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var plang = $('#p-lang').hide();
$(document).ready( function() {
function sort( a, b ) {
return ( $(b).text() ) < ( $(a).text() ) ? 1 : -1;
var plangUL = plang.find('ul');
var interwikis = plangUL.find('li[class^="interlanguage-link"]').detach();
if ( interwikis.length > 0 ) {
var langReg = /(.*? – )?(.*)/;
var gtPre = '';
var hardLangs = {
'lumbaart': 'Lombard',
'tarandíne': 'Tarantino',
'vèneto': 'Venetian',
'Беларуская (тарашкевіца)': 'Belarusian (Taraškievica)',
'буряад': 'Buryat',
'лакку': 'Lak'
var googleSupported = ['Afrikaans', 'Albanian', 'Arabic', 'Armenian', 'Azerbaijani', 'Basque', 'Belarusian', 'Bengali', 'Bulgarian',
'Catalan', 'Chinese', 'Croatian', 'Czech', 'Danish', 'Dutch', 'English', 'Esperanto', 'Estonian', 'Filipino', 'Finnish',
'French', 'Galician', 'Georgian', 'German', 'Greek', 'Haitian', 'Creole', 'Hebrew', 'Hindi', 'Hungarian', 'Icelandic',
'Indonesian', 'Irish', 'Italian', 'Japanese', 'Javanese', 'Kannada', 'Korean', 'Khmer', 'Latin', 'Latvian', 'Lithuanian',
'Macedonian', 'Malay', 'Maltese', 'Marathi', 'Norwegian', 'Norwegian (bokmål)', 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Persian', 'Polish',
'Portuguese', 'Romanian', 'Russian', 'Serbian', 'Slovak', 'Slovenian', 'Spanish', 'Swahili', 'Swedish', 'Tamil',
'Telugu', 'Thai', 'Turkish', 'Ukrainian', 'Urdu', 'Vietnamese', 'Welsh', 'Yiddish'];
interwikis.find('a').each( function() {
var $this = $(this);
var origLangName = $this.text();
var langMatches = langReg.exec( $this.attr('title') );
if ( langMatches != null ) {
var newLangName = (langMatches[2] in hardLangs) ? hardLangs[ langMatches[2] ] : langMatches[2];
if ( $this.attr('hreflang') == 'be-x-old' ) newLangName = 'Belarusian (Taraškievica)'; // Doesn't match object key for some reason
var hrefs = $this.attr('href');
var origLangPre = (langMatches[1] == undefined) ? '' : langMatches[1];
$this.text( newLangName ).removeAttr('lang style').attr( 'title', origLangPre + origLangName );
var unsup = ( googleSupported.indexOf(langMatches[2]) < 0 ) ? '#FA8540' : '#4085FA';
$('<a/>', {
'text': 'G',
'class': 'external gTrans',
'target': '_blank',
'href': gtPre + hrefs,
'title': 'Google Translate: ' + newLangName + ' to English',
'style': 'color:' + unsup + ';'
}).insertAfter( $this ).before(' ');
if ( $this.text().length > 17 ) $this.html( $this.html().replace('-','- ').replace(' ', '<br />') );
function() { $(this).css( {'background-color': unsup, 'color': 'white'} ) },
function() { $(this).css( {'background-color': 'transparent', 'color': unsup} ) }
function() { $(this).find('.gTrans').fadeIn(200).css('margin-left','0') },
function() { $(this).find('.gTrans').fadeOut(100).css('margin-left','5px') }
plangUL.prepend( interwikis.sort(sort) );