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Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// This code will change ISBN links to point to the url of your choice,
// instead of Special:Booksources. 
// How to use it:
// First, you must copy this code to your user javascript page. This is 
// at User:<your username>/monobook.js . My username is Lunchboxhero so
// my javascript page is User:Lunchboxhero/monobook.js . You must be logged
// in to edit your javascript page.
// Once you have copied the code and saved the page, you need to refresh your
// browser's cache. For Mozilla/Safari/Konqueror: hold down Shift while clicking 
// Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), IE: press Ctrl-F5, Opera: press F5.
// The code should now work, as long as you are logged in.
// You can change the destination URL.  Go to [[Wikipedia:Book sources]] and copy 
// the URL of the site you want to use (right-click the link, then click "Copy Link 
// Location", "Copy Target", or similar).  Put the new URL between the quotes next 
// to magicURL, in place of the URL now there.
// The current magicURL includes Wikimedia's Amazon Referral reference. That means if you click on 
// the ISBN link, go to Amazon and end up buying the book, Wikimedia will earn some small amount
// of money from that sale.  If you don't want to support Wikimedia in this way, but do want ISBNs
// to link to Amazon, replace the current magicURL with "http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&field-isbn=MAGICNUMBER"
// Good luck, and if you have any questions, leave a comment on the discussion
// page of User:Lunchboxhero/monobook.js . Thanks to Superm401 and drrngravy for their
// improvements.
// (Every line that starts with "//" is a comment and can be discarded.)
var magicURL = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&field-isbn=MAGICNUMBER";

// Addtabs, added 2007-12-17
// =-=-=- HELPER FUNCTIONS -=-=-=-
function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) li.id = id;
        if(key && title)
            ta[id] = [key, title];
        else if(key)
            ta[id] = [key, ''];
        else if(title)
            ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

function addToolboxLink(url, name, id){
    var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tb, url, name, id);

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key) {
    return mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, name, id, title, key);

function addLink(where, url, name, id, title, key, after){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) li.id = id;
    var tabs = document.getElementById(where).getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    if(after) {
    } else {
    if(id) {
	if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; }
	else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, '']; }
	else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title];} 
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

function addlimenu(tabs, name, id)
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = '#';
    var mn = document.createElement('ul');
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    li.id = id;
    li.className = 'tabmenu';
    return li;

function addnavbox_link(URL,Name,ID)
var portlet = document.getElementById('p-navigation');
var links = portlet.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
links.innerHTML += '<li id="' + ID + '"><a href="' + URL + '">' + Name + '</a></li>';

// History, added 2007-12-17
//[[Category:Wikipedia administrators who use VoA script|{{PAGENAME}}]]<pre><nowiki>
//Helper tools

//admin list
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=User:VoABot/adminlist.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//bot list
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=User:VoABot/botlist.js'
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=User:Voice of All/Dates.js'
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

//History stats tabs
function addhiststats()
  if (location.href.indexOf('&action=history') !=-1 && location.href.indexOf('&jsaction=validate') ==-1) 
     addTab("javascript:histstats()", "%", "ca-stats", "History statistics", "");
     if (wgNamespaceNumber==0)
     {addTab("http://vs.aka-online.de/cgi-bin/wppagehiststat.pl?lang=en&page=" + wgPageName, "tree", "ca-editors", "Editor statistics", "");}
  else if (location.href.search(/Special:(Undelete\/|Undelete.*&target=)/) !=-1 && location.href.search(/&timestamp=|&action=submit/) == -1) 
      addTab("javascript:histstats()", "%", "ca-stats", "Revision statistics", "");
  else if (location.href.search(/=(Special:Log|Special%3ALog).*&user=[^&]+/) !=-1 && location.href.search(/=Special:Log\/|&type=\w/) ==-1)
      addTab("javascript:logstats()", "%", "ca-stats", "User's log statistics", "");
      addTab("javascript:masterview(5000)", "5k", "ca-v5k", "view last 5000 actions", "");
  else if (document.title.indexOf('User contributions') == 0) 
      addTab("javascript:sumperentcuse()", "%", "ca-sumuse", "User's edit statistics", "");
      addTab("javascript:masterview(5000)", "5k", "ca-v5k", "view last 5000 edits", "");
      if (location.href.search(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/) ==-1)
         addTab("javascript:get_userlist_xml()", "$", "ca-rts", "Shows user groups", "");
  else if (document.title.search(/User:|User talk:/) == 0 && document.title.indexOf('/') == -1 && location.href.search(/Special:/) ==-1) 
     {addTab("javascript:get_userlist_xml()", "$", "ca-stats6", "Shows user groups", "");}

function logstats()
if (document.getElementById('bodyContent'))
  var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
else if (document.getElementById('quickbar'))
  if (!document.getElementById('content')){return;}
  var body = document.getElementById('content');
if (document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML.indexOf('Viewing log statistics ') !=-1)
      {alert("Results already shown."); return;}
var protects = 0;
var unprotects = 0;
var deletes = 0;
var undeletes = 0;
var blocks = 0;
var range_blocks = 0;
var unblocks = 0;
var moves = 0;
var rights = 0;
var botsf = 0;
var botsd = 0;
var renames = 0;
var uploads = 0;
var other = 0;
if (!body.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0])
  {alert('No log events found!'); return;}
var l = body.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
  for (var i=0; i <l.length; i++)
  var html = l[i].innerHTML;
  if (html.indexOf('</a>) moved <a href=') !=-1)
     {moves += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) uploaded "<a href=') !=-1)
     {uploads += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) blocked "<a href=') !=-1)
    blocks += 1;
    if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].innerHTML.search(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\d\d/) !=-1)
       {range_blocks += 1;}
    else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[4].innerHTML.search(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\d\d/) !=-1)
       {range_blocks += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) unblocked <a href=') !=-1)
     {unblocks += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) protected <a href=') !=-1)
     {protects += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) unprotected <a href=') !=-1)
     {unprotects += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) deleted "<a href=') !=-1)
     {deletes += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) restored "<a href=') !=-1)
     {undeletes += 1;}
  else if (html.search(/<\/a>\) changed <a href=.+<\/a>'s rights from/) !=-1)
     {rights += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('<span class="comment">\(Renamed the user') !=-1)
     {renames += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('/a>) granted bot status to <a href=') !=-1)
     {botsf += 1;}
  else if (html.indexOf('</a>) removed bot status from <a href=') !=-1)
     {botsd += 1;}
var first_date = l[0].innerHTML.split(' <a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
var last_date = l[i-1].innerHTML.split(' <a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
var current_date = new Date();
current_date = current_date.toUTCString().replace(/GMT/, "UTC");
var E = l.length;
var totdays = getDateDiff(current_date,last_date);
var Daylength = Math.round((1)*totdays)/1;
  if (Daylength == 0) Daylength = 1;
var average = E/totdays;
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '<br><span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Viewing log statistics data for this user for the </span>' + E + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">events shown on this page</span></strong>'
var TimeDATE = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Time range:</span> ' + Daylength + ' approximate day(s) of log items on this page</strong></span><br> ' + 'Current time: ' + current_date + ' <strong>||</strong> Oldest action on: ' + last_date + ' (UTC)<br>';
document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML = '<div id="contentSub">' + document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML + '</div>' + TimeDATE + '<span style="color:black;"><strong>Average actions per day:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*average)/100 + '</strong> (for last ' + E + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:blue;">User actions:</strong></span><br>' + '<span style="color:darkgreen;"><strong>Page moves:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(moves)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + moves + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Uploads:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(uploads)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + uploads + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:blue;">Sysop actions:</strong></span><br>' + '<span style="color:black;"><strong>Page protects:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(protects)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + protects + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:grey;"><strong>Page unprotects:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(unprotects)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + unprotects + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:darkred;"><strong>Deletes:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(deletes)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + deletes + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:black;"><strong>Undeletes:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(undeletes)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + undeletes + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:red;"><strong>Blocks:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(blocks)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + blocks + ' actions(s)) <i>(' + range_blocks + ' range block(s))</i><br>' + '<span style="color:black;"><strong>Unblocks:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(unblocks)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + unblocks + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:blue;">Bureaucrat actions:</strong></span><br>' + '<span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Promotions:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(rights)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + rights + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:#FF6600;"><strong>Bot flaggings:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(botsf)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + botsf + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:darkred;"><strong>Bot de-flaggings:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(botsd)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + botsd + ' actions(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:black;"><strong>Renames:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(renames)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + renames + ' actions(s))<br>' + body.innerHTML.split('<!-- start content -->')[1];

function masterview(number)

  if (location.href.search(/&limit=\d+/) !=-1)
  var limit = location.href.match(/&limit=\d+/g)[0];
  var url = location.href.replace(limit,'&limit=' + number);
  else if (location.href.indexOf('Special:Contributions/') !=-1)
  var name = location.href.split('Special:Contributions/')[1];
  var url = '/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&limit=' + number + '&target=' + name;
  {var url = location.href + '&limit=' + number;}
  location.href = url;

//standard XML Support
function HTTPClient() 
  var gml_http;
  if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    gml_http = new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
    try {
      gml_http = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    } catch (e) {
      try {
        gml_http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      } catch (E) {
        gml_http = false;
  return gml_http;

function gml_XMLParse(string) {
  if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
    var gml_xmlparser = new DOMParser()
    return gml_xmlparser.parseFromString(string, "text/xml");
  } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
    var gml_xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    gml_xmldoc.async = "false";
    ret = gml_xmldoc.loadXML(string);      
    if (!ret)
      return null;
    return gml_xmldoc.documentElement;
  return null;

function get_userlist_xml()
  document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += '<br><strong>Searching for current usergroup information.' + '\n' + 'Please wait...</strong>';
  gml_xmlhttp = HTTPClient();
  if (!gml_xmlhttp)
  if (document.title.indexOf('User:') == 0)
    {user_name = document.title.split('User:')[1].split(' - ')[0];}
  else if (document.title.indexOf('User talk:') == 0)
    {user_name = document.title.split('User talk:')[1].split(' - ')[0];}
    {user_name = document.getElementById('contentSub').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;}
  var pageurl = '/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&group=&username=' + user_name;
  gml_xmlhttp.open("GET", pageurl, true);
  gml_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = alertget;

function getusergroup()
  gml_xmlhttp = HTTPClient();
  if (!gml_xmlhttp)
  var pageurl = '/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&group=sysop&limit=5000';
  gml_xmlhttp.open("GET", pageurl, true);
  gml_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = userget;

function alertget()
  if (gml_xmlhttp.readyState != 4)
  xml = gml_xmlhttp.responseText.replace(/<body.*"ns-4">/, '<body class="ns-4">');
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xml);
  var rights = '(username invalid)';
  if (doc.getElementsByTagName('li')[0])
    {rights = doc.getElementsByTagName('li')[0].innerHTML;}
  if (user_name.indexOf('FAQ') !=-1)
  {user_name = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML;}
  document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += '<br><span style="color:blue;"><strong>' + rights + '</strong></span>';

function userget()
  if (gml_xmlhttp.readyState != 4)
  alert("Usergroup list obtained. Seaching for " + user_name + ".");
  xml = gml_xmlhttp.responseText.replace(/<body.*"ns-4">/, '<body class="ns-4">');
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xml);
  var l = doc.getElementsByTagName('li');
  var user_name = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;
  var user_sysop = 'no';
  for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
     var name = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;
     if (user_name == name){user_sysop = 'yes'; break;}
    return user_sysop;

//Summary percent use
contribs_first = true;
function sumperentcuse()
  if (document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML.indexOf('Viewing contribution data for') !=-1)
      {alert("Results already shown."); return;}
//check name
  rights_status = '';
  Username = 'this user';
  if (location.href.indexOf('username=') !=-1)
    {Username = location.href.split('username=')[1].split('&')[0].replace(/\+/g,' ');}
    {Username = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;}
  theusername = 'user </span><span style="color:purple;">' + Username + '</span>';
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += "<br><strong>Analyzing contributions...please wait</strong>";
  gml_xmlhttp = HTTPClient();
  var pageurl = '/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=upload&user=' + Username + '&page=&limit=5000&useskin=standard';
  gml_xmlhttp.open("GET", pageurl, true);
  gml_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = sumperentcuse2;

edits_page_compared_js = 0;
function sumperentcuse2()
  if (gml_xmlhttp.readyState != 4) return;
  xml = gml_xmlhttp.responseText;
    document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += "<br><strong>Analyzing uploads...</strong>";
  Uploads = 0;
  Uploads_length = 0;
  var up_list_unique = '|';
  if (xml.indexOf('<ul>') !=-1)
  xml = xml.split('<ul>')[1].split('</ul>')[0];
  Uploads_length = xml.split('<li>').length-1;
  var l = xml.split('<li>');
  for (z=0; z<l.length; z++)
     var litxt = l[z].split('</li>')[0];
     var name = l[z].split('</li>')[0];
     if (name.indexOf(') uploaded "<a href="') !=-1){name = name.split(') uploaded "<a href="')[1];}
     else if (name.indexOf(') uploaded "<A href="') !=-1){name = name.split(') uploaded "<A href="')[1];}
     else {name = '';}
     name = name.split('" title="')[0];
     if (up_list_unique.indexOf('|' + name + '|') == -1 && name.indexOf('action=edit') == -1 && name != '' && litxt.indexOf('(Reverted to ') == -1)
      {up_list_unique += name + '|';}
  Uploads = up_list_unique.split('|').length-2;

  EC_tot = 0;
  ave_tot = 0;
  Pagelist = '';
  TE = 0;
  sum_edits = 0;
  sumart_edits = 0;
  Art_minor = 0;
  Artm_to_minor = 0;
  Sum_value = -1;
  NS = 0;
  M = 0;
  R = 0;
  EX = 0;
  UM = 0;
  MAM = 0;
//minor/major flagging
  All_markedMaj = 0;
  All_markedMin = 0;
  Minor_withsum = 0;
  Major_withsum = 0;
  Major_edit_sum = 0;
  Major_article_sum = 0;
  Minor_article_sum = 0;
  Article_minor_edits = 0;
  Article_major_edits = 0;
  Is_minor = 0;
  Not_minor = 0;
  Talk = 0;
  User = 0;
  Usertalk = 0;
  MediawikiE = 0;
  Wikipediatalk = 0;
  WikipediaE = 0;
  Images = 0;
  Template = 0;
  Category = 0;
  Portal = 0;
  Help = 0;
  TTalk = 0;
  ITalk = 0;
  HTalk = 0;
  PTalk = 0;
  CTalk = 0;
  MTalk = 0;
  ArticleE = 0;
//unique pages
  Unique_pages = 0;
//degree of contribution
  ArtSig = 0;
  ArtSf = 0;
  ArtRv = 0;
  ArtM = 0;
  ArtUM =0;
//type of non-article contribs
  PR_tot = 0;
  BOT_tot = 0;
  RAfC_tot = 0;
  CP_tot = 0;
  FAC_tot = 0;
  AN_tot = 0;
  RfA_tot = 0;
  AfC_tot = 0;
  RfA_votes_S = 0;
  RfA_votes_O = 0;
  XfD_tot = 0;
  AWB_edits = 0;
  Protections = 0;
  Moves = 0;
  Dummy_Moves = 0;
  Redirects = 0;
  User_warnings = 0;
  User_welcomes = 0;
//block list (for "compare" compatibility)
  blk_num = 0;
function sumperentcuse3()
  var compare = 0;
  document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += "<br><strong>Analyzing edits...</strong>";
  if (document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML.indexOf('edit comparison between') !=-1){compare = 1;}
  if (Username == 'Talk' && compare == 0)
  {theusername = '</span><span style="color:purple;">this IP address</span>';}
  else if (compare == 1)
  {theusername = '</span><span style="color:purple;">these users</span>';}
  else if (Username == 'navigation')
  {theusername = '</span><span style="color:purple;">these IP addresses</span>';}
  if (theadminlist.indexOf('|' + Username + '|') !=-1)
 {rights_status = ' </span><span style="color:blue;">(sysop)</span><span style="color:purple;">';}
  var cnt = 0;
//tagging edits
  var rvlink = '<span style="color:darkred;"><strong>rv</strong></span>';
  var nslink = '<strong><span style="color:darkgrey;">no summary</span></strong>';
  var mslink = '<strong>minor</strong>';
  var sflink =  '<strong><span style="color:purple;">superficial</span></strong>';
  var sflink2 =  '<strong><span style="color:green;">superficial</span></strong>';
  var mamlink = '<strong><span style="color:green;">minor</span></strong>';
  var tplink = '<strong>most recent</strong>'
  var umplink = '<strong><span style="color:grey;">unmarked</strong></span>'
  var alink = '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">notable</strong></span>';
  var malink = '<strong><span style="color:blue;">notable!</strong></span>';
  var minalink = '<strong>significant</strong>';
  var c = document.getElementById('contentSub');
  var a = c.getElementsByTagName('a');
  l = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('li');
  if (l[0] == undefined){alert("Nothing to analyze!"); return;}
//For loop START
  for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
     if (l[i].innerHTML.search(/ (unblocked|blocked)( "| )<[Aa] href="/) == -1)
          var tpnt = '';
//find pagename, and split li text after it to get summary text, the k loop fixes this for autosums
          if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2])
          {tpnt = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;}
          var Careful = 'no';
          var Revert = 'no';
          var Minor = 'no';
          var Superfic = 'no';
          var Notable = 'no';
          var Significant = 'no';
          var Minor_nonrv = -1;
          var Minor_or_sum = -1;
          var Marked_as_minor = 'no';
          var Namespace_type = 'non-article';
          var Namespace = '';
          Sum_value = -1;
//get the edit summary
          var autoc = 'no';
          var the_sum = '';
          for (k = 0 ; k < l[i].getElementsByTagName('span').length; k++)
           if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].className == 'minor') 
                  Minor_nonrv = 1;
                  Minor_or_sum = 1;
                  Minor = 'yes';
                  Marked_as_minor = 'yes';
           else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].className == 'comment') 
                  Sum_value = 1; 
                  Minor_or_sum = 1;
                  var Careful = 'no';
                  the_sum = l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].innerHTML;
                  // remove any tag cruft
                  the_sum = the_sum.replace(/(<span class="autocomment">|<\/span>)/i,'');
                  // remove parens
                  //the_sum = the_sum.replace(/^\(|\)$/i,'');
                  Sum_value = -1;
                  if (Minor == 'no')
                    {Minor_or_sum = -1;}
            //End of k loop
//get pagename (var "Namespace" is really just the page name here)
//edit type passes included here
       if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2])
          {var Namespace = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;}
       if (Pagelist.indexOf('|' + Namespace + '|') == -1)
          {Pagelist += '|' + Namespace + '|'; Unique_pages += 1;}
//get protections
       if (the_sum.search(/\((Protected|Unprotected) .+: .+/) ==0)
          {Protections += 1;}
//get moves
       else if (the_sum.search(/\(moved <a href=.+<.a> to <a href=.+<.a>/i) ==0 && Marked_as_minor == 'yes')
          {Moves += 1;}
//get moves
       else if (the_sum.search(/\(moved <a href=.+<.a> to <a href=.+<.a>:/i) ==0 && Marked_as_minor == 'no')
          {Dummy_Moves += 1;}
//get redirects
       else if (the_sum.search(/\((redirect|redir|red\.|#redirect|#redir|#red\.|page redir|redirection to|r\)|rd\)|rd\.\))|(fix|make|create|double|repair|db|dbl|bypass|skip) redir/i) ==0)
          {Redirects += 1;}
//get AWB edits
       if (the_sum.search(/using <a href="\/wiki\/Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser"| using <a href="\/wiki\/(WP|[Ww]iki|[Ww]ikipedia):AWB"/i) !=-1)
          {AWB_edits += 1; Careful = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes';}
//remove links from summary
the_sum = the_sum.replace(/<a href=([^>\]])+>([^<])+<\/a>/ig,'');
//sort namespaces
          if (Namespace.indexOf('Talk:') == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          Talk = Talk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('User:') == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          User = User + 1;
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('User talk:') == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          Usertalk = Usertalk + 1;
          if (the_sum.search(/\(test|\(warn|test\d|test[-: ]|warn (user|vandal)|user notice:|warning[ :\)]|vandism|vandaliz|please stop|your (recent|edits)|regarding (changes|edits)|changes to/i) !=-1)
              {User_warnings += 1;}
          else if (the_sum.search(/welcome[ :\)!]|welc[ :\)!]|welc.[ :\)!]|(create|make) an account/i) !=-1)
              {User_welcomes += 1;}
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('MediaWiki:') == 0)
          MediawikiE = MediawikiE + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/(Commons|Wikipedia) talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          Wikipediatalk = Wikipediatalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/(Commons|Wikipedia):/) == 0)
          WikipediaE = WikipediaE + 1;
             if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:Peer review\//) == 0)
             {PR_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:Articles for creation\//) == 0)
             {AfC_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:[Rr]equests for ([Cc]omment|[Aa]rbitration)/)==0)
             {RAfC_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/for [Dd]eletion|Deletion [Rr]eview|(Redirects|Categories) for [Dd]iscussion/) !=-1)
              {XfD_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:Copyright/) !=-1)
              {CP_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:Featured (article|picture|list) candidates/) !=-1)
              {FAC_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:(Administrators' noticeboard|Administrator intervention against vandalism|Requests for investigation|WikiProject on open proxies|Long term abuse|Suspected sock puppets|Abuse reports|Personal attack intervention noticeboard|Requests for checkuser)/) !=-1)
              {AN_tot += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.search(/Wikipedia:Requests for (adminship|bureaucratship)/) == 0)
              RfA_tot += 1;
                if (the_sum.search(/\((support|supp\.|sup\.|supp|endorse|(e|s|ss|ws)[\.\)]|nominate\)|new )|(endorse|support|supp|sup\.|absolutely|definitely|[\.\(][es])[\);:]/i) != -1)
                {RfA_votes_S += 1;}
                else if (the_sum.search(/\((oppose|op\.|opp|reject|no[\.\)]|(o|wo|so)[\.\)])|(oppose|opp|op\.|absolutely not|definitely not|[\.\(]o)[\);:]/i) != -1)
                {RfA_votes_O += 1;}
             else if (Namespace.indexOf('Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval') == 0)
              {BOT_tot += 1;}
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('Image:') == 0)
          Images = Images + 1;
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('Template:') == 0)
          Template = Template + 1;
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('Category:') == 0)
          Category = Category + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/(Portal|Creator):/) == 0)
          Portal = Portal + 1;
          else if (Namespace.indexOf('Help:') == 0)
          Help = Help + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/Template talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          TTalk = TTalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/Image talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          ITalk = ITalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/Category talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          CTalk = CTalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/(Portal|Creator) talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          PTalk = PTalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/Help talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          HTalk = HTalk + 1;
          else if (Namespace.search(/MediaWiki talk:/) == 0)
          Namespace_type = 'talk';
          MTalk = MTalk + 1;
           Namespace_type = 'article';
//begin passes
   if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1) 
//notable edits
       if (the_sum.search(/ created[\.;:\)]|create[\.;:\)]| creation[\.;:\)]|rastic addition|rastic edit|rastic cha|rastic mod|expansion |rewriting[:\.\)]|rewrote[ :\.\)]|(rewriting|rewrite|rewrote)[ :\.\)](completely|page|article|bio)|(major|large|significant) (section|addition|rewrite)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(add )(a | )(lot|large|tons|great|signif)|(write|create|initial|start|begin) (brand|new|article|page)|major (ed|ch|mod)|interim save|\(expand(ed|ing)(page|article|stub|bio)|[ \(]expan(d|ed|ing)[ :\.\)]|contin(uing|ued) (addition|expand|expans|writ)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(\+|(add|added|adding|more|elaborate)[ :\.\)]|create |another )(history|paragraph|section|references|sources|sourcing|citations|refs|photos|images|pictures)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(create|created|creating|made|making|quick|\(new|start|begin|started|starting)( new | this | )(stub|basic|initial|article|page|bio|section|paragr|draft)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(added|adding) (basic|initial|biog|section|paragr|details)|creat(e|ed|ing) (page|section|article|biog)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(references| sources| sourced|citations) add|(\(|^)(sources|additional|reference|source|citation|refs|photos|images|ictures|pics)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\((create[\.;:\)]|created[\.;:\)]|creation[\.;:\)]|de novo[\.;:\)]|bio[\.;:\)]|biography[\.;:\)]|begin[\.;:\)]|start[\.;:\)]|article[\.;:\)]|page\))/i) !=-1)
                 {Careful = 'yes'; Minor = 'no'; Minor_nonrv = -1; Notable = 'yes';}
//significant edit pass 1
        else if (the_sum.search(/Info|Content|addition[\.;:\)]|addition[\.;:\)]| facts|facts\)|^add\)| facts|\(add[\.;:\)]|(quotes|fact|xample|xpand|ompromise| accurate| sentence[ :\.\)]| about)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/biography|(ade|reate) article\)|creat(e|ion) |copyedit|descri(ption|be)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(add|finish|finishing|finished|more|\+|another)([ :\.\)]|)(reference|citation|source|info|content|image|photo|pic|section)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(reference|itation|source|info|content|image|photo|pictures) (added|included|create|uploaded)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\((create|created|creating) |(\(|^)(source|blurb|note|addition|reference|sources|citation|ref|photo|image|icture|pic|more)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(rewriting[ :\.\)]|rewrite[ :\.\)]|rewrote[ :\.\)])(section|lead|intro|paragraph)/i ) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\(([^ ])+ (note|blurb|data|sourcing)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/^(\(| )( |)(note|blurb|data|sourcing)\)/i) !=-1)
                  {Careful = 'yes'; Minor = 'yes'; Significant = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
//summary rules
               else if (autoc == 'no' && the_sum.length < 12)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (autoc == 'yes' && the_sum.length < 10)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length ==1)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1; Careful = 'yes';}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length ==2)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length < 3 && Minor == 'no')
               {Minor = 'yes'; Significant = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length < 3 && Minor == 'yes')
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
//basic flagging
          if (Minor_or_sum == -1)
          UM = UM + 1;
          NS = NS + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + umplink + ') #' + UM;
          else if (Sum_value == -1)
          NS = NS + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nslink + ') #' + NS;
          if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf('(top)') !=-1)
          {TE = TE + 1;}
//article reverts
      if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && the_sum.search('(P|p)rotect(ed| )') == -1)
        if (the_sum.search(/(RV|Rv|rV)[Vv]|-[ -]rv|[Rr](V|v)|\(rv|\(R[Vv]|RV[ :;\)]|Rv[ :;\)]|rv[ :;\)]|[Rr]m |[Rr]mv/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/[ \(]stop |[ \(]rever(t|ted|ting)|rever(t|ted|ting)[ :;\)]|reversion|graffitti| nonsense|vandal ed| vandal|rollback[ :\.\)]| irrelevant| unverified/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/dele(t|ed|e) vandal|linkspam|remov(ed|ing)|delet(ed|ing) |reinsta(t|ted)[ :\.\)]|restor(e|ed|ing)[ :\.\)]| previous[ :\.\)]| version /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re-added|re-inserted|added back /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/back again|POINT|no such |speculation\)| such thing| agree with[ :\.\)]| don't[ :\.\)]| do not[ :\.\)]|\(surely[ :\.\)]|\?[ :\.\)]|\?\.|\?\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/linkspam[ :\.\)]|nonsense[ :\.\)]|vandal ed|ollback[ :\.\)]| vandal| vandals | vandal[ \.\)]|trolling|delete[:\.\)]| revision \d+ by /i) !=-1)
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
          R = R + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
//long summary article reverts
   else if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && the_sum.search('(P|p)rotect(ed| )') == -1 && the_sum.length > 25)
        if (the_sum.search(/remove[ :\.\)]|removed[ :\.\)]|[ :\)]remove|[ :\)]removed|seriously[ :\.\)]|WTF[ :\.\)]|\?\?|!!|restore[ :\.\)]|restored[ :\.\)]|restoring[ :\.\)]/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(Should|should|Is|is) not |should(nt|n't) |c(an't|annot) |(un|n)ecessary |no need[ :\.\)]|Abuse of |admin powers | violat(e|es|ed) | policy| standards| doesn't| your | you're| yours| you | aren't| isn't| stop[ :\.\)]| not|please[ :\.\)]|[ :\.\)]please|can't|cant|why[ :\.\)]| the talk page| (see|to) talk/i) !=-1)
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
          R = R + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
//non-article reverts
      else if (Namespace_type != 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && the_sum.search('rotect(ed| )') == -1)
        if (the_sum.search(/\((RVv|Rvv|rVv|-[ -]rv|rv|R[Vv]|RV|rev|rest|restore|Rv|rv|RrV|Rrv)[ :;\)]|BOT - Revert|BOT - [Rr]v\. |BOT - [Rr]v |reverted edits by /) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/[ \(]rever(t|ted|ting)[ :;\)](comment|note|reply|resp|rude|incivil|personal|edits by|changes by)|reversion|graffitti| nonsense|vandal edit|rollback[ :\.\)]| irrelevant|(t|ed|e) vandal|linkspam|remov(ed|ing)|delet(ed|ing) |reinsta(t|ted)|restore(d) |(un|n)ecessary /i) !=-1)
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
          R = R + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
//superficial check pass 1 (main)
      if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Superfic == 'no')
      if (the_sum.search(/>|<|\+|\([Mm]ove|\([Nn]eeds |\([Nn]eed | -|to-|#|\.\.\.|\([Mm][\.;:\)]| [Mm][\.;:\)]|\[\[|\{\{/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\(no[ :\.\)]|\(clean|grammar|lnk[ :\.\)]| lnk|punc[ :\.\)]|(gramatical|grammar|syntax|spelling) (error|typo|correct|fix)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ [Cc]lean(up|ing)[\.;:\)]| cleanup| punct[ :\.\)]|re-cat[ :\.\)]|recat[ :\.\)]|[Aa]ssisted[ :\.\)]| format|[Ff]rmt[\.\)]| linked|template|tmplt| abbr|Abbr|Disambig|disambig|[\( ]Dab[\.;:\)]|[\( ]dab[\.;:\)]|[\( ]DAB[\.;:\)]| odering| spelling|spelling[ \.:\)]| typo|typo\)| word| tag|place[ :\.\)]|bad[ :\.\)]|can[ :\.\)]|word[\.;:\)]|tag[\.;:\)]|place[\.;:\)]|bad[\.;:\)]|[Oo]{1,5}[Pp][Ss]/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/for [Dd]eletion| AFD| Afd| CSD| CfSD| belong |[Pp]ointless|[Nn]eedless|[Rr]eplacement/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/AWB|REDIR| redir[ :\.\)]|[Rr]edir(ect|ing)| skip[ :\.\)]| interwiki[ :\.\)]|[Ss]horten[ :\.\)]|compress[ :\.\)]|convert[ :\.\)]| rid[ :\.\)]|Auto |[Bb]ypass /) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/convert[ :\.\)]| sentence[ :\.\)]|easier[ :\.\)]|simplify|simpler[ :\.\)]| version|version\)|robot:/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/small|shorten|avoid|epair|few[ :\.\)]|protected[ :\.\)]| heading| title|made[ :\.\)]| bold|populating[ :\.\)]| flag /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/auto[ :\.\)]|html[ :\.\)]|already[ :\.\)]|almost[ :\.\)]| cut[ :\.\)]| paste[ :\.\)]| tweak|mov(e|ed|ing) /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(changing|modify|modified|modifying|tweaking) (links|layout|format|setup|interwiki)|chang(e|ing) to/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/Stub-| sorting|-sorting|You can help!|see[- ]also| adjectives|adjectives[\.;:\)]|categorize|categorizing|[ \(]fix[ \.:\)]|[ \(]fixed[ \.:\)]|![\.;:\)]| match[ :\)]| others[ :\)]|\((No[ :\.\)]|no )/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(added|add|changed|moved|modified) (wikilink|link|categor)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/[Dd]ab[ \.:\)]|\([Ff]ix[ \.:\)]|[Ff]ix[ \.:\)]/) == 0)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Careful = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
//superficial check pass 2
     if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Superfic == 'no' && Careful == 'no')
        if (the_sum.search(/[Ww]ikif(y|ied)|[Cc]ategor(y|ize|ise)|(Fo|F|f|fo)rm(t|at)|-[Aa]ssisted|BOT|[Bb]ot |[Ss]tyle|[Mm]odif(y|ied|ying)/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re(structure|organiz|order)|clea(n|r)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/clarif(y|ied)[ :\.\)]|replac(e|ed|ing)| conver(t|sion)|(re-)arrang(e|ed|ing) /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ Request| request|WP:|[Ll]ink to |[Nn]eed(ed| )|[Ll]ink /) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/Fix| list|reorganize|correct| website| detail|this[ :\.\)]| this/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ cat /) !=1 || the_sum.search(/[Rr]equest([ :\.\)]|ed[ :\.\)]|ing )/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/!\)| ".+"| '.+'/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(article|page) (is|currently|undergoing)/) !=-1)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Careful = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
//signifiant article edit pass 2
 if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Careful == 'no')
        if (the_sum.search(/sub(cat|section)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ (not|NOT) | (is|IS) (not|NOT)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/( )only( )|(P|p)lease /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(merge[ :\.\)]|merge[\.;:\)]|small[ :\.\)]|minor[ :\.\)]|onvert[ :\.\)]| name| naming|additional[ :\.\)]|extra[ :\.\)]| few)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(infobox|small|(V|v)ersion)[ :\.\)]/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/factual|Factual|ording|eword[ :\.\)]|true| truth|correc(t|ted|ting) (date|data|info|facts)| didn| did not| cannot| could not/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re(structure|-structure|organiz|order|-order)| sourcing\)| sources\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/( reference|ref\.|ref\))/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(Write[ :\.\)]|write[ :\.\)]|New[ :\.\)]|new[ :\.\)]|image|photo|pictures)/i) !=-1)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Significant = 'yes';
//anything else left, marked as minor, is superficial
 if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert=='no' && Notable =='no' && Superfic=='no' && Significant == 'no' && Minor=='yes')
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
//anything else left, not marked as minor, is small
 else if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert=='no' && Notable =='no' && Superfic=='no' && Significant == 'no' && Minor=='no')
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Significant = 'yes'
          Minor = 'yes';
          if (Marked_as_minor == 'yes' && Revert == 'no' && Sum_value == 1){All_markedMin = All_markedMin + 1;}
          if (Marked_as_minor == 'no' && Revert == 'no' && Sum_value == 1){All_markedMaj = All_markedMaj + 1;}
          if (Namespace_type == 'article')
          ArticleE = ArticleE + 1;
          if (Minor_or_sum == -1){Minor = 'no'}
//article edit summary use percent stuff
          if (Marked_as_minor == 'no' && i<1000 && contribs_first==true)
          sumart_edits += 1;
          Article_major_edits = Article_major_edits + 1; 
          if (Sum_value == 1){Major_article_sum = Major_article_sum + 1;}
          else if (Marked_as_minor == 'yes' && i<1000 && contribs_first==true)
          sumart_edits += 1;
          Article_minor_edits = Article_minor_edits + 1; 
          if (Sum_value == 1)
          {Minor_article_sum = Minor_article_sum + 1;}
          if (Superfic == 'yes')
               {Art_minor = Art_minor + 1;}
          if (Superfic == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'no')
               {Artm_to_minor = Artm_to_minor + 1;}
//sig. article edits
          if (Sum_value == -1 && Marked_as_minor == 'yes')
          ArtSf = ArtSf + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + sflink + ') #' + ArtSf;
          else if (Notable == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'no')
          ArtSig = ArtSig + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + alink + ') #' + ArtSig;  
          else if (Notable == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'yes')
          ArtSig = ArtSig + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + malink + ') #' + ArtSig;  
          else if (Superfic == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'yes' && Sum_value == 1)
          ArtSf = ArtSf + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + sflink + ') #' + ArtSf;
          else if (Superfic == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'no' && Sum_value == 1)
          ArtSf = ArtSf + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + sflink2 + ') #' + ArtSf;
          else if (Superfic == 'no' && Minor == 'yes' && Significant == 'yes' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no')
          ArtM = ArtM + 1;
          if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + minalink + ') #' + ArtM;
//overall for edit percent usage (up 1000 only)
          if (Marked_as_minor == 'yes' && i<1000 && contribs_first==true)
            sum_edits += 1;
            Is_minor = Is_minor + 1;
            if (Sum_value == 1)
            {Minor_withsum = Minor_withsum + 1;}    
          else if (Marked_as_minor == 'no' && i<1000 && contribs_first==true)
            sum_edits += 1;
            Not_minor = Not_minor + 1;
            if (Sum_value == 1)
            {Major_withsum = Major_withsum + 1;}    
           if (Minor_nonrv == 1)
            M = M + 1;
            if (Marked_as_minor == 'yes' && Superfic == 'no')
              {if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false) l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + mslink + ') #' + M;}
      else {blk_num += 1;}
//END of FOR loop
if (i == 1)
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>There are no contribution statistics to show since there is only one edit.</span></strong><br>';
EC_tot += i;
//NOTE: the max edits per iteration MUST be higher than Max_Eforsum for this method to hold
if (contribs_first==true)
current_date = new Date();
current_date = current_date.toUTCString().replace(/GMT/, "UTC");
first_date = l[0].innerHTML.split('(<a href=')[0].split('<a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
last_date_f = l[i-1].innerHTML.split('(<a href=')[0].split('<a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
totdays_first = getDateDiff(current_date,last_date_f);
totdays_frame = getDateDiff(first_date,last_date_f);
average = ave_tot/totdays_first;
faverage = ave_tot/totdays_frame;
//Check up to 1000 edits, may redefine average edits/day
  var Max_Eforsum = 1000;
  if (ave_tot>Max_Eforsum && contribs_first==true)
     ave_tot = Max_Eforsum;
     yearloc = l[Max_Eforsum-1].innerHTML.split(' <a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
     totdays_first = getDateDiff(current_date,yearloc);
     totdays_frame = getDateDiff(first_date,yearloc);
     average = ave_tot/totdays_first;
     faverage = ave_tot/totdays_frame;
if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN==true)
  if (contribs_done==false) get_contribs_chain();
if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN==false || contribs_done==true)
E = EC_tot;
last_date = l[i-1].innerHTML.split('(<a href=')[0].split('<a href=')[0].split('<A HREF=')[0];
framedays = getDateDiff(first_date,last_date);
totdays = getDateDiff(current_date,last_date);
var Daylength = Math.round((1)*framedays)/1;
  if (Daylength == 0) Daylength = 1;
var Dayspassed = Math.round((1)*totdays)/1;
  if (Dayspassed == 0) Dayspassed = 1;
average = Math.round((100)*average)/100;
faverage = Math.round((100)*faverage)/100;
var avenotice = '';
//wow..statistics people
var caverage = Math.round((1000)*caverage)/1000;
var TimeDATE = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Time range:</span> ' + Daylength + ' approximate day(s) of edits on this page (' + Dayspassed + ' day(s) passed since first edit) </strong></span><br> ' + 'Current time: ' + current_date + ' <strong>||</strong> ' + 'Last edit: ' + first_date + ' <strong>||</strong> ' + 'Oldest edit: ' + last_date + '<br>';
if (location.href.split("&offset=")[1] != undefined)
  if (location.href.split("&offset=0")[1] != undefined)
   var offset = 'no';
  Uploads = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  average = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  avenotice = '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">*Average edits per day (and uploads) not shown because the most recent edit is not visible</strong></span><br>';
  TimeDATE = '';
   var offset = 'yes';
if (edits_page_compared_js == 1)
  rights_status ='';
  Uploads = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  average = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  faverage = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  avenotice = '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">*Average edits per day (and uploads) not shown because their are multiple users</strong></span><br>';
  TimeDATE = '';
var tot_moves = Moves + Dummy_Moves;
var U_edits = UM;
var FAQ = '<a href="http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/User:Voice_of_All/History_analysis_JS_Definitions_and_FAQ" title="HistoryFAQ"> <span style="color:blue;">(FAQ)</span></a>';
oldbody = document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += '<br><span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Viewing contribution data for ' + theusername + rights_status + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">(over the </span>' + E + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">edit(s) shown on this page)</span></strong>' + FAQ;
MAIN_NS = 'Article';
PORTAL_NS = 'Portal';
WIKIPEDIA_NS = 'Wikipedia';
if (wgServer == "http://commons.wikimedia.org"){PORTAL_NS = 'Creator'; WIKIPEDIA_NS = 'Commons'; MAIN_NS = 'Gallery';}
document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML = '<div id="contentSub">' + document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML + '</div>' + TimeDATE + '<span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Overall edit summary use (last</span> ' + sum_edits + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">edits): </span>' + ' Major edits: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Major_withsum/Not_minor)))/100 + '</strong>% ' + ' <strong>Minor edits: </span>' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Minor_withsum/Is_minor)))/100 + '</strong>%<br>' + '<strong>Average edits per day: ' + average + ' </strong>(currently, for last ' + ave_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong>Average edits per day: ' + faverage + ' </strong>(since last active, for last ' + ave_tot + ' edit(s))<strong><br>' + '<span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Article edit summary use (last</span> ' + sumart_edits + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">edits): </span>' + ' Major article edits: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Major_article_sum/Article_major_edits)))/100 + '</strong>% ' + ' <strong>Minor article edits: </span>' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Minor_article_sum/Article_minor_edits)))/100 + '</strong>%<br>'+ '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Encyclopedia contributions (out of all</span> ' + E + ' <span style="color:blue;">edits shown on this page and last</span> ' + Uploads_length + ' <span style="color:blue;">image uploads):</strong></span><br>' + '<span style="color:darkblue;">Notable article edits (creation/expansion/major rewrites/sourcing):</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtSig)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtSig + ')<br>' + '<strong>Significant article edits (copyedits/small rewrites/content/reference additions): ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtM)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtM + ')<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:purple;">Superficial article edits (grammar/spelling/wikify/links/tagging):</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtSf)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtSf + ')<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:#3366CC;">Unique image uploads (non-deleted/reverts/updates):</span> ' + Uploads + '</strong> (checks last 5000)<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkgreen;">Superficial article edits marked as minor:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Art_minor-Artm_to_minor)/Art_minor))/100 + '</strong>%<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Project contributions (as marked):</strong></span><br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkgreen;">Articles for Creation:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(AfC_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + AfC_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkgreen;">Peer Review:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(PR_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + PR_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkred;">Pages for Deletion:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(XfD_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + XfD_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong>Copyright problems pages: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(CP_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + CP_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:red;"><strong>WP:AN/related noticeboards:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(AN_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + AN_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong>Bot approvals pages: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(BOT_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + BOT_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:#3366CC;">FA/FP/FL candidate pages:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(FAC_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + FAC_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:#FF6600;">RfC/RfAr pages:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(RAfC_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + RAfC_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">Requests for adminship:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(RfA_tot)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + RfA_tot + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:grey;">Identified RfA votes:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(1*RfA_votes_S + 1*RfA_votes_O)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + RfA_votes_S + ' support vote(s)) ' + ' <strong>||</strong> ' + ' (' + RfA_votes_O + ' oppose vote(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:#FF6600;">User warnings:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(User_warnings)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + User_warnings + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">User welcomes:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(User_welcomes)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + User_welcomes + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Special edit type statistics (as marked):</strong></span><br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkgreen;">Page moves:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(tot_moves)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + tot_moves + ' edit(s)) (' + Moves + ' moves(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:purple;">Page redirections:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Redirects)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Redirects + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:grey;">Page (un)protections:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Protections)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Protections + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:darkred;">AutoWikiBrowser edits:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(AWB_edits)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + AWB_edits + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Breakdown of all edits:</strong></span><br>' + '<strong>Unique pages edited: ' + Unique_pages + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> ' + 'Average edits per page: ' + Math.round(100*E/Unique_pages)/100 + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> ' + 'Edits on top: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(TE)/E))/100 + '</strong>%<br>' + '<strong>Edits marked as major (non-minor/reverts): ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(All_markedMaj)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + All_markedMaj + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong>Edits marked as minor (non-reverts): ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(All_markedMin)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + All_markedMin + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:darkred;"><strong>Marked reverts (reversions/text removal):</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(R)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + R + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:grey;"><strong>Unmarked edits with no summary:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(UM)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + U_edits + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Edit count by namespace:</span><br>' + MAIN_NS + ': ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArticleE)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArticleE + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> ' + MAIN_NS + ' talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Talk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Talk + ')<br>' + '<strong>User: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(User)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + User + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> User talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Usertalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Usertalk + ') <br>' + '<strong>' + WIKIPEDIA_NS + ': ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(WikipediaE)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + WikipediaE + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> ' + WIKIPEDIA_NS + ' talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Wikipediatalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Wikipediatalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>Image: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Images)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Images + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> Image talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ITalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ITalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>Template: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Template)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Template + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> Template talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(TTalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + TTalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>Category: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Category)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Category + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> Category talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(CTalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + CTalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>' + PORTAL_NS + ': ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Portal)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Portal + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> ' + PORTAL_NS + ' talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(PTalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + PTalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>Help: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(Help)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + Help + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> Help talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(HTalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + HTalk + ')<br>' + '<strong>MediaWiki: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(MediawikiE)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + MediawikiE + ') <strong><span style="color:darkblue;">|</span> MediaWiki talk: ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(MTalk)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + MTalk + ')<br>' + avenotice + oldbody.split('<!-- start content -->')[1];
var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (STATS_ALL_JS_RAN == false)

//Vandal and IP stats
function histstats()
  if (document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML.search(/Viewing page modification statistics |There are no page modification statistics |Analyzing history...please wait/) !=-1)
      {alert("Results already shown."); return;}
  var Namespace_type = 'non-article';
  var Namespace = document.title.split(' - ')[0];
  if (Namespace.search('(Image:|Template:| talk:|Category:|Portal:|Wikipedia:|MediaWiki:|Help:|Talk:|User:|View and restore deleted pages)') == -1)
  {Namespace_type = 'article';}
//tagging edits
  var rvlink = '<span style="color:darkred;"><strong>rv</strong></span>';
  var vanlink = '<span style="color:red;"><strong>likely rvv</strong></span>';
  var revlink = '<strong><i>reverted</i></strong>';
  var nslink = '<strong>no summary</strong>';
  var mslink = '<strong>minor</strong>';
  var sflink =  '<strong><span style="color:purple;">superficial</span></strong>';
  var mamlink = '<strong><span style="color:green;">minor</span></strong>';
  var tplink = '<strong>most recent</strong>'
  var umplink = '<strong><span style="color:grey;">unmarked</strong></span>'
  var alink = '<strong><span style="color:darkblue;">notable</strong></span>';
  var malink = '<strong><span style="color:blue;">notable!</strong></span>';
  var minalink = '<strong>significant</strong>';
  var botlink = '<span style="color:darkorange;"><strong>bot</strong></span>';
  var syslink = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>sysop</strong></span>';
  var nutlink = '<strong><i>no user pages</i></strong>';
  var ntlink = '<strong><i>blank talk page</i></strong>';
  var nulink = '<strong><i>blank userpage</i></strong>';
  var iplink = '<strong><i>IP edit</i></strong>';
  var iplink = '<strong>IP edit</strong>';
  var nslink = '<strong><span style="color:darkgrey;">no summary</span></strong>';
  var firstbody = document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML;
  var oldloc = location.href;
  var IP_nonreverts = 0;
  var Newbie_edits = 0;
  var Newbie_nonreverts = 0;
  var Reverted = 0;
  var R = 0;
  var V = 0;
  var IP = 0;
  var VN = 0;
  var NU = 0;
  var UM = 0;
  var NS = 0;
  var SYS = 0;
  var BOT = 0;
  var undelete = 'no';
  var username = '';
  var Users = 0;
  var ArtSig = 0;
  var ArtSf = 0;
  var ArtRv = 0;
  var ArtM = 0;
  var ArtUM =0;
  var c = document.getElementById('contentSub');
  var a = c.getElementsByTagName('a');
  l = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
  if (location.href.indexOf('Special:Undelete') !=-1)
    undelete = 'yes';
    l = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul')[1].getElementsByTagName('li');
    if (!l[1]){alert('There is nothing to analyize!'); return;}
    nutlink = '<strong><span style="color:red;">no user pages</span></strong>';
    ntlink = '<strong><span style="color:purple;">blank talk page</span></strong>';
    nulink = '<strong><span style="color:purple;">blank userpage</span></strong>';
    iplink = '<strong><span style="color:darkred;">IP edit</span></strong>';
  document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += "<br><strong>Analyzing history...please wait</strong>";
var now = new Date();
var current_time = now.toUTCString().replace(/GMT/, "UTC");
var User_list = '';
var del_offset = 0;
if (undelete == 'yes'){del_offset=2;}
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) 
      var Newbie = 0;
      var IP_user = 0;
      var IP_edits = 0;
      var Careful = 'no';
      var Revert = 'no';
      var RollbackE = 'no';
      var Minor = 'no';
      var Superfic = 'no';
      var Notable = 'no';
      var Significant = 'no';
      var Minor_nonrv = -1;
      var Sum_value = -1;
      var Minor_or_sum = -1;
      var Marked_as_minor = 'no';
      var sysop = 'no';
      t = l[i].innerHTML;
              if (undelete == 'yes')
              username = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML;
              else if (i == 0)
              username = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;
              else if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') !=-1)
              username = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;
              username = l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].innerHTML;
          if (User_list.indexOf('|' + username + '|') == -1)
          {Users += 1; User_list += '|' + username + '|';}
          var autoc = 'no';
          var the_sum = '';
          for (k = 0 ; k < l[i].getElementsByTagName('span').length; k++)
           if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].className == 'minor') 
                  Minor_nonrv = 1;
                  Minor_or_sum = 1;
                  Minor = 'yes';
                  Marked_as_minor = 'yes';
           else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].className == 'comment') 
                  Sum_value = 1; 
                  Minor_or_sum = 1;
                  var Careful = 'no';
                  the_sum = l[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[k].innerHTML;
                  // remove any tag cruft
                  the_sum = the_sum.replace(/(<span class="autocomment">|<\/span>)/i,'');
                  // remove parens
                  //the_sum = the_sum.replace(/^\(|\)$/i,'');
                  Sum_value = -1;
                  if (Minor == 'no')
                    {Minor_or_sum = -1;}
            //End of k loop
raw_sum = the_sum;
//remove links
the_sum = the_sum.replace(/<a href=[^>]+>([^><]+)<\/a>/ig,'$1');
             if (Minor_or_sum  == -1)
              NS = NS + 1;
              UM = UM + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + umplink + ') #' + UM;         
             else if (Sum_value == -1)
              NS = NS + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nslink + ') #' + NS;         
             if (theadminlist.indexOf('|' + username + '|') !=-1)
              SYS = SYS + 1;
              sysop = 'yes';
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + syslink + ') #' + SYS;         
             else if (username.search(/\w+(Script|[Bb]ot)$/) !=-1 || thervbotlist.indexOf('|' + username + '|') !=-1)
              BOT = BOT + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + botlink + ') #' + BOT;         
//vandal rollbacks
        if (the_sum.search(/\((rvv|Rvv|RVV|RvV|RV V|rv v)/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/reverted edits|Popups assisted reversion|reverted vandalism|revert to revision|to last version by|compromise the integrity|troll(s|ing)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/BOT - rv|BOT - Reverted|vandal edit/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/rv vandalism|\(rv\/v\)/i) !=-1)
          V += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + vanlink + ') #' + V;
          R += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
          RollbackE = 'yes';
//page rollbacks
        else if (the_sum.search(/[\( ]([Ss]top |[Rr]everted edit|[Rr]everted \d+ edit|rv|Rv|RV|[Rr]evert|[Rr]ollback|[Rr]olling )/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/revert[ |:|\.|\;)]|reverting[ |:|\.|\);]|reverted[ |:|\.|\);]|rollback[ |:|\.|\);]/i) !=-1)
          R += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
          RollbackE = 'yes';
//vandal reverts
        else if (the_sum.search(/(Rm|rm|Remove|remove) (vandalism|test|nonsense)|remove vandalism|removed vandalism|rmv graffitti|rm graffitti|rv graffitti|reverting vandal|compromise the integrity/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/fixed vandalism|Revert vandal|revert vandal|delete vandal|linkspam| vandalism|vandals | vandal/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(Rev|rev) vandal|\(vandal|\(trolling/) !=-1 || raw_sum.search(/ revision \d+ by |title="WP:UNDO"|\((Revert|trolls|trolling)\)/) !=-1)
          V += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + vanlink + ') #' + V;
          R += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
//page reverts
        else if (the_sum.search(/Restoring |[Rr]evert|[Rr]estore[ :\.\)]|[Rr]estoring[ :\.\)]|[Rr]estored[ :\.\)]|Rm[ :\.\)]|rm[ :\.\)]|einstated[ :\.\)]|rmv[ :\.\)]|[Rr]einstate[ :\.\)]|rv\.|POINT/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/delete[ |:|\.|]|deleted[ |:|\.]|remove[ :\)]|removing[ :\)]|reinstated|reinstate/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/restore[ :\.\)]|estored[ :\.\)]/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re-added|re-inserted|added \w{5,20} again |added back /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/back again|no such | such thing| agree with[ :\.\)]| don't[ :\.\)]| do not[ :\.\)]|\(surely[ :\.\)]|no need[ :\.\)]|\?\)/i) !=-1)
          R += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
//long summary article reverts
   else if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && the_sum.search('(P|p)rotect(ed| )') == -1 && the_sum.length > 25)
        if (the_sum.search(/remove[ :\.\)]|removed[ :\.\)]|[ :\)]remove|[ :\)]removed|seriously[ :\.\)]|WTF[ :\.\)]|\?\?|!!|restore[ :\.\)]|restored[ :\.\)]|restoring[ :\.\)]/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(Should|should|Is|is) not |should(nt|n't) |c(an't|annot) |(un|n)ecessary |no need[ :\.\)]|Abuse of |admin powers | violat(e|es|ed) | policy| standards| doesn't| your | you're| yours| you | aren't| isn't| stop[ :\.\)]| not|please[ :\.\)]|[ :\.\)]please|can't|cant|why[ :\.\)]| the talk page| (see|to) (talk|discussion)/i) !=-1)
          R += 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + rvlink + ') #' + R;
          Superfic = 'no';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
          Minor_nonrv = -1;
          Revert = 'yes';
// Reverted edit flagging
// Do NOT count edits as reverted more than once
     if (Revert == 'yes' && l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) !=-1)
        {Reverted = Reverted-1; l[i].innerHTML = l[i].innerHTML.replace(revlink,'');}
     else {l[i].innerHTML = l[i].innerHTML.replace(revlink,' (<span style="color:darkorange;">' + revlink + '</span>) ');}
// Typical rollbacks
   if (RollbackE == 'yes' && l[i+1] && raw_sum.search(/ \d{6,10}( dated .+ | )by .+ using <[Aa] href/) ==-1)
      var badname = l[i+1].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].innerHTML; 
      var uname='';
      for (var h=i+1; h<l.length; h++)
         uname = l[h].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].innerHTML;
         if (l[h].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') == -1 && l[h].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) == -1 && uname == badname)
               Reverted += 1;
               l[h].innerHTML += revlink;
         else {break;}
// Popups rev support, VP && VS
   else if (Revert == 'yes' && l[i+1] && the_sum.search(/ \d{6,10}( dated [^ ]+ | )by [^ ]+ using /i) !=-1)
      var goodname = the_sum.match(/ \d{6,10}( dated [^ ]+ | )by [^ ]+ using /i)[0].split(' by ')[1].split(' using ')[0];
      var uname=''; var z=0;
//user renames or deleted revs or other flukes can skrew this up, set a 20 edit revert limit
      for (var h=i+1; h<l.length; h++)
         uname = l[h].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].innerHTML
         if (l[h].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') == -1 && uname != goodname)
               if (z==21) {l[h].innerHTML += ' [excessive revert to rev by "' + goodname + '"]'; z=1; break;}
         else break;
      for (var h=i+1; h<i+1+z; h++)
         if (l[h].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) == -1)
               Reverted += 1;
               l[h].innerHTML += revlink;
// Undoing of edits
  else if( Revert == 'yes' && l[i+1] && the_sum.search(/Undid revision \d+ by /i) !=-1) 
      var badID = the_sum.match(/Undid revision \d+ by /i)[0].split(' revision ')[1].split(' by ')[0];
      var z=0;
// check up to next 20 edits
      for (var h=i+1; h<l.length; h++)
         if( z >= 20 ) break;
         if (l[h].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href.indexOf('oldid=' + badID) !=-1)
           // already marked as reverted?
           if (l[h].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) == -1)
               Reverted += 1;
               l[h].innerHTML += revlink;
//flag protection events
  if (l[i].innerHTML.search(/\[(edit|move)=(autoconfirmed|sysop)|class="comment">\(Unprotected /) !=-1)
    {l[i].innerHTML = '<span style="background-color: #FFFFCC">' + l[i].innerHTML + '</span>';}
if (Namespace_type == 'article')
//first edit is a notable edit
   if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') !=-1)
       {Careful = 'yes'; Minor = 'no'; Minor_nonrv = -1; Notable = 'yes';}
   else if (Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no')
//notable edits
       if (the_sum.search(/ created[\.;:\)]|create[\.;:\)]| creation[\.;:\)]|rastic addition|rastic edit|rastic cha|rastic mod|expansion |rewriting[:\.\)]|rewrote[ :\.\)]|(rewriting|rewrite|rewrote)[ :\.\)](completely|page|article|bio)|(major|large|significant) (section|addition|rewrite)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(add )(a | )(lot|large|tons|great|signif)|(write|create|initial|start|begin) (brand|new|article|page)|major (ed|ch|mod)|interim save|\(expand(ed|ing)(page|article|stub|bio)|[ \(]expan(d|ed|ing)[ :\.\)]|contin(uing|ued) (addition|expand|expans|writ)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(\+|(add|added|adding|more|elaborate)[ :\.\)]|create |another )(history|paragraph|section|references|sources|sourcing|citations|refs|photos|images|pictures)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(create|created|creating|made|making|quick|\(new|start|begin|started|starting)( new | this | )(stub|basic|initial|article|page|bio|section|paragr|draft)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(added|adding) (basic|initial|biog|section|paragr|details)|creat(e|ed|ing) (page|section|article|biog)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(references| sources| sourced|citations) add|(\(|^)(sources|additional|reference|source|citation|refs|photos|images|ictures|pics)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\((create[\.;:\)]|created[\.;:\)]|creation[\.;:\)]|de novo[\.;:\)]|bio[\.;:\)]|biography[\.;:\)]|begin[\.;:\)]|start[\.;:\)]|article[\.;:\)]|page\))/i) !=-1)
                 {Careful = 'yes'; Minor = 'no'; Minor_nonrv = -1; Notable = 'yes';}
//significant edit pass 1
        else if (the_sum.search(/Info|Content|addition[\.;:\)]|addition[\.;:\)]| facts|facts\)|^add\)| facts|\(add[\.;:\)]|(quotes|fact|xample|xpand|ompromise| accurate| sentence[ :\.\)]| about)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/biography|(ade|reate) article\)|creat(e|ion) |copyedit|descri(ption|be)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(add|finish|finishing|finished|more|\+|another)([ :\.\)]|)(reference|citation|source|info|content|image|photo|pic|section)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(reference|itation|source|info|content|image|photo|pictures) (added|included|create|uploaded)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\((create|created|creating) |(\(|^)(source|blurb|note|addition|reference|sources|citation|ref|photo|image|icture|pic|more)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(rewriting[ :\.\)]|rewrite[ :\.\)]|rewrote[ :\.\)])(section|lead|intro|paragraph)/i ) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\(([^ ])+ (note|blurb|data|sourcing)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/^(\(| )( |)(note|blurb|data|sourcing)\)/i) !=-1)
                  {Careful = 'yes'; Minor = 'yes'; Significant = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
//summary rules
               else if (autoc == 'no' && the_sum.length < 12)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (autoc == 'yes' && the_sum.length < 10)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length ==1)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1; Careful = 'yes';}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length ==2)
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length < 3 && Minor == 'no')
               {Minor = 'yes'; Significant = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
               else if (the_sum.split(' ').length < 3 && Minor == 'yes')
               {Minor = 'yes'; Superfic = 'yes'; Minor_nonrv = 1;}
//superficial check pass 1 (main)
      if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Superfic == 'no')
      if (the_sum.search(/>|<|\+|\([Mm]ove|\([Nn]eeds |\([Nn]eed | -|to-|#|\.\.\.|\([Mm][\.;:\)]| [Mm][\.;:\)]|\[\[|\{\{/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/\(no[ :\.\)]|\(clean|grammar|lnk[ :\.\)]| lnk|punc[ :\.\)]|(gramatical|grammar|syntax|spelling) (error|typo|correct|fix)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ [Cc]lean(up|ing)[\.;:\)]| cleanup| punct[ :\.\)]|re-cat[ :\.\)]|recat[ :\.\)]|[Aa]ssisted[ :\.\)]| format|[Ff]rmt[\.\)]| linked|template|tmplt| abbr|Abbr|Disambig|disambig|[\( ]Dab[\.;:\)]|[\( ]dab[\.;:\)]|[\( ]DAB[\.;:\)]| odering| spelling|spelling[ \.:\)]| typo|typo\)| word| tag|place[ :\.\)]|bad[ :\.\)]|can[ :\.\)]|word[\.;:\)]|tag[\.;:\)]|place[\.;:\)]|bad[\.;:\)]|[Oo]{1,5}[Pp][Ss]/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/for [Dd]eletion| AFD| Afd| CSD| CfSD| belong |[Pp]ointless|[Nn]eedless|[Rr]eplacement/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/AWB|REDIR| redir[ :\.\)]|[Rr]edir(ect|ing)| skip[ :\.\)]| interwiki[ :\.\)]|[Ss]horten[ :\.\)]|compress[ :\.\)]|convert[ :\.\)]| rid[ :\.\)]|Auto |[Bb]ypass /) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/convert[ :\.\)]| sentence[ :\.\)]|easier[ :\.\)]|simplify|simpler[ :\.\)]| version|version\)|robot:/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/small|shorten|avoid|epair|few[ :\.\)]|protected[ :\.\)]| heading| title|made[ :\.\)]| bold|populating[ :\.\)]| flag /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/auto[ :\.\)]|html[ :\.\)]|already[ :\.\)]|almost[ :\.\)]| cut[ :\.\)]| paste[ :\.\)]| tweak|mov(e|ed|ing) /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(changing|modify|modified|modifying|tweaking) (links|layout|format|setup|interwiki)|chang(e|ing) to/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/Stub-| sorting|-sorting|You can help!|see[- ]also| adjectives|adjectives[\.;:\)]|categorize|categorizing|[ \(]fix[ \.:\)]|[ \(]fixed[ \.:\)]|![\.;:\)]| match[ :\)]| others[ :\)]|\((No[ :\.\)]|no )/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(added|add|changed|moved|modified) (wikilink|link|categor)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/[Dd]ab[ \.:\)]|\([Ff]ix[ \.:\)]|[Ff]ix[ \.:\)]/) == 0)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Careful = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
//superficial check pass 2
     if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Superfic == 'no' && Careful == 'no')
        if (the_sum.search(/[Ww]ikif(y|ied)|[Cc]ategor(y|ize|ise)|(Fo|F|f|fo)rm(t|at)|-[Aa]ssisted|BOT|[Bb]ot |[Ss]tyle|[Mm]odif(y|ied|ying)/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re(structure|organiz|order)|clea(n|r)\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/clarif(y|ied)[ :\.\)]|replac(e|ed|ing)| conver(t|sion)|(re-)arrang(e|ed|ing) /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ Request| request|WP:|[Ll]ink to |[Nn]eed(ed| )|[Ll]ink /) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/Fix| list|reorganize|correct| website| detail|this[ :\.\)]| this/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ cat /) !=1 || the_sum.search(/[Rr]equest([ :\.\)]|ed[ :\.\)]|ing )/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/!\)| ".+"| '.+'/) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(article|page) (is|currently|undergoing)/) !=-1)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Careful = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
          Notable = 'no';
          Significant = 'no';
//signifiant article edit pass 2
 if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no' && Careful == 'no')
        if (the_sum.search(/sub(cat|section)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/ (not|NOT) | (is|IS) (not|NOT)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/( )only( )|(P|p)lease /i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(merge[ :\.\)]|merge[\.;:\)]|small[ :\.\)]|minor[ :\.\)]|onvert[ :\.\)]| name| naming|additional[ :\.\)]|extra[ :\.\)]| few)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(infobox|small|(V|v)ersion)[ :\.\)]/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/factual|Factual|ording|eword[ :\.\)]|true| truth|correc(t|ted|ting) (date|data|info|facts)| didn| did not| cannot| could not/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/re(structure|-structure|organiz|order|-order)| sourcing\)| sources\)/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/( reference|ref\.|ref\))/i) !=-1 || the_sum.search(/(Write[ :\.\)]|write[ :\.\)]|New[ :\.\)]|new[ :\.\)]|image|photo|pictures)/i) !=-1)
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Significant = 'yes';
//anything else left, marked as minor, is superficial
 if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert=='no' && Notable =='no' && Superfic=='no' && Significant == 'no' && Minor=='yes')
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Minor = 'yes';
          Superfic = 'yes';
//anything else left, not marked as minor, is significant
 else if (Namespace_type == 'article' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert=='no' && Notable =='no' && Superfic=='no' && Significant == 'no' && Minor=='no')
          Minor_nonrv = 1;
          Significant = 'yes'
          Minor = 'yes';
          if (Sum_value == -1 && Marked_as_minor == 'yes')
          ArtSf = ArtSf + 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + sflink + ') #' + ArtSf;
          else if (Notable == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'no')
          ArtSig = ArtSig + 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + alink + ') #' + ArtSig;  
          else if (Notable == 'yes' && Marked_as_minor == 'yes')
          ArtSig = ArtSig + 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + malink + ') #' + ArtSig;  
          else if (Superfic == 'yes' && Minor == 'yes' && Sum_value == 1)
          ArtSf = ArtSf + 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + sflink + ') #' + ArtSf;
          else if (Superfic == 'no' && Minor == 'yes' && Significant == 'yes' && Sum_value == 1 && Revert == 'no')
          ArtM = ArtM + 1;
          l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + minalink + ') #' + ArtM;
//end article stats
//user flagging
        if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf('(cur) (') == -1 && l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') == -1)
         if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].href.indexOf('Special:Contributions') !=-1)
                IP = IP + 1; 
                l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + iplink + ') #' + IP;
                Newbie = 1;
                IP_user = 1;
                Newbie_edits += 1;
         else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[4-del_offset].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
                VN = VN + 1;
                l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nutlink + ') #' + NU;
                Newbie = 1;
                Newbie_edits += 1;
         else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3-del_offset].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
                NU = NU + 1;
                l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nulink + ') #' + NU;
                Newbie = 1;
                Newbie_edits += 1;
         else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[4-del_offset].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
                NU = NU + 1;
                l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + ntlink + ') #' + NU;
                Newbie = 1;
                Newbie_edits += 1;
        else if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf('(cur) (') !=-1 && l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') !=-1)
          if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].href.indexOf('Special:Contributions') !=-1)
              IP = IP + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + iplink + ') #' + IP;
              Newbie = 1;
              IP_user = 1;
              Newbie_edits += 1;
          else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
              VN = VN + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nulink + ') #' + NU;
              Newbie = 1;
              Newbie_edits += 1;
          else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
              NU = NU + 1;
              l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nulink + ') #' + NU;
              Newbie = 1;
              Newbie_edits += 1;
        else if (l[i].innerHTML.indexOf('(cur) (') !=-1 || l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(') (last)') !=-1)
          if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].href.indexOf('Special:Contributions') !=-1)
            IP = IP + 1;
            l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + iplink + ') #' + IP;
            Newbie = 1;
            IP_user = 1;
            IP_edits += 1;
            Newbie_edits += 1;
          if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
            VN = VN + 1;
            l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nulink + ') #' + NU;
            Newbie = 1;
            Newbie_edits += 1;
          else if (l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].href.indexOf('&action=edit') !=-1 && sysop == 'no')
            NU = NU + 1;
            l[i].innerHTML += ' (' + nulink + ') #' + NU;
            Newbie = 1;
            Newbie_edits += 1;
     if (Newbie == 1 && l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) == -1 && Revert == 'no')
         {Newbie_nonreverts += 1;}
     if (IP_user == 1 && l[i].innerHTML.indexOf(revlink) == -1 && Revert == 'no')
         {IP_nonreverts += 1;}
//end of FOR LOOP
if (i == 1)
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>There are no page modification statistics to show since there is only one edit.</span></strong><br>';
if (document.title.indexOf('View and restore deleted pages') !=-1)
   var first_time = l[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;
   var last_time = l[i-1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML;
if (location.href.indexOf('&offset=') !=-1 && location.href.indexOf('&offset=0') == -1)
   var first_time = l[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;
else if (l[0].innerHTML.indexOf('(cur) ') !=-1)
   var first_time = l[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML;
else if (l[0].innerHTML.indexOf(' (last)') !=-1)
   var first_time = l[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML;
if (l[i-1].innerHTML.indexOf(' (last)') !=-1)
   var last_time = l[i-1].getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML;
   var last_time = l[i-1].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;
var E = i;
var SE = E-Reverted-R;
var RU = E-IP;
var UN = IP+NU;
var ESUM = 100*(E-NS)/E;
totdays = getDateDiff(current_time,last_time);
framedays = getDateDiff(first_time,last_time);
  var caverage = E/totdays;
  var average = E/framedays;
  var rvaverage = R/framedays;
  var nonrvave = average - rvaverage;
var Daylength = Math.round((1)*framedays)/1;
if (framedays < 1) Daylength = 1;
var Dayspassed = Math.round((1)*totdays)/1;
if (totdays < 1) Dayspassed = 1;
var avenotice = '';
//wow..statistics people
var caverage = Math.round((1000)*caverage)/1000;
if (location.href.split("&offset=")[1] != undefined)
  if (location.href.split("&offset=0")[1] != undefined)
   {var offset = 'no';}
  caverage = '<strong>[Value unknown]*</strong>';
  avenotice = '<strong>*Average edits per day not shown because the most recent edit to this page is not visible</strong><br>';
   var offset = 'yes';
var ArticleAves = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Analysis:</strong></span><br>';
if (Namespace_type == 'article')
ArticleAves = '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Analysis:</span><br>' + '<span style="color:darkblue;">Notable edits (creation/expansion/major rewrites/sourcing):</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtSig)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtSig + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong>Significant edits (copyedits/small rewrites/content/reference additions): ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtM)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtM + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<strong><span style="color:purple;">Superficial edits (grammar/spelling/wikify/links/tagging):</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(ArtSf)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + ArtSf + ' edit(s))<br>';
var oldbody = document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML += '<br><span style="color:darkblue;"><strong>Viewing page modification statistics (from the </span>' + E + ' <span style="color:darkblue;">edits shown on this page):</span></strong>';
document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML = '<div id="contentSub">' + document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML + '</div>' + '<strong><span style="color:blue;">User statistics for these edits:</span><br> ' + 'Number of users: ' + Users + '<br>' + Math.round((100)*IP/E*100)/100 + '% <span style="color:darkred;">IP/anon edits </span></strong> (' + IP + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*VN/E*100)/100 + '% likely new user edits </strong> (' + VN + ' edit(s))<br><strong>'  + Math.round((100)*NU/E*100)/100 + '% <span style="color:grey;">likely unestablished user edits </span></strong> (' + NU + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*(OU)/E*100)/100 + '%<span style="color:darkblue;"> likely older user edits (non-admin/bot) </strong></span> (' + (OU) + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*SYS/E*100)/100 + '%<span style="color:blue;"> administrator edits </strong></span> (' + SYS + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*BOT/E*100)/100 + '%<span style="color:darkorange;"> bot edits </strong></span> (' + BOT + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Time range:</span><br>' + Daylength + ' approximate day(s) of edits</strong> || <strong>' + Dayspassed + ' approximate day(s) since first edit</strong><br> ' + 'Most recent edit on: ' + first_time + '<br>' + 'Oldest edit on: ' + last_time + '<br>' + 'Current time: ' + current_time + '<br>' + ArticleAves + '<strong>' + Math.round((100)*R/E*100)/100 + '%<span style="color:darkred;"> marked reverts (any)</span></strong> (' + R + ')<strong>' + '<br>'+ Math.round((100)*V/E*100)/100 + '%<span style="color:red;"> probable reverts of vandalism</span></strong> (' + V + ')<br>' + '<span style="color:grey;"><strong>Unmarked edits:</span> ' + Math.round((100)*(100*(UM)/E))/100 + '</strong>% (' + UM + ' edit(s))<br>' + '<span style="color:blue;"><strong>Averages:</span><br> ' + Math.round((100)*ESUM)/100 + '% edit summary usage<br>' + 'Average edits/user: ' + Math.round((100)*E/Users)/100 + '<br>' + caverage + ' edit(s) per day (current)<br>' + Math.round((1000)*average)/1000 + ' edit(s) per day (since last active)<br>' + Math.round((1000)*rvaverage)/1000 + '<span style="color:darkred;"> marked revert(s) per day (since last active)</strong></span><br>' + '<strong>1<span style="color:darkred;"> : </span>' + Math.round((100)*R/(E-R))/100 + '<span style="color:darkred;"> regular edit to marked revert ratio (RE:RV)</span><br>' + Math.round((100)*100*SE/E)/100 + '% <span style="color:darkblue;">edit progess (non-reverts/reverted edits)</span></strong> (' + SE + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*100*Newbie_nonreverts/Newbie_edits)/100 + '% <span style="color:purple;">of edits by IPs/new/unestablished users are non-reverts/reverted</span></strong> (' + Newbie_nonreverts + ' out of ' + Newbie_edits + ' edit(s))<br><strong>' + Math.round((100)*100*IP_nonreverts/IP)/100 + '% <span style="color:darkgreen;">of edits by IP-only users are non-reverts/reverted</span></strong> (' + IP_nonreverts + ' out of ' + IP + ' edit(s))<br>' + avenotice + oldbody.split(oldbody.split('</div>')[0] + '</div>')[1];
//from wikibits.js
  var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
