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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// If TwinkleConfig aint exist.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig = function() {};

 TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
 If ad should be added or not to summary, default [[WP:TWINKLE|TWINKLE]]
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.summaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.summaryAd = " using [[WP:TWINKLE|TW]]";

 TwinkleConfig.toolboxButtons (string)
 If id defined in this array, the button of the action is located inthe toolbox instead of in
 the actions bar.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.toolboxButtons ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.toolboxButtons = [];

function twinkleXfdButton() {
	if( wgNamespaceNumber < 0 || wgCurRevisionId == false ) {
	addPortletLink( chooseBox( 'tw-xfd', TwinkleConfig.toolboxButtons ), "javascript:twinklexfd()", "xfd", "tw-xfd", "X for deletion", "");
function num2order( num ) {
	switch( num ) {
	case 1: return '';
	case 2: return '2nd';
	case 3: return '3rd';
	default: return num + 'th';
function createOption( data ) {
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	return option;

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			div.appendChild( input );

	return div;
function twinklexfd() {

	twinklexfd.Window = new SimpleWindow( 600, 300 );
	twinklexfd.Window.setTitle( "Enter what kind of action is wanted" );
	twinklexfd.form = document.createElement( 'form' );
	twinklexfd.form.setAttribute( 'action', 'javascript:void(0);');
	twinklexfd.form.addEventListener( 'submit',twinklexfd.evaluate , true );

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	main_choices.addEventListener( 'change',twinklexfd.choose , true );
	main_choices.setAttribute('name', 'main_choices');
	main_choices.setAttribute('id', 'twXfdMainChoices');

	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Afd', selected: wgNamespaceNumber == 0, value: 'afd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Tfd', selected: wgNamespaceNumber == 10, value: 'tfd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Ifd', selected: wgNamespaceNumber == 6, value: 'ifd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Cfd', selected: wgNamespaceNumber == 14, value: 'cfd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'UCfd', selected: false, value: 'ucfd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Rfd', selected: false, value: 'rfd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Sfd', selected: false, value: 'sfd' } ) );
	main_choices.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Mfd', selected: [0, 10, 6, 14].indexOf(wgNamespaceNumber) == -1, value: 'mfd' } ) );

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	label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Type of XfD' ) );
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	twinklexfd.form.appendChild( main_choices );
	twinklexfd.form.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

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	twinklexfd.Window.setContent( twinklexfd.form );

twinklexfd.choose = function(e) {
	while( twinklexfd.choices.hasChildNodes() ){
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	case 'afd':
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		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Unknown', selected:true, value: '?' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Media and music', value: 'M' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Organisation, corporation, or product', value: 'O' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Biographical', value: 'B' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Society topics', value: 'S' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Web or internet', value: 'W' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Games or sports', value: 'T' } ) );
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		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Indiscernible or unclassifiable topic', value: 'I' } ) );
		afdcat.appendChild( createOption( { label: 'Debate not yet sorted', value: 'U' } ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					text:'Reason ',
				} ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					value: 'Submit',
				} ) );
	case 'tfd':
		var legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
		legend.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Give reason for TfD' ) );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( legend );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					text:'Reason ',
				} ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					value: 'Submit',
				} ) );
	case 'mfd':
		var legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
		legend.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Give reason for MfD' ) );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( legend );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					text:'Reason ',
				} ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					value: 'Submit',
				} ) );
	case 'ifd':
		var legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
		legend.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Give reason for IfD' ) );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( legend );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					text:'Reason ',
				} ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( createInput( {
					value: 'Submit',
				} ) );
	case 'cfd':
	case 'ucfd':
	case 'rfd':
	case 'sfd':
		var legend = document.createElement( 'legend' );
		legend.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Not implemented' ) );

		var div = document.createElement( 'legend' );
		div.style.color = 'red';
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		div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
		div.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'This function is not yet implemented' ) );

		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( legend );
		twinklexfd.choices.appendChild( div );


twinklexfd.evaluate = function(e) {

	twinklexfd.type =  twinklexfd.form.main_choices.value;
	twinklexfd.reason = twinklexfd.form.xfdreason.value;
	if( twinklexfd.type == 'afd' ) {
		twinklexfd.afdcat = twinklexfd.form.afdcat.value;

	Status.init( twinklexfd.form );

	if( twinklexfd.type == null ) {
		Status.error( 'no action given' );

	switch( twinklexfd.type ) {
	case 'afd': // AFD

		Status.status( 'Grabbing data of eventual previous nominations' );
		var query = {
			'title': 'Special:Prefixindex',
			'from': 'Articles for deletion/' + wgTitle,
			'namespace': 4
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var a_tags = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('a');
			var re = new RegExp( RegExp.escape( 'Articles for deletion/' + wgTitle ) );
			var number = 0;
			for( var i in a_tags ) {
				var title = a_tags[i].title;
				if( re.exec( title ) ) {
					var n = /\(\s*(\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\s*\)\s*$/.exec( title );
					if( n && n[1] > number ) {
						number = n[1];
					} else if( number == 0 ) {
						number = 1;

			if( number == 0 ) {
				twinklexfd.numbering = number = '';
			} else {
				number = num2order( parseInt( number ) + 1);
				twinklexfd.numbering = ' (' + number + ' nomination)';
			Status.info( 'next in order is [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + wgTitle + twinklexfd.numbering + ']]');

			// Tagging article
			Status.status( 'Putting the deletion tag on the article...' );

			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.query = {
				'title': wgTitle,
				'action': 'submit'
			xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() {
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					'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
					'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
					'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
					'wpSummary': "Nominated for deletion; see [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/" + wgTitle + twinklexfd.numbering + ']].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
					'wpTextbox1': "\{\{" + ( number == '' ? "subst:afd\}\}\n" : 'subst:afdx|' + number + "\}\}\n" ) + form.wpTextbox1.value
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		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Article tagged.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Discussion page
	Status.status( 'Creating the article\'s deletion discussion page...' );

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'title': 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + wgTitle + twinklexfd.numbering,
		'action': 'submit'

	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
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			'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
			'wpSummary': "Creating deletion discussion page for \[\[" + wgTitle + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
			'wpTextbox1': "\{\{subst:afd2|pg=" + wgTitle + "|cat=" + twinklexfd.afdcat + "|text=" + twinklexfd.reason + " \~\~\~\~\}\}\n"
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		xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Discussion page created.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Todays list
	Status.status( 'Adding AFD discussion to the todays list...' );

	var date = new Date();

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'title': 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate(),
		'action': 'submit'
	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
	xmlhttp.onload = function() {
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			'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
			'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
			'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
			'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
			'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
			'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
			'wpSummary': "Adding \[\[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/" + wgTitle + twinklexfd.numbering + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
			'wpTextbox1': form.wpTextbox1.value + "\n\{\{subst:afd3|pg=" + wgTitle + twinklexfd.numbering + "\}\}"
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		xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Notification complete.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Notification to first contributor
	Status.status( 'Getting data for first contributor...' );

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'titles': wgPageName,
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		'rvdir': 'newer',
		'format': 'xml'
	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
	xmlhttp.onload = function() {
		var user = this.responseXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
		Status.info( 'found user ' + user + ' as first contributor, proceeding to notify user...' );

		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'title': 'User talk:' + user,
			'action': 'submit'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var form = this.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
			var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
			text += "\n\{\{subst:AFDWarning|1=" + wgTitle + ( twinklexfd.numbering != '' ? '|order=&#32;' + twinklexfd.numbering : '' ) + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";
			var postData = {
				'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
				'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSummary': 'AfD nomination of \[\[' + wgTitle + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
				'wpTextbox1': text
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'User notification complete.' );}
			xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );

		xmlhttp.send( null );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

xmlhttp.send( null );
	case 'tfd': // TFD

		// Tagging article
		Status.status( 'Putting the deletion tag on the template...' );
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'title': wgPageName,
			'action': 'submit'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var form = this.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
			var postData = {
				'wpMinoredit': false, // Per 
				'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSummary': "Nominated for deletion; see \[\[Wikipedia:Templates for deletion#" + wgPageName + '\]\].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
				'wpTextbox1': "<noinclude>\{\{tfd|" + wgTitle + "\}\}\n</noinclude>" + form.wpTextbox1.value
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Article tagged.' );}
			xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
		xmlhttp.send( null );

		// Adding discussion
		Status.status( 'Adding TfD discussion to the todays page...' );

		var date = new Date();

		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'title': 'Wikipedia:Templates for deletion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate(),
			'action': 'submit',
			'section': 1
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var form = this.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
			text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
			text = text.replace( '-->', "-->\n\{\{subst:tfd2|" + wgTitle + "|text=" + twinklexfd.reason + ". \~\~\~\~\}\}");
			var postData = {
				'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
				'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSummary': "Adding [[Template:" + wgTitle + ']].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
				'wpTextbox1': text
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Notification complete.' );}
			xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
		xmlhttp.send( null );

		// Notifying first contributor
		Status.status( 'Getting data for first contributor...' );

		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'prop': 'revisions',
			'titles': wgPageName,
			'rvlimit': 1,
			'rvprop': 'user',
			'rvdir': 'newer',
			'format': 'xml'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var user = this.responseXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
			Status.info( 'found user ' + user + ' as first contributor, proceeding to notify user...' );

			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.query = {
				'title': 'User talk:' + user,
				'action': 'submit'
			xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
			xmlhttp.onload = function() {
				var form = this.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
				var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
				text += "\n\{\{subst:tfdnotice|1=" + wgTitle + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";
				var postData = {
					'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
					'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
					'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
					'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
					'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
					'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
					'wpSummary': 'TfD nomination of \[\[Template:' + wgTitle + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
					'wpTextbox1': text
				var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
				xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
				xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'User notification complete.' );}
				xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );

			xmlhttp.send( null );
		xmlhttp.send( null );
	case 'mfd': // MFD
		wgPageName = wgPageName.replace( '_', ' ' ); // for queen/king/whatever and country!

		Status.status( 'Grabbing data of eventual previous nominations' );
		var query = {
			'title': 'Special:Prefixindex',
			'from': 'Miscellany for deletion/' + wgPageName,
			'namespace': 4
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var a_tags = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('a');
			var re = new RegExp( RegExp.escape( 'Miscellany for deletion/' + wgPageName ) );
			var number = 0;
			for( var i in a_tags ) {
				var title = a_tags[i].title;
				if( re.exec( title ) ) {
					var n = /\(\s*(\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\s*\)\s*$/.exec( title );
					if( n && n[1] > number ) {
						number = n[1];
					} else if( number == 0 ) {
						number = 1;

			if( number == 0 ) {
				twinklexfd.numbering = number = '';
			} else {
				number = num2order( parseInt( number ) + 1);
				twinklexfd.numbering = ' (' + number + ' nomination)';
			Status.info( 'next in order is [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + wgPageName + twinklexfd.numbering + ']]');

			// Tagging article
			Status.status( 'Putting the deletion tag on the article...' );

			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.query = {
				'title': wgPageName,
				'action': 'submit'
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					'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
					'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
					'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
					'wpSummary': "Nominated for deletion; see [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/" + wgPageName + twinklexfd.numbering + ']].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
					'wpTextbox1': "\{\{" + ( number == '' ? "subst:mfd\}\}\n" : 'subst:mfdx|' + number + "\}\}\n" ) + form.wpTextbox1.value
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		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Article tagged.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Discussion page
	Status.status( 'Creating the article\'s deletion discussion page...' );

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'title': 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + wgPageName + twinklexfd.numbering,
		'action': 'submit'

	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
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			'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
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			'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
			'wpSummary': "Creating deletion discussion page for \[\[" + wgPageName + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
			'wpTextbox1': "\{\{subst:mfd2|pg=" + wgPageName + "|text=" + twinklexfd.reason + " \~\~\~\~\}\}\n"
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		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Discussion page created.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Todays list
	Status.status( 'Adding MFD discussion to the todays list...' );

	var date = new Date();

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'title': 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion',
		'action': 'submit',
		'section': 2
	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
	xmlhttp.onload = function() {

		var form = this.responseXML.getElementById('editform');

		var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;

		var month =  date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
		var today_date = date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + ( month < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + month + '-' + date.getUTCDate();
		Status.info( 'todays date: ' + today_date );
		var today_regex = new RegExp( "(\\=\\=\\=\\[\\[" + RegExp.escape( today_date ) + "\\]\\]\\=\\=\\=)" );
		var new_data = "\n\{\{subst:mfd3|pg=" + wgPageName + twinklexfd.numbering + "\}\}";

		if( today_regex.test( text ) ) { // we have a section allready
			Status.info( 'Found todays section, proceeding to add new entry' );
			text = text.replace( today_regex, "$1\n" + new_data );
		} else { // we need to create a new section
			Status.info( 'No section for today found, proceeding to ccreate one' );
			text = text.replace( '-->', "-->\n===\[\[" + today_date + "\]\]===\n" + new_data );

		var postData = {
			'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
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			'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
			'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
			'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
			'wpSummary': "Adding \[\[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/" + wgPageName + twinklexfd.numbering + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
			'wpTextbox1': text
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Notification complete.' );}
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
	xmlhttp.send( null );

	// Notification to first contributor
	Status.status( 'Getting data for first contributor...' );

	var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
	xmlhttp.query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'titles': wgPageName,
		'rvlimit': 1,
		'rvprop': 'user',
		'rvdir': 'newer',
		'format': 'xml'
	xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
	xmlhttp.onload = function() {
		var user = this.responseXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
		Status.info( 'found user ' + user + ' as first contributor, proceeding to notify user...' );

		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'title': 'User talk:' + user,
			'action': 'submit'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			var form = this.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
			var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
			text += "\n\{\{subst:MFDWarning|1=" + wgPageName + ( twinklexfd.numbering != '' ? '|order=&#32;' + twinklexfd.numbering : '' ) + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";
			var postData = {
				'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
				'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSummary': 'MfD nomination of \[\[' + wgPageName + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
				'wpTextbox1': text
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'User notification complete.' );}
			xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );

		xmlhttp.send( null );
	xmlhttp.send( null );
xmlhttp.send( null );
	case 'ifd': // IFD

		twinklexfd.ifdProgess = {
			'tagging' : false,
			'discussion': false,
			'note': false

		var fun = function() {
			for( var i in twinklexfd.ifdProgess ) {
				if( !twinklexfd.ifdProgess[i] ) {

			window.clearInterval(twinklexfd.ifdTimeout); // Safty?
			Status.status( 'All done' );
			var date = new Date();
			window.location =  mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace( '$1', 'Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion#' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate() );
		twinklexfd.ifdTimeout = setInterval( fun, 1000);

		wgPageName = wgPageName.replace( '_', ' ' ); // for queen/king/whatever and country!

		// Tagging image
		Status.status( 'Putting the deletion tag on the image page...' );
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'title': wgPageName,
			'action': 'submit'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
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			var postData = {
				'wpMinoredit': false, // Per 
				'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSummary': "This image is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:Deletion policy|Deletion policy]]; See \[\[Wikipedia:Images for deletion#" + wgPageName + '\]\].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
				'wpTextbox1': "\{\{ifd\}\}\n" + form.wpTextbox1.value
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Image tagged.' );twinklexfd.ifdProgess['tagging'] = true; }
			xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
		xmlhttp.send( null );

		// Grabbing uploader
		Status.status( 'Getting data for uploader...' );

		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		xmlhttp.query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'prop': 'revisions',
			'titles': wgPageName,
			'rvlimit': 1,
			'rvprop': 'user',
			'rvdir': 'newer',
			'format': 'xml'
		xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			twinklexfd.uploader = this.responseXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
			Status.info( 'Found user ' + twinklexfd.uploader + ' as uploader.' );

			// Todays list
			Status.status( 'Adding IFD discussion to the todays list...' );

			var date = new Date();

			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.query = {
				'title': 'Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate(),
				'action': 'submit'
			xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true);
			xmlhttp.onload = function() {
				var form = this.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
				var postData = {
					'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
					'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
					'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
					'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
					'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
					'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
					'wpSummary': "Adding discussion for \[\[:" + wgPageName + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
					'wpTextbox1': form.wpTextbox1.value + "\n\{\{subst:ifd2|1=" + wgTitle + "|Uploader=" + twinklexfd.uploader + "|Reason=" + twinklexfd.reason + "\}\} \~\~\~\~"
				var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
				xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
				xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'Notification complete.' );twinklexfd.ifdProgess['discussion'] = true;}
				xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );
			xmlhttp.send( null );

			Status.status( 'Notifying uploader...' );
			var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
			xmlhttp.query = {
				'title': 'User talk:' + twinklexfd.uploader,
				'action': 'submit'
			xmlhttp.open( 'GET' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( xmlhttp.query ), true );
			xmlhttp.onload = function() {
				var form = this.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
				var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
				text += "\n\{\{subst:idw|1=" + wgPageName + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";
				var postData = {
					'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked,
					'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked,
					'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
					'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
					'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
					'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
					'wpSummary': 'Notification: IfD nomination of \[\[' + wgPageName + '\]\].' + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
					'wpTextbox1': text
				var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
				xmlhttp.open( 'POST' , mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
				xmlhttp.onload = function() { Status.info( 'User notification complete.' );twinklexfd.ifdProgess['note'] = true;}
				xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( postData ) );

			xmlhttp.send( null );

		xmlhttp.send( null );

