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IDEAS NCBR Sp. z o.o.

IDEAS NCBR Sp. z o. o.Polish research and development center, established in 2021 by the National Center for Research and Development. It conducts research in the field of artificial intelligence. Its headquarters is located in the Varso office building at Chmielna 69 Street in Warsaw.



The mission of IDEAS NCBR is to support the development of artificial intelligence in Poland by creating a platform connecting the academic and business environments, conducting innovative research, as well as educating a new generation of scientists focused on the practical application of developed algorithms and their subsequent commercialization in industry, finance, medicine and other industries.[1]



IDEAS NCBR conducts research in the area of ​​artificial intelligence, cryptography and blockchain, employing researchers with professor and doctoral degrees, PhD students and interns;[2] cooperates with scientific institutions in Poland and abroad to conduct the exchange of researchers and students, joint grant projects, scientific seminars and doctoral education;[3] offers private sector companies and public institutions cooperation in the area of ​​research and development.[4]



IDEAS NCBR was established on May 13, 2021 as an undertaking of the National Center for Research and Development. The goals of its activities included: supporting the development of scientific staff in the field of AI; financing scientific research, development work and applied science; supporting the commercialization of research and development results; commercialization of the work of research teams in the form of spin-off and spin-out companies[5].

In July 2021, the first two research groups were established, dealing with basic research, led by Piotr Sankowski and Stefan Dziembowski.[6] In February 2022, the first cooperation agreement in the education of doctoral students was signed – with the Military University of Technology in Warsaw.[7] In June 2022, the third research group was established, led by Tomasz Trzciński,[8] and in July 2023, the fourth one, chaired by Przemysław Musialski.[9]

By 2023, the center has also established 10 research teams[10], focused on applied research, and signed cooperation agreements with 11 doctoral schools in Poland (doctoral schools of the University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Military University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Białystok University of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology[11]) and 7 foreign universities (Computer Vision Center at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, IIIT-Delhi – Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology in Delhi, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics (AI.ROBO) at the National Taiwan University, Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti (DIAG) at the Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Applied Cryptography, Technische Universität Darmstadt[12]). The organization has also established cooperation with private (Platige Image[13]) and public entities (Railway Security Guard[14]).

In November 2023, IDEAS NCBR joined European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, establishing ELLIS Unit Warsaw – the first such unit in Poland and the third in Central and Eastern Europe.[15]





Scientific Council


The Scientific Council was established by a resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of IDEAS NCBR of 1 July 2021.[16]

The Scientific Council's tasks include:

  • Giving opinions on research policy and activities planned for implementation and presenting proposals for changes, e.g. due to progress in scientific research around the world,
  • Giving opinions on the employment of research group leaders,
  • Giving opinions on the level of implementation and results of research groups’ activities,
  • Expressing opinions on the activities of IDEAS NCBR.

Members of the IDEAS NCBR Scientific Council:

Research groups


Research teams

  • AI for Security (leader: Dr. Tomasz Michalak)
  • Precision Forestry (leader: Prof. Krzysztof Stereńczak)
  • Continual Machine Learning (leader: Dr. Bartłomiej Twardowski)
  • Sustainable Computer Vision for Autonomous Machines (leader: Prof. Bartosz Zieliński)
  • Sequential Decision Making (leader: Prof. Piotr Miłoś)
  • Learning in Control, Graphs and Networks (leader: Prof. Paweł Wawrzyński)
  • Parallel and Dynamic Graph Algorithms (leader: Dr. Adam Karczmarz)
  • Psychiatry and Computational Phenomenology (leader: Prof. Marcin Moskalewicz)
  • Physical Interaction Robotics (leader: Dr. Krzysztof Walas)
  • Algorithms in autonomous UAV (leader: Karol Pieniący)
  • Neural Rendering (leader: Prof. Przemysław Spurek)

IDEAS NCBR Sp. z o.o. has been operating since May 13, 2021[17] pursuant to § 2 point 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 17, 2010 on the detailed procedure for implementing NCBR tasks in connection with art. 30a section 2 in connection with art. 30a section 1 point 2 and art. 29, art. 30 section 1 points 1-3 and art. 30 section 2 of the Act of 30 April 2010 on the National Center for Research and Development.[18] IDEAS NCBR Sp. z o. o. as an undertaking of the National Center for Research and Development, is an undertaking referred to in Art. 119 section 2 of the Act of July 20, 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science.[19]

See also



  1. ^ "Strona główna - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy", Strona główna - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-07-29
  2. ^ Studenci - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-08-02
  3. ^ Współpraca z uczelniami - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish)
  4. ^ Biznes - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-08-02
  5. ^ "Opis przedsięwzięcia „IDEAS" i uruchomienie działalności NCBR IDEAS sp. z o.o. - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju - Portal Gov.pl", Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (in Polish)
  6. ^ Powołanie dwóch nowych grup naukowo-badawczych - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2021-08-30
  7. ^ IDEAS NCBR nawiązuje współpracę z polskimi uczelniami - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2022-02-09
  8. ^ IDEAS NCBR uruchamia nową grupę badawczą - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2022-06-21
  9. ^ IDEAS NCBR uruchamia nową grupę badawczą. Jej lidera ściąga z USA - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-07-20
  10. ^ Badania i Grupy - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-08-03
  11. ^ Doktoranci - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-08-07
  12. ^ Współpraca z uczelniami - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish)
  13. ^ My Company Polska, Kuba Dobroszek (oprac.) (2023-07-26), "Platige Image we współpracy z IDEAS NCBR będzie rozwijać sztuczną inteligencję", My Company Polska (in Polish)
  14. ^ Straż Ochrony Kolei sięgnie po rozwiązania oparte na sztucznej inteligencji - Forum Akademickie (in Polish), 2024-01-04
  15. ^ "New ELLIS unit in Warsaw joins the network", European Lab for Learning & Intelligent Systems
  16. ^ Strona główna - IDEAS NCBR – Intelligent Algorithms for Digital Economy (in Polish), 2023-07-29
  17. ^ "Powołanie w ramach Grupy NCBR nowego podmiotu - IDEAS NCBR sp. z o.o. - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju - Portal Gov.pl", Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (in Polish)
  18. ^ "Opis przedsięwzięcia „IDEAS" i uruchomienie działalności NCBR IDEAS sp. z o.o. - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju - Portal Gov.pl", Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (in Polish)
  19. ^ "Opis przedsięwzięcia „IDEAS" i uruchomienie działalności NCBR IDEAS sp. z o.o. - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju - Portal Gov.pl", Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (in Polish)

[[Category:Artificial intelligence]] [[Category:Science and technology in Poland]] [[Category:Government of Poland]]