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Summary and Outline


Parashat Tetzaveh continues the theme of the third major part of the book of Exodus (chapters 25-40), namely the Tabernacle, its vessels and courtyard, and the garments of its priests. The previous parashah, Terumah, already listed the intructions for the Tabernacle with its vessels and courtyard. Parashat Tetzaveh continues with instructions regarding those who served in the Tabernacle: Aaron and his sons, the kohanim (priests).

The parashah begins with a commandment for the people of Israel to bring oil for the Menorah, which is to be lit by Aaron and his sons. This is followed by instructions to appoint Aaron and his son as kohanim, along with an introductory list of the eight special priestly garments that are to be prepared for them. The four garments to be worn only by Aaron (the high priest) are described in detail, and then the four regular garments worn by all kohanim are described more briefly.

The four garments worn only by the high priest are:

  • The Ephod;
  • the Breastplate (Hoshen), which was fastened with gold chains to the Ephod;
  • the Robe (meil);
  • the Headplate (Ziz).

The four garments worn by all kohanim are:

The parashah continues with instructions for the inauguration ceremony of the kohanim (the miluim) and for the daily sacrifice (tamid). The continual daily sacrifice connects to a promise by God that He will continually dwell in the Tabernacle. The parashah concludes with instructions for the Incense Alter (Mizbah ha-Ketoret).

Aaron and his Sons

  • Lighting the Menorah (27:20-21)
  • Sanctification and preliminary list of garments (28:1-5)
  • The Garments of Aaron and his sons (28:6-43)
    • 1. The Ephod (28:6-12) with chains to hold the Breastplate (28:13-14)
    • 2. The Breastplate (28:13-30)
    • 3. The Robe (28:31-35)
    • 4. The Headplate (28:36-38)
    • The four garments worn by all the children of Aaron (28:39-43)
  • The Inauguration of Aaron and his sons (29:1-38)
  • The Daily Offering (29:39-46)
  • The Incense Altar (30:1-10)

For study and review purposes, Parashat Tetzaveh (101 verses) divides naturally into three parts:

  • Rishon-Shelishi (45 verses; 27:20-28:43)
  • Revii-Hamishi (37 verses; 29:1-37)
  • Shishi-Shevii (19 verses; 29:39-30:10)

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