User:Doc James/EMS study
Planning on in the next few week administering a one page survey to PCP students looking at their use of research resources. Survey attached below and comments appreciated.
Survey of Internet usage of PCP students
Age_?__ Gender___ Years in EMS ___
What resources do you currently use to answer medical questions (in order of frequency)
___ Textbooks
___ Journal articles
___ Internet / online
___ Discuss with experts / colleagues
___ Other _________
Of the online sources which do you use most frequently and how frequently do you use them
___ Google ___ times per month
___ Wikipedia ___ times per month
___ Pubmed ___ times per month
___ BCAS ___ times per month
___ Emedicine ___ times per month
___ Uptodate ___ times per month
___ Other _________ (Health Canada, NIH, CDC, etc ) ___ times per month
What are the most important factors in determining the sources you use on a scale of 1 to 10 ( 1 for least important 10 for most important )
Ease of access ___
Reliability ___
Referencing ___
Comfortable with the site ___
Ease of finding suitable information ___
Consistent formatting across topics ___
Appropriate depth of information ___
Other important aspects _______________________________________________
What do you view as the most positive and negative factors of the following sources
Google Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
Wikipedia Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
Pubmed Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
BCAS Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
Emedicine Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
Uptodate Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
Other Positive ____________________ Negative_____________________ N/A ___
What is your understanding of how the following sites generate their content
Google _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
Wikipedia _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
Pubmed _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
BCAS _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
Emedicine _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
Uptodate _______________________________________________________ N/A ___
Other _______________________________________________________ N/A ___