User:Icerat/USANA - references
(Redirected from User:Insider201283/USANA - references)
- names Kathy Kaehler as spokesperson for USANA reset
- a study by USANA scientists
- names USANA at #2
- Motley fool investor report
- on USANA getting a supply deal with WTA
- data on 2002 sales, plus taiwan opening
- on partnership with Linus Pauling Institute
- USANA named as most popular direct sales brand
- on moves to privatise in 2008
- press release, can be used as source on sponsorships
- award for event
USANA Associate Jennifer Azzi to Be Inducted Into Women's Basketball Hall of Fame
- press release on "famous" associate
- as it says
- on LArry King at USANA conference
- on various execs not having qualifications claimed
- VP promoted to president
- details on USANA markets
- Tradewinds: Business promotions, Salt Lake Tribune, The (UT) - Wednesday, January 19, 2011
- Tim Haran , manager of social media content for USANA Health Sciences, was named the 2010 PR News Blogger of the Year during the PR People Awards held on Nov. 30 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C