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User:Pi Delport/monobook.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// Helpful: [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Guide]]

// Helpers

function contains(xs, x) {
    return 0 <= xs.indexOf(x);

function notnull(x) {
    if (x == null) throw TypeError(x);
    return x;

// Personal navigation

$(function() {
    function pagehref (page) {
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        //                tooltip, accesskey, nextnode)
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                       page, '',  document.getElementById('pt-userpage'));
    addLink('User:Piet Delport/Task list', 'task list', 'pt-tasklist');
    addLink('User:Piet Delport/Edit summary snippets', 'edit snippets', 'pt-editsnippets');

// Avoid wrapping edit summaries (it makes lists of them hard to read)

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// Editing toolbar

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        // Drop dubious buttons.
        mwEditButtons = mwEditButtons.filter(function (button) {
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            ], button.imageId);
        // Em dashed signature.
        mwEditButtons = mwEditButtons.map(function (button) {
            if (button.tagOpen == '--~~'+'~~') {
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            return button;

    // See [[MediaWiki:Common.js]];  i don't want those.
    mwCustomEditButtons = [{
        "imageFile": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Button_miss_signature.png",
        "speedTip": "Unsigned post",
        "tagOpen": "{"+"{unsigned|",
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        "sampleText": "Name",


// Other extensions


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