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User:Sibahi/Letters of Muhammed

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Late in the year 6 A.H., the Islamic prophet Muhammed sent to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his envoys, a silver seal was made in which were graven the words: "Muhammed the Messenger of Allah".

Envoys were chosen on the basis of their experience and knowledge, and sent on their errands im Muharram in the year 7 A.H., a few days before heading to Khaibar.

The letter to Negus, king of Abyssinia


His name was As'hama bin Al-Abjar. He recieved Muhammed's letter, despatched with Amr bin Omayah Ad-Damari.

From Muhammed the Messenger of Allah to Negus, the ruler of Abyysinia. Peace be upon him who follows the right path.

Salutations, I praise Allah, there is no god but He, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Source and Giver of peace, the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety. I bear witness that Jesus, son of Mary, is the spirit and word of Allah which he cast on the virgin, pure, good Mary, so that she conceived Jesus. Allah created him from His spirit and His breath as He created Adam by His hand. I call you to Allah alone with no associate and to His obedience and to follow me and to believe in that which came to me, for I am the messenger of Allah. I invite you and your men to Allah, the Glorious, the Almighty. I hereby bear witness that I have communicated my message abd advice. So take it; peace be upon him who follows the right path.

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