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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// This script highlights elements on a page, for tutorials.
// Offers slightly more flexibility and speed than editing monobook.css
// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/highlightpageelements.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 
// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js

function highlightPageElements() { 
	var error_string = "";
	var alert_string = "";
	var prompt_string = "";
	var default_string = "";

	var target_element;
	var element_name = "";

	var subelements;
	var temp_subelement;
	var num_subelements = 0;
	var subelement_index = 0;
	var highlight_DIV_subelements = true;

// Input the user's target element
	default_string = "p-cactions";
	prompt_string = "Which element would you like to highlight?  Enter \"help\" for a list of common choices.";
	element_name = window.prompt(prompt_string, default_string);

// Check for help request
	if ((element_name.match(/^help$/ig)) || (element_name.match(/^list$/ig))) { 
		alert_string  = "\"p-personal\"    Personal user commands at the upper right.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-cactions\"    User tabs at the top of the article.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-logo\"        Wikipedia logo at the top of the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-navigation\"  Navigation portlet in the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-search\"      Search box in the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-interaction\" Interaction portlet in the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-tb\"          Toolbox portlet in the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-lang\"        Interwiki portlet in the left-hand column.\n";
		alert_string += "\"p-footer\"      Footer at the bottom of the page.\n";


// Identify the target element 
	target_element = document.getElementById(element_name);

// Highlight the target element
	if (target_element) { 
		target_element.style.cssText = "background-color:yellow"; 

		if (highlight_DIV_subelements == true) { 
			subelements = target_element.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
			if (subelements) { 
				num_subelements = subelements.length;
				for (subelement_index=0; subelement_index<num_subelements; subelement_index++) { 
					temp_subelement = subelements[subelement_index];
					if (!temp_subelement) { continue; }
					temp_subelement.style.cssText = "background-color:yellow";
				} // closes loop over the DIV subelements
			} // closes check for DIV subelements
			alert_string = "Highlighted " + num_subelements + " sub-elements of " + element_name + ".\n";
		} // closes check whether to highlight DIV subelements
	} else { 
		error_string = "Element " + element_name + " was not found on this page.\n";
	} // closes check for the target element 

} // closes function highlightPageElements() 

addOnloadHook(function () {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-navigation', 'javascript:highlightPageElements()', 'Highlight', 'ca-highlight', 'Highlights page elements at will', '', '');