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User:John Cummings/TimedText:Monmouthpedia video revised.ogv.en.srt

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I started MonmouthpediA because I think that knowledge can give us context and allow us to appreciate the things around us more

The project is a collaboration between Wikimedia UK, Monmouthshire County Council, the museums, the library, University of Wales, Cardiff Met,

but most importantly individual contributors, local community groups and people not just from Monmouth but people all over the world that are creating the content and making this happen.

A QR code is a kind of bar code that you can read through your phone or tablet computer and it can take you to a web page

The great thing about QRpedia is that whatever language your phone is in it will take you through to that language page on Wikipedia.

If you have a Spanish phone it will take you though to the spanish article, German, German article.

I think the real attraction of QR codes for us is it gives us the chance A: to let people see our information in their own language which is a great boon, especially in Monmouth.

The Welsh language is a possibility but also all the other world languages. The other big advantage from a curatorial point of view

is that we love to give people information until the cows come home and we can't do that in our ordinary labels because there's not enough space.

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Subtitles incomplete

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