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![]() | The accompanying .css page for this skin is at User:Tlustulimu/vector.css. |
/* zdźěla wot mojeje němskeje strony */
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//Bei Dschwen gefunden
// [[Benutzer:Dschwen/wikiminiatlas2.js]] - diese Zeile bitte mitkopieren
// for my buttons.js
//Po ideju w němskej Wikipediji [[:de:Wikipedia Diskussion:Skin#Freigeben rot]]
if (document.getElementById("ca-unprotect"))
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// from user Zacke in the german wikipedia
// vom Benutzer:Zacke in dewp
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addlilink(tb, '/wiki/User:Tlustulimu/Nawi2', 'Nawi2', '');
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