Hi, I'm Nightheight. I mostly make menial edits because I'm too scared (and too lazy) to really try to find more info, so I just fix grammar and punctuation. I flick through random articles until I find one with a subject from a non-English country, and usually (unfortunately) find some grammatical errors. I desire to keep all the smallest articles kept well, since that's where every reader ends up after a bit of rabbit-holing.
How do people get that many edits so quickly? (I've been on here for 4 years and only have 600 edits)
Do I look bad for using the visual editor?
How do I use wikitext [properly]?
Who the heck decided it was a good idea to put a cat backdrop on the Timeless skin?
And how can I murderkill get rid of it permanently? (seriously, if someone knows how (I really don't wanna try to figure it out), please help)
Why does no one use the Timeless skin? (maybe it's the cat)
Okay, but, why are you here?
A painting by Cornelis Lieste. I added an infobox there years ago when I was still a wee old editor and I still feel proud of my "great" accomplishment