个鱼还有找不到的面馆;ArtScience Museum,其实就是这些了。啊,还有那次陪着去吃的火锅,我好笨拙,然后去了图书馆,还有哆啦a梦的电影
然后就是我自己的很长的旅程:宿舍深夜二楼不开灯的走廊; bedok mall的咖啡店和kfc,还有bishan的电影院;然后那一年的日历,写遗书的那个十二月;dawn的2023上半年,去过的那些教堂,那些睡前的喝醉酒一样长长的消息;alevel的下半年,很难看的成绩,每个人的失望,自己让好几年的自己失望的放弃梦想的申请季;还有那些,万界楼,幕后黑手,西极道九千九百里,传武;然后是那些旅行,Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Philippines,Vietnam,Indonesia,Taiwan,Australia. 第二次去印尼是去见一个人,翘课去见的,见完其实没有计划了,(现在是漠河舞厅,好有感觉)然后我就自己坐火车去看海,那一段路特别心酸,很特殊的情感,没能坐船到我梦想的Sumatra,明明发生了那么多;然后就是台湾,明明就在那里,最喜欢的是骑摩托车就像童年看到的电影里,在东海岸公路骑摩托车,一边是台湾山脉,一边是太平洋,然后就是阿里山的日出,以及一个人坐火车环岛了一整圈,下一次去就是猴年马月了;还有澳大利亚,去不为什么,去很南的地方,没有为了去的人。回国以后的庐山,12.26想自己在外面,去山上看雪;然后新年,也想自己过,就去西安,没碰到约的人,碰到了很意外的人,然后一起在西安城走了一晚上,就像before sunrise,分别以后很迷茫,第二天就自己坐火车去西藏,也不为什么,为了去而已。其实我对小城米林印象最深,那里的雪山和夜。然后就是成都,很梦幻的一座城市。所以在20岁生日前,又自己一个人去了成都,最后,在回家前的最后那晚上,在深夜成都的大雪里尽情起舞
其实真的都是我自己的故事,我自己的旅程。其实这些是我真正最珍贵的记忆,我曾以为我这几年的prime years全被浪费了,现在乍然回首才发现,其实我一个人歪七扭八的,冲撞了一条只属于我自己的最独特的最不凡对我自己来说最有意义的青春路,我自己其实很骄傲, I just realised I am so proud of myself
今天不用说life continues,而是,加油,好好走,我一直相信我自己,我为我自己自豪 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 16:10, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
Legit i informed llx the decision...
[edit]So funny in the end legit I found the information first and told llx lol.But where is my offer.... HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 10:23, 6 March 2024 (UTC)
- Just finished 潜伏, very nice
- 深海是最好的评价 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 10:51, 6 March 2024 (UTC)
⭐Being serious 这世界最怕认真二字
[edit]If you are really serious about something, it must can be done. This is a lesson obvious to everyone but few can really carry it out in real life. HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 14:39, 6 March 2024 (UTC)
Bad genius
[edit]At least it is an interesting experience in life. It's about justice (cheating), equity (the rich uses money to solve all problems, the poor has no alternative but earn money via whatever possible means) and moral (is there even right and wrong??? 大神通者也不该掠夺狼吃肉的本性)
It's not a question with a single answer. There are many perspectives to see it and solve it. As long as it fits ur judgement values, then can. For me, i learnt to be more 认真. Ok now face the next page of life, driving license HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 04:12, 9 March 2024 (UTC)
Solo travel
[edit]After tibet, i gradually stopped planning travel cos now i all travel alone. I was thinking of only travel when accompanied by someone better gf so that the money cost would be worth it
Then i saw lsn pyq and realised, life is our own one
Even when we travel with someone, it's not for the other one, but for yourself, it's just a very special travel experience as you are traveling with someone else. In the end, what determines how memorable or meaingful the journey is would still be how much you yourself enjoy it and how much you feel it is meaningful
So solo travel is perfectly ok and very important. I am working my best to live out the best even alone. Being alone doesn't affect anything (notion Mar 9, 2024) HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:41, 9 March 2024 (UTC)
The Wikipedian
[edit]Sometimes i feel writing here is like the Martian. Perhaps there are audience but never gonna know. Not really tangibly meaningful, at least not in the short term, just like putting the link here in discord self-into but removed it several times. Idk. Just an interesting thought HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:44, 9 March 2024 (UTC)
About development
[edit]不管是城市还是国家,不用看报纸新闻或者专家写的书,自己生活一下,最好对比一下,拿五年前和现在比。如果有很大的改变,比如更方便了,更多机会更多可能,能明显感觉到生活更好了,thats it,不用那么多废话的 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 11:56, 10 March 2024 (UTC)
Both pilots in an indonesian flight fall asleep for half an hour
[edit]Indonesia is such a magical country that I can never get over HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 14:12, 10 March 2024 (UTC)
[edit]I actually realised, this long long holiday in China, is probably the last time I can have such long unstressed rest before retirement, let alone with such level of energy and young body vigor. But it is also probably the last time i can stay with my grandparents, my parents for so long. I mean there would be school holidays in the future but they are quite short, and tbh, i am growing up, and they are really growing older and older, at increasing speed
这时候发现在写文字很好。之所以不给人发消息说,是因为没有人能真正安慰到另一个人,自己的难过只能自己熬过的。所以还不如谁都不告诉,在自己的世界里自己哭,至少自己的世界是封闭的,就像被子,温暖些,不会有外面吹来的冷风。在面对自己的时候才是最真实的自己 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 16:01, 10 March 2024 (UTC)
There is bound to be someone voice out and try to make a difference
[edit]The mod mail I wrote in the mod discussions:
Dear colleagues,
I want to talk about the rule seven and its enforcement. There are two posts that came to my attention:
(two links to two posts that got removed and i reapproved)
It is true that both posts have only a title and a picture without any contextual explaination in the form of a paragraph. But I believe they satisfy the conditions of rule 7 and the TITLE itself says more than enough about the context and could bring up a proper and sometimes large-size discussion, as we can see from both posts (and the amount of upvotes).
I propose an amendment to the rule 7, that we dont have to remove all picture posts without a explanation paragraph. Indeed some are seriously lacking context and cannot nurture a good discussion, which we should indeed remove. But some have all the information (context) needed in the title, which I believe we can give some degree of leniency, such as approving it if there has been a sizeable and proper discussion in the comment section. After all I believe our ultimate aim is to make our community a better place hosting interesting and insightful discussions.
What do you all think? Please feel free to share your views and anything you want to talk about in regard to this issue! Thanks a lot
I can stay quiet and do nothing tbh, doing something might risk being removed as a mod by more senior mods. But at least I am trying to do something, while i am so young and energetic and able to do something
It is similar to a government reform, which is much much much more complicated. In my case the worst scenario is i am removed as a mod and banned from the subreddit. But in reality the worst scenario is being expelled killed and smeared in history book. But yas, throughout history, there are always reformers coming up and trying to make a difference. HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 03:37, 12 March 2024 (UTC)
[edit]A got offer to havard, B got offer to cambridge, C got offer to cs and whatever double major in nus. I got rejected by all.
My heart is quite calm but still gets disturbed from time to time. I hate a lot of things, but most of time i have no ability to change them. So my way is to ignore them and continue my own life. Sometimes need compulsory mental decree to enforce such decisions.
I really work hard to establish my own world so that emotions mostly come from myself. I can get most happiness from traveling itself and dont have to make it into a video and get a lot of likes to gain satisfaction.
Bro those kinds of disappointment and anger and comtempt on you is like burden that slaughters you alive for infinite times and severity every second. OK so i admit it that i dont cope well with them. So i need to get my plan of my own world implemented and live in my own world. Which means another round of silence bah. More inner thinking, less words (especially less hearty words, dont have to speak out), less social activity for publicity. Sometimes feel that the world is worthless living with such enormous effort. There are people there working so hard in much worse conditions. Go and figure out the way. HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 14:25, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
- Just something funny. When you want to cry, should just cry to yourself. Dont have to cry to anyone. Learn to have and live in your own world HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 14:32, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
- ok so days like today, is extraordinary, cannot even be coped with using logical calmness. so just turn off light early and cry yourself. or read read read until fall asleep and tmr will be a new day. HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 14:40, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
- today gonna be hit how many times ah. HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:45, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
China 2:2 Singapore
[edit]踢个几把,赶紧回去进厂打螺丝,别到处丢人现眼了 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:05, 21 March 2024 (UTC)
慕然回首,那是我最骄傲的故事 so far
I have tried my best in 2023, and I have no regret. Bruh i am really proud hahahahahah HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:45, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
Family problem
[edit]Family problem is mostly impossible to solve. My judgement is alr very different from my senior generations. Nothing much can be done, can only go days by days HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 07:27, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Tbh, i dont think its a good idea to "rant" or even share your life anywhere or to anyone. Most wont understand or gonna be progressively annoyed. Only ourselves can really got the exact feeling from the experience, sigh so all no use. Very pathetic HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 17:56, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Today, actually this weekend is too much... 外公外婆, 舅舅, 九江,长江, 扫墓,叔叔,奶奶,朋友
总而言之,好好生活比什么都重要。过去的终究过去了,他们会在我们心里被记住,但终究生活是往前走的 HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 16:23, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
科一96 科二100 科三90 科四98 35天考试完成 科一科二考完马上看科四一个月满了马上预约连考科三科四 科三练车了俩晚上 都是一次过 感谢一点通 感谢教练 今天很开心
很朴实的文字,字里行间就是很认真的感觉。我很向往这种生活! HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 15:40, 25 March 2024 (UTC)
Get out
[edit]Rejected. Ok, four month finally give limpeh a message. No email no reason, get the fak out. I am not go to you inefficient nonsense HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 23:22, 25 March 2024 (UTC)
License got finally
[edit]Finally got license. From january til now, two months, quite fun experience at the driving school hahahha. The coach and staff and other students are quite interesting. Good memory! HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 10:58, 26 March 2024 (UTC)
[edit]rejected rejected rejected. lol HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 02:18, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
Russian dream
[edit]ok i think it is not the best time to go travel. Travel is good but costly, so i think i will only resume intensive travel after working and earning my own money. Wont use parents money to travel around
Russia is still my dream for traveling, and i do think i am going to learn russian language. It is actually good to have such a dream of traveling to somewhere. In the past it was sumatra (fulfilled half the dream last time). Gonna make it my first stop after earning enough money. While pauper, still quite happy to have reading as my daily activity HolyCrocsEmperor (talk) 02:40, 29 March 2024 (UTC)