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User:Topazflute/Fire Salamanders/Adelinegrace219 Peer Review

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Whose work are you reviewing?


Link to draft you're reviewing
User:Topazflute/Fire Salamanders
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Fire salamander - Wikipedia

Evaluate the drafted changes


While no actual content edits have been added yet, the rearranging that was done with some of the sections seems to work pretty well, except for one. The "diet and habitat interactions" sub-category was moved under the "Netherlands population" section, although it goes over the species as a whole and cites research done on Italian populations. If this was just a result of pasting the section to make future edits, then disregard this. The planned section on post-embryonic development seems like it will be interesting and a good area to look into and add to this article. No new sources have been added yet, so maybe you could look into more sources on post-embryonic development? The ecological connectivity assessment source in your bibliography also looks like an interesting source to incorporate into the article.