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User:Tom Hundred Percent

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Tom Hundred Percent

I'm 21 years old and live in the UK with my boyfriend. I'm a maths geek - I'm particularly interested in Model Theory and Non-euclidean Geometry.

Pages & Projects

Here are some of the pages and projects (both personal ones and Wikiprojects) that I've been working on. You can also look at my contributions to see what I've been doing.

Mathematics Pages

See also: Wikipedia:Wikiproject Mathematics


Dual licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution License version 2.5
I agree to dual-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution license version 2.5. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.