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/**** THIS PAGE TRACKS [[meta:MediaWiki:Wikiminiatlas.js]]. PLEASE AVOID EDITING DIRECTLY. 
/**** EDITS SHOULD BE PROPOSED DIRECTLY to [[meta:MediaWiki:Wikiminiatlas.js]].

// '''WikiMiniAtlas'''
// Script to embed interactive maps into pages that have coordinate templates
// also check my user page [[User:Dschwen]] for more tools
// Revision 16.11
// Source: https://github.com/dschwen/wikiminiatlas/blob/master/wikiminiatlas.js
/* jshint laxcomma:true, smarttabs:true, quotmark:single, curly:false, es3:true, browser:true */
/* global mw,jQuery */
jQuery(function ($) {
 // WMA config
 var wc = {
  width  : 600,
  height : 400,
  timeout : 5000,
  zoom : -1,
  enabled : true,
  onlytitle : false,
  flowTextTooltips: (location.host==='wiki.riteme.site'),
  alwaysTooltips: false,
  iframeurl : '//wma.wmcloud.org/iframe.html',
  imgbase   : '//wma.wmcloud.org/tiles/',
  buttonImage: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/WMA_button2b.png/17px-WMA_button2b.png',
  buttonImage2x: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/WMA_button2b.png/34px-WMA_button2b.png'
 strings = {
  buttonTooltip : {
   'af':'Vertoon ligging op \'n interaktiwe kaart.',
   'als':'Ort uf dr interaktivä Chartä zeigä',
   'ar':'شاهد الموقع على الخريطة التفاعلية',
   'ast':'Ver el llugar nun mapa interactivu',
   'az':'Yeri interaktiv bir xəritədə göstər',
   'bar':'Ort af da interaktivn Kartn zoagn',
   'be-tarask':'паказаць месцазнаходжаньне на інтэрактыўнай мапе',
   'be-x-old':'паказаць месцазнаходжаньне на інтэрактыўнай мапе',
   'bg':'Покажи местоположението на интерактивната карта',
   'bn':'সক্রিয় মানচিত্রে অবস্থান চিহ্নিত করুন',
   'bpy':'জীবন্ত মানচিত্রগর মা মাপাহান দেখাদিতই',
   'br':'diskouez al lec\'hiadur war ur gartenn etrewezhiat',
   'bs':'Prikaži lokaciju na interaktivnoj mapi',
   'ca':'Mostra la localització en un mapa interactiu',
   'cs':'zobrazit místo na interaktivní mapě',
   'da':'vis beliggenhed på interaktivt kort',
   'de':'Ort auf interaktiver Karte anzeigen',
   'dsb':'Městno na interaktiwnej kórśe zwobrazniś',
   'el':'Εμφάνιση τοποθεσίας σε διαδραστικό χάρτη',
   'en':'Show location on an interactive map',
   'eo':'Montru lokigon sur interaktiva karto',
   'es':'Mostrar el lugar en un mapa interactivo',
   'eu':'erakutsi kokalekua mapa interaktibo batean',
   'fa':'نمایش مکان در نقشه‌ای پویا',
   'fi':'näytä paikka interaktiivisella kartalla',
   'fr':'Montrer la localisation sur une carte interactive',
   'fur':'mostre la localizazion suntune mape interative',
   'fy':'it plak op in oanpasbere kaart oanjaan',
   'gl':'Amosar o lugar nun mapa interactivo',
   'he':'הראה מיקום במפה האינטראקטיבית',
   'hi':'सक्रिय नक्शे पर लोकेशन या स्थान दिखायें',
   'hr':'Prikaži lokaciju na interaktivnom zemljovidu',
   'hsb':'Městno na interaktiwnej karće zwobraznić',
   'hu':'Mutasd a helyet egy interaktív térképen!',
   'hy':'ցուցադրել դիրքը ինտերակտիվ քարտեզի վրա',
   'id':'Tunjukkan lokasi di peta interaktif',
   'ilo':'Ipakita ti lokasion iti interaktibo a mapa',
   'is':'sýna staðsetningu á gagnvirku korti',
   'it':'mostra la località su una carta interattiva',
   'kk':'интерактивті картадан орналасуын көрсету',
   'kn':'ನಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು',
   'ko':'인터랙티브 지도에 위치를 표시',
   'ku':'Vî cihê li ser nexşeyekî înteraktifê nişan bide',
   'lt':'Rodyti vietą interaktyviame žemėlapyje',
   'lv':'Rādīt atrašanās vietu interaktīvajā kartē',
   'min':'Tunjuakan lokasi pado peta',
   'mk':'прикажи положба на интерактивна карта',
   'ml':'സ്ഥാനം സംവേദനക്ഷമമായ ഒരു ഭൂപടത്തിൽ കാണിക്കുക',
   'ms':'Tunjukkan lokasi pada peta interaktif',
   'my':'မြေပုံပေါ်တွင် တည်နေရာပြရန်',
   'nl':'de locatie op een interactieve kaart tonen',
   'no':'vis beliggenhet på interaktivt kart',
   'nv':'kéyah tʼáá dah siʼą́ą́ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ beʼelyaaígíí',
   'pl':'Pokaż lokalizację na mapie interaktywnej',
   'ps':'د ځاي نخشه ښکاره کول په متقابله نخشه کې',
   'pt':'mostrar a localidade num mapa interactivo',
   'ro':'Arată locaţia pe o hartă interactivă',
   'ru':'показать положение на интерактивной карте',
   'sco':'Shaw location on an interactive cairt',
   'sh':'Prikaži lokaciju na interaktivnoj mapi',
   'sk':'zobraz miesto na interaktívnej mape',
   'sl':'Prikaži lego na interaktivnem zemljevidu',
   'sq':'trego vendndodhjen në hartë',
   'sr':'Прикажи локацију на интерактивној мапи',
   'sr-ec':'Прикажи локацију на интерактивној мапи',
   'sr-el':'Prikaži lokaciju na interaktivnoj mapi',
   'sv':'visa platsen på en interaktiv karta',
   'ti': 'ቦታ ኣብ ተገባባሪ ካርታ ኣርእይ',
   'tr':'Yeri interaktif bir haritada göster',
   'uk':'показати положення на інтерактивній мапі',
   'vi':'xem vị trí này trên bản đồ tương tác',
   'vo':'Jonön topi su kaed itjäfidik',
  'map': {
  close : {
   'als':'Zuä machä',
   'bn':'বন্ধ করুন',
   'hi':'बंद करें',
   'nv':'doo yishʼį́ nisin da',
  resize : {
   'ar':'تغيير حجم',
   'az':'ölçüləri dəyiş',
   'bg':'Промени големина',
   'bn':'মাপ পরিবর্তন করুন',
   'bs':'promijeni veličinu',
   'cs':'změnit velikost',
   'de':'Größe ändern',
   'dk':'ændre størrelse',
   'el':'αλλαγή μεγέθους',
   'es':'cambiar el tamaño',
   'fa':'تغییر اندازه',
   'fi':'muuta kokoa',
   'gl':'cambiar o tamaño',
   'hr':'promijeni veličinu',
   'ilo':'baliwan ti kadakkel',
   'kk':'өлшемін өзгерту',
   'kn':'ಗಾತ್ರ ಬದಲಿಸು',
   'mk':'промени големина',
   'ml':'വലിപ്പം മാറ്റുക',
   'ms':'ubah saiz',
   'nl':'vergroten of verkleinen',
   'no':'endre størrelse',
   'ps':'د کچې بدلول',
   'pt':'alterar tamanho',
   'sh':'promijeni veličinu',
   'sl':'spremeni velikost',
   'sr':'промени величину',
   'sr-ec':'промени величину',
   'sr-el':'promeni veličinu',
   'sv':'ändra storlek',
   'ti':'መጠን ለውጥ',
   'uk':'змінити розмір',
 // domain of the WMA
 wma_domain = '//wma.wmcloud.org',

 language = '', site = '', awt='0', rtl = /(^|\s)rtl(\s|$)/.test(document.body.className),

 // Get a specific, localized string
 _msg = function(k) {
  return strings[k][language] || strings[k].en;
 dbName = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ),

 iframe = { div: null, iframe: null, closebutton: null, resizebutton: null, resizehelper: null, indom: false },

 page_title = ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')===0 ) ? encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgTitle')) : '',

 coord_filter = /[?&]params=([\d.+-]+)_([\d.+-]*)_?([\d.+-]*)_?([NSZ])_([\d.+-]+)_([\d.+-]*)_?([\d.+-]*)_?([EOW])([^&=<>|]{0,250})/,
 coord_list = [],
 coord_highlight = -1,

 kml = null,
 mes = null,
 initPromises = [];

 // get position on page
 function yPos(el) {
  return $(el).offset().top + $(el).outerHeight();

 // show, move, and update iframe
 function showIFrame(e) {
  var wi = iframe, my = yPos(this),
      newurl = wc.iframeurl + '?wma=' + e.data.param + '&lang=' + site + '&page=' + page_title + '&awt=' + awt;

  // insert iframe into DOM on demand (to preserve page caching)
  if (!wi.indom) {
   wi.indom = true;

  if (wi.iframe.attr('src')!==newurl) {
   wi.iframe.attr( 'src', newurl );
  } else if( wi.div.css('display') !== 'none' ) {
   return false;
  wi.div.css( 'top', my+'px' ).show();
  return false;

 function highlight(i) {
  if (coord_highlight>=0) {
  coord_highlight = i;
  if (coord_highlight>=0) {

 function messageHub(e) {
  var i, d, clist = { coords: [] }
    , geoext = [], sx=0, sy=0, s
    , minlat = Infinity, maxlat = -Infinity, ineg = -1, ipos = -1;
  e = e.originalEvent;
  if (!e || !e.data || !e.data.split) {
  	// avoid  Uncaught TypeError: e.data.split is not a function
  d = e.data.split(',');
  mes = e.source;
  switch(d[0]) {
   case 'request' :
    // make a JSON encodable copy of coord_list (no HTML objects!)
    // find center and extent
    for (i=0; i<coord_list.length; ++i) {
     clist.coords[i] = {
      lat: coord_list[i].lat,
      lon: coord_list[i].lon,
      title: coord_list[i].title.replace(/[\+_]/g,' ')
     if (coord_list[i].lat<minlat) { minlat = coord_list[i].lat; }
     if (coord_list[i].lat>maxlat) { maxlat = coord_list[i].lat; }
     geoext[i] = {
      x: Math.cos(coord_list[i].lon/180.0*Math.PI),
      y: Math.sin(coord_list[i].lon/180.0*Math.PI)
     sx += geoext[i].x;
     sy += geoext[i].y;
    clist.loncenter = Math.atan2(sy,sx)*180.0/Math.PI;
    clist.latmax = maxlat;
    clist.latmin = minlat;
    // extent in longitude
    for (i=0; i<geoext.length; ++i) {
     s = (geoext[i].x*sy-geoext[i].y*sx);
     geoext[i].z = (geoext[i].x*sx+geoext[i].y*sy);
     if (s<0 && (ineg<0 || geoext[i].z<geoext[ineg].z)) { ineg=i; }
     if (s>0 && (ipos<0 || geoext[i].z<geoext[ipos].z)) { ipos=i; }
    if (ipos>=0 && ineg>=0) {
     clist.lonleft  = coord_list[ipos].lon;
     clist.lonright = coord_list[ineg].lon;
    if ('JSON' in window) {
     mes.postMessage(JSON.stringify(clist), document.location.protocol + wma_domain);
     if (kml!==null) {
      mes.postMessage(JSON.stringify(kml), document.location.protocol + wma_domain);
   case 'unhighlight' :
   case 'toggle' :
   case 'scroll' :
    $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').animate({ scrollTop: $(coord_list[parseInt(d[1],10)].obj).offset().top - 20 + parseInt(d[2]||'0',10) }, 500 );
    iframe.div.css( { top: yPos( coord_list[parseInt(d[1],10)].obj ) + 'px'} );
    // make sure scroll target gets highlighted
    setTimeout(function () { highlight(parseInt(d[1],10)); }, 200);
   case 'highlight' :

 // parse url parameters into a hash
 function parseParams(url) {
  var map = {}, h, i, pair = url.substr(url.indexOf('?')+1).split('&');
  for (i=0; i<pair.length; ++i) {
   h = pair[i].split('=');
   map[h[0]] = h[1];
  return map;

 // Insert the IFrame into the page.

 var wi = iframe,
     marker = { lat:0, lon:0 }, coordinates = null,
     links, key, startTime, mapbutton;

 // apply settings
 if (typeof wma_settings==='object') {
  for (key in wma_settings) {
   if (typeof wma_settings[key]===typeof wc[key]) { wc[key] = wma_settings[key]; }

 if (wc.enabled===false) { return; }

 site = (dbName==='commonswiki') ? 'commons' : (mw.config.get('wgUserVariant') || mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage'));
 language = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );

 // bhwiki reports bho as language. I do not understand that yet, so let's add an exception
 if (site === 'bho') site = 'bh';

 // remove icons from title coordinates
 $('#coordinates,#coordinates-title,#tpl_Coordinaten').find('a.image, span[typeof*="mw:File"]').detach();

 bodyc = $( wc.onlytitle ? '#coordinates,#coordinates-title' : 'html' );
 startTime = (new Date()).getTime();

 bodyc.find('a.external.text').each( function( key, link ) {
  var ws, coord_params, params, zoomlevel, globe='Earth';

  // check for timeout (every 10 links only)
  if (key%10===9 && (new Date()).getTime() > startTime+wc.timeout) {
   return false; // break out of each

  if (!('href' in link) || !coord_filter.exec(link.href)) { // invalid links do not contain href attribute in IE!
   return true;
  marker.lat=(1.0*RegExp.$1) + ((RegExp.$2||0)/60.0) + ((RegExp.$3||0)/3600.0);
  if (RegExp.$4!=='N') { marker.lat*=-1; }
  marker.lon=(1.0*RegExp.$5) + ((RegExp.$6||0)/60.0) + ((RegExp.$7||0)/3600.0);
  if (RegExp.$8==='W') { marker.lon*=-1; }
  coord_params = RegExp.$9;

  // Zoom based on coordinate N/S precision
  var coord_digits = RegExp.$3 ? 4 : RegExp.$2 ? 2 : RegExp.$1.length - (RegExp.$1+'.').indexOf('.') - 1;
  zoomlevel = coord_digits * Math.log(10)/Math.log(2);

  // Find a sensible Zoom-level based on type
  if( /_type:(airport|edu|pass|landmark|railwaystation)/.test(coord_params) ) {
   zoomlevel = 8;
  } else if (/_type:(event|forest|glacier)/.test(coord_params)) {
   zoomlevel = 6;
  } else if (/_type:(adm3rd|city|mountain|isle|river|waterbody)/.test(coord_params)) {
   zoomlevel = 4;

  // wma shows dim approx 4e7m at zoom 0 or 1.5e8 is the scale of zoomlevel 0
  if (/_dim:([\d.+-]+)(km|m|_|$)/.exec(coord_params)) {
   zoomlevel = Math.log((RegExp.$2==='km' ? 4e4 : 4e7) / RegExp.$1)/Math.log(2);
  if (/_scale:(\d+)(_|$)/.exec(coord_params)) {
   zoomlevel = Math.log(1.5e8/RegExp.$1) / Math.log(2);

  if (wc.zoom!==-1) { zoomlevel = wc.zoom; }
  //if( zoomlevel > 12 ) { zoomlevel = 12; }
  if (zoomlevel<0) { zoomlevel = 0; }

  function capitalize(s) { return s.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+s.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }
  if (/_globe:([^_&]+)/.test(coord_params)) { globe = capitalize(RegExp.$1); }
  if ($.inArray(globe,['Earth','Moon','Mars','Venus','Mercury','Io','Titan']) < 0 ) { return; }

  // Test the unicode Symbol
  if (site==='de' && link.parentNode.id!=='coordinates') {
   mapbutton = $('<span>♁</span>').css('color','blue');
  } else {
   mapbutton = $('<img>').attr('src', wc.buttonImage).attr('srcset', wc.buttonImage + ' 1x, ' + wc.buttonImage2x + ' 2x');
  mapbutton.addClass('wmamapbutton noprint').attr( {
   title: _msg('buttonTooltip'),
   alt: ''
  } )
  .on('mouseenter', function (){ $(this).css('opacity', 0.75); })
  .on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).css('opacity', ''); })
  .css('padding', rtl ? '0px 0px 0px 3px' : '0px 3px 0px 0px' ).css('cursor', 'pointer');

  if (wc.alwaysTooltips || ( wc.flowTextTooltips && $(link).parents('li, table, #coordinates').length===0)) {
   // insert tooltip rather than icon to improve text readability
   mapbutton = $('<span>').append(mapbutton).append('&nbsp;WikiMiniAtlas').css('cursor','pointer');
   var tooltip = $('<div>').css( {
    backgroundColor: 'white', padding: '0.2em', border: '1px solid black',
    position: 'absolute', top: '1em', left: '0em',
    display: 'none', zIndex : 15
     .css( { position: 'relative', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' } )
     .on('mouseleave', function () { tooltip.fadeOut(); })
    .on('mouseenter', function () { tooltip.fadeIn(); });
  } else {
   // insert icon directly
   ws = $(link).css('whiteSpace');
   if (site!=='de' || link.parentNode.id!=='coordinates') {
    $(link).wrap( $('<span>').css('whiteSpace', 'nowrap') ).css('whiteSpace', ws).before(mapbutton);
   } else {
    $('#coordinates').append('<span class="noprint coordinates-separator"> | </span>').append(mapbutton);

  mapbutton.on( 'click', { param:
   marker.lat + '_' + marker.lon + '_' +
   wc.width + '_' + wc.height + '_' +
   site + '_' + zoomlevel + '_' + language + '&globe=' + globe }, showIFrame );

  // store coordinates
  coordinates = link.href;
  params = parseParams(link.href);
  coord_list.push( { lat: marker.lat, lon: marker.lon, obj: link, mb: mapbutton, title: params.title || params.pagename || '' } );
 } ); //end each

 var titlebutton = false;

 function addTitleButton( alat, alon, zoomlevel ) {
  mapbutton = $('<img>')
   .on('mouseenter', function (){ $(this).css('opacity', 0.75); })
   .on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).css('opacity', ''); })
   .css('padding', rtl ? '0px 3px 0px 0px' : '0px 0px 0px 3px' ).css('cursor', 'pointer')
   .attr('src', wc.buttonImage).attr('srcset', wc.buttonImage + ' 1x, ' + wc.buttonImage2x + ' 2x')
   .addClass('wmamapbutton noprint')
   .on( 'click', { param:
    alat + '_' + alon + '_' +
    wc.width + '_' + wc.height + '_' +
    site + '_' + zoomlevel + '_' + language
   }, showIFrame ); // zoomlevel!

  if (!titlebutton) {
   if ($('#coordinates').length) {
   } else {
    $('<span id="coordinates"></span>').text(_msg('map')).append(mapbutton).appendTo('#bodyContent');
   titlebutton = true;

 // detect and load KML
 // also insert globe even if no title coords are given
 (function () {
  var i, l = $('div.kmldata')
     ,alat = 0, alon = 0
     ,la1 = Infinity, la2 =- Infinity
     ,lo1 = Infinity, lo2 =- Infinity
     ,ex,ey, req;

  for (i=0; i<l.length; ++i) {// TODO: replace with .each
   coordinates = true;
   req = $.ajax({
    url: '/wiki/' + encodeURI(l.eq(i).attr('title')) + '?action=raw',
    dataType: 'xml',
    success: function (xml) {
     var zoomlevel;

     function processCoords(t) {
      var way = [], c, p = t.split(' '), i, lat, lon;
      for( i=0; i<p.length; ++i ) {
       if( c.length >= 2 ) {
        lat = parseFloat(c[1]);
        lon = parseFloat(c[0]);
        way.push( { lat: lat, lon: lon } );

        // determine extent of way
        if (lat<la1) { la1=lat; }
        if (lon<lo1) { lo1=lon; }
        if (lat>la2) { la2=lat; }
        if (lon>lo2) { lo2=lon; }
      return way;

     // initialize transfer datastructure
     kml = { ways: [], areas: [] };

     // ways
     $(xml).find('LineString > coordinates').each(function () {
      var way = processCoords( $(this).text() );
      if (way.length>0) { kml.ways.push(way); }

     // areas
     $(xml).find('Polygon').each(function () {
      var area = { inner: [], outer: [] };

      // outer boundary
      $(this).find('outerBoundaryIs > LinearRing > coordinates').each(function () {
       var way = processCoords($(this).text());
       if (way.length>0) { area.outer.push(way); }

      // inner boundary (holes in the polygon)
      $(this).find('innerBoundaryIs > LinearRing > coordinates').each(function () {
       var way = processCoords($(this).text());
       if (way.length>0) { area.inner.push(way); }

      // only add if we have an outer boundary
      if (area.outer.length>0) { kml.areas.push(area); }

     // inset min/max extent
     kml.minlon = lo1;
     kml.maxlon = lo2;
     kml.minlat = la1;
     kml.maxlat = la2;

     // already got a request message
     if (mes!==null && kml.ways.length>0 && 'JSON' in window) {
      mes.postMessage(JSON.stringify(kml), document.location.protocol + wma_domain);

     // insert blue globe
     if (coord_list.length===0 || (!$('#coordinates').find('.wmamapbutton').length)) {
      // determine center
      alat = (la1+la2)/2;
      alon = (lo1+lo2)/2;

      //determine zoomfactor
      ex = (lo2-lo1)/180.0 * 3.0*128;
      ey = (la2-la1)/180.0 * 3.0*128; // max extent in degrees, zoom0 has 3*128/180 px/degree
      for (zoomlevel=0; zoomlevel<12; ++zoomlevel) {
       if( ex>wc.width/2 || ey>wc.height/2 ) break;
       ex *= 2; ey *= 2;

      // add mapbutton
      addTitleButton( alat, alon, zoomlevel );
   // Add request promise to init array, and cast any errors to success so that
   // we don't abort init early when one of the requests failed. These are expected
   // to fail for titles we can't find.
   initPromises.push(req.then(null, function () { return $.Deferred().resolve(); } ));
  } // end for

 // detect "All Coordinates"
 links = $('#coordinates>span>a');
 if (links.length && links[0].href.indexOf('http://www.lenz-online.de/cgi-bin/wiki/wiki-osm.pl') === 0) {
   addTitleButton( 0, 0, 1 );
   coordinates = true;

 // prepare iframe to house the map
 if (coordinates!==null) {
  wi.div = $('<div>').css( {
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