User:Darkest tree/sandbox/California
This article is a list of the government agencies of the State of California. California government is organized, like that of the United States, into three main branches: Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. There are also a number of independent agencies that, like those of the United States Federal Government, are outside of the direct control of the Executive Branch.
This list is based on information provided by the California Government Operations Agency, which maintains a list and organizational chart of all California government agencies.
Legislative Branch
[edit]California State Legislature
[edit]The California State Legislature (LEGISLATURE) contains the legislative organs of the State of California:
Legislative Caucuses, Offices, and Subagencies
[edit]- Senate Office of Research (SOR)
- Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
- Legislative Information (LEGINFO)
[edit]- Assembly Democratic Caucus (ASMDC)
- Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus (API)
- Latino Legislative Caucus (LLC)
- Legislative Black Caucus (ASM)
- Legislative Environmental Caucus
- Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Caucus (LGBT)
- Legislative Outdoor Sporting Caucus
- Legislative Rural Caucus
- Legislative Women's Caucus
- Senate Democratic Caucus
- Senate Republican Caucus
Judicial Branch
[edit]The courts make up the Judiciary of California:
- Supreme Court of California (COURTS)
- California State Bar (CALBAR)
- California Courts of Appeal Courts of Appeal
- California Superior Courts (COURTS)
Independent Agencies
[edit]The Independent Agencies include one elected board, and numerous appointed or legislated officials, boards, commissions, and agencies. Some function as part of the executive branch of government, but are not directly under the control of the Governor, while others are completely independent of the Executive Branch, similar to the Independent agencies of the United States government.
- California State Auditor
- Audits, Bureau of State (State Auditor) (BSA)
- California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC)
Elected Boards
[edit]- Equalization, Board of (BOE)
Appointed and Legislated Commissions, Boards, and Agencies
[edit]- Board of Governors Community Colleges
- Education, California State Board of
- Student Aid Commission, California (CSAC)
- Trustees, Board of (California State University)
- University of California Board of Regents
- Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
- Gambling Control Commission (CGCC)
- Lottery Commission (Lotto)
- Inspector General, Office of the (OIG)
- Public Utilities Commission, California (CPUC)
- Board of State and Community Corrections
- Delta Stewardship Council/formerly CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED)
- Arts Council, California (CAC)
- State Public Defender
- Military Department
Executive Branch
[edit]The Executive Branch contains a number of elected offices that are independent from the Governor, and all of the main executive departments that are under the direct control of the Governor.
Elected Executive Offices and suboffices
[edit]- Governor, Office of the (GO)
- Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GoED)
- Governor's Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
- Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES)/formerly Cal EMA (CAL EMA)
- Gang & Youth Violence Policy, Governor's Office of (OGYVP)
- Governor's Mentoring Partnership (GMP)
- Physical Fitness and Sports, California Governor's Council on
- Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)/ (Go-Biz)
- Lieutenant Governor, Office of (LTG)
- Superintendent of Public Instruction, State (SPI)
- Insurance Commissioner
- Secretary of State, California (SOS)
- Attorney General (Department of Justice) (AG)
- Controller's Office, California State (SCO)
- Treasurer's Office, State (STO)
Cabinet-level Executive Branch Departments
[edit]The "cabinet-level" executive branch departments, each with an appointed director who reports directly to the Governor, are the main "parent" agencies of State government. Each contains one or several sub-cabinet-level departments. These make up the main body of the State's executive branch and workforce.
Transportation Agency
[edit]The California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) includes:
- Highway Patrol, California (CHP)
- Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
- Transportation, Department of (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans (Headquarters) (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 1 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 2 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 3 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 4 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 5 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 6 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 7 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 8 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 9 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 10 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 11 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 12 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Pilot Commissioners, Board of (BOPC)
- High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA)
- Transportation Commission, California (CTC)
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
[edit]The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) includes:
- Division of Adult Institutions
- Division of Adult Parole Operations
- Adult Rehabilitative Programs Division
- Juvenile Justice, Division of
- Adult Board of Parole Hearings (CDCR, BOPH)
- Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)
Environmental Protection Agency
[edit]The California Environmental Protection Agency (CALEPA) includes:
- Air Resources Board (ARB, CARB)
- Pesticide Regulation, Department of (CDPR)
- Toxic Substances Control, California Department of (DTSC)
- Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)
- Water Resources Control Board, State (WRCB)
- Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery
Department of Finance
[edit]- Finance, Department of (DOF)
Health and Human Services Agency
[edit]The Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) includes:
- Aging, California Department of (CDA)
- Public Health, California Department of (CDPH)
- Binational Border Health, California Office of (COBBH)
- Child Support Services, Department of (CDCSS)
- Community Services & Development, Department of (CSD)
- Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
- Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
- Health Care Services, Department of (DHCS)
- Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)
- Department of State Hospitals
- Rehabilitation, California Department of (DOR)
- Blind, Office of Services to the (OSB)
- Social Services, Department of (CDSS)
- Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide (OSHPD)
Department of Food and Agriculture
[edit]- Food & Agriculture, Department of (CDFA)
Labor and Workforce Development Agency
[edit]The Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) includes:
- Employment Development Department (EDD)
- Industrial Relations, Department of (DIR)
- Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)
- Public Employment Relations Board, California (PERB)
- Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)
- Workforce Development Board, California (CWDB)
- Employment Training Panel (ETP)
Natural Resources Agency
[edit]The Natural Resources Agency, California includes:
- Biodiversity Council, California (CBC)
- Water Resources, Department of (DWR)
- Forestry & Fire Protection, California Department of (CAL FIRE)
- Conservation, Department of (DOC)
- Parks and Recreation, California Department of (California State Parks)
- Park and Recreation Commission, California State (PARKS)
- Boating & Waterways, California Department of (DBW)
- Boating and Waterways Commission, California
- Conservation Corps, California (CCC)
- Fish & Wildlife, Department of (DFW)
- Coastal Commission, California
- Energy Commission, California
- Lands Commission, California State (SLC)
- Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
- Exposition & State Fair, California (CAL EXPO)/ Fair, California State (BIG FUN)
- Science Center, California
- African American Museum, California (CAAM)
- Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
- Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
- San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC)
- California Water Commission
- Colorado River Board of California (CRB)
- Conservancies:
- Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC)
- Coastal Conservancy, California
- Tahoe Conservancy, California
- Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC)
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Department of Veterans Affairs
[edit]- Veterans Affairs, Department of (CalVet)
Government Operations Agency
[edit]The Government Operations Agency includes:
- Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
- General Services, Department of (DGS)
- Building Standards Commission (BSC)
- Technology, Department of
- Technology Services, Office of (OTech)
- Cal-Atlas (Cal-Atlas)
- Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
- Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB)
- Department of Tax & Fee Administration
- Human Resources, Department of (CalHR)
- Personnel Board, State (SPB)
- Public Employees Retirement System, California (CalPERS)
- Teachers' Retirement System, California (CalSTRS)
Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency (BCSH)
[edit]The Business, Consumer Services & Housing Agency (BCSH) includes:
- Fair Employment & Housing, Department of (DFEH)
- Consumer Affairs, Department of (DCA)
- Athletic Commission, California State (CSAC) The California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) regulates professional and amateur boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts throughout the State by licensing all participants and supervising the events. The Commission is dedicated to the health, safety and welfare of the participants in regulated competitive sporting events, through ethical and professional service. California is the premier model for the safety and fairness of regulated sporting events.
- Automotive Repair, Bureau of (BAR)
- Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of (BBC)
- Behavioral Sciences, Board of (BBS)
- Cemetery & Funeral Bureau (CFB)
- Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)
- Housing & Community Development, Department of (HCD)
- Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
- Business Oversight, California Department of (DBO)
- Seismic Safety Commission, California (SSC)
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABCAB)
- Horse Racing Board, California (CHRB)
This List of State of California Agencies is a list of agencies as of 6-14-16.[1]
- Association of Bay Area Governments, Earthquake & Hazards Program, (ABAG)
- CalCareNet
- CalFresh (CalFresh)
- California Channel (CalChannel)
- CalRecycle
- Career Resource Network (CALCRN)
- Child Abuse Prevention, Office of
- Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (BCE)
- Citizens Compensation Commission, California
- Climate Change Portal, California
- Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)
- Community Colleges System, California (CCCS)
- Compensation Insurance Fund, State (SCIF)
- Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
- Correctional Health Care Services, California (CCHCS)
- Corrections Standards Authority (CSA)
- Counties, California State Association of (CSAC)
- Court Reporters Board of California
- Cyber Safety for Children
- Deaf Access, Office of
- Delta Protection Commission
- Dental Board of California (DBC)
- Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC)
- Denti-Cal (DENTI-CAL)
- Developmental Disabilities, State Council on (SCDD)
- Disability Insurance, State (EDD)
- Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council (DVBE)
- Earthquake Authority, California
- Education, Department of (CDE)
- eHealth Initiative, California
- Elections (Secretary of State) (SOS)
- Electronic & Appliance Repair, Bureau of (BEAR)
- Emergency Communications Office (911), California
- Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
- Emergency Management Agency, California (Cal EMA)
- Employment of People with Disabilities, California Committee on (CCEPD)
- Environment Resources Evaluation System, California (CERES)
- eServices Office (ESERVICES)
- Experience Unlimited (EDD)
- Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC)
- Film Commission, California (CFC)
- Financial Institutions, Department of (DFI)
- Fire Marshal, Office of the State (OSFM)
- Firearms, Bureau of (DOJ)
- First 5 California (First 5)
- Fish & Game Commission (FGC)
- Fleet & Asset Management, Office of (OFAM)
- Flex Alerts
- Forestry & Fire Protection, Board of (BOF)
- Geospatial Clearinghouse (CALATLAS)
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Council, California (CGC)
- Guide Dogs for the Blind, Board of (BGDB)
- Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC)
- Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation, Commission on (CHSWC)
- Health Benefit Exchange, California (HBEX)
- Health Care Reform, California
- Health Information Integrity, California Office of (CALOHI)
- Healthy Families Program
- Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau
- Historic Preservation, Office of (OHP)
- Historical and Cultural Endowment, California
- Historical Resources Commission, State (SHRC)
- Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Bureau of (BEARHFTI)
- Homeless Youth Authority, California (HYP)
- I Can Afford College
- Independent Living Council, California State (CALSILC)
- Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC)
- Information Security, Office of (OIS)
- Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) (IBANK)
- Insurance, Department of (CDI)
- Judicial Council of California
- Judicial Performance, Commission on (CJP)
- Justice, Department of (Attorney General) (DOJ)
- Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
- Labor Market Information Division (LMID)
- Labor Standards Enforcement, Division of (DLSE)
- Labor Statistics and Research, Division of (DLSR)
- Landscape Architects Technical Committee (LATC)
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Law Revision Committee (CLRC)
- Learn California
- Library, California State (CSL)
- Little Hoover Commission (LHC)
- Lottery, State (LOTTERY)
- Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB)
- Medi-Cal (MEDI-CAL)
- Mediation & Conciliation Service, State (CMCS)
- Medi-Cal Access Program (MCAP)
- Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)
- Medical Board of California (MBC)
- Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
- Mental Health, Department of (DMH)
- Mentally Ill Offenders, Council on (COMIO)
- Military Museum, California State (CSMM)
- Mine Reclamation, Office of
- Mining & Geology Board (SMGB)
- Missing & Unidentified Persons Unit (DOJ)
- Museum for History, Women and the Arts, California
- Museum, the California (Museum)
- MyCali Youth Portal (MYCALI)
- Naturopathic Medicine Committee
- New Motor Vehicle Board (NMVB)
- Occupational Safety & Health, California Office of (DOSH)
- Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (DIR, OSHAB)
- Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
- Occupational Therapy, California Board of (BOT)
- Ocean & Coastal Environmental Access Network, California (Cal OCEAN)
- Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
- Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR)
- Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD)
- Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
- Optometry, Board of
- Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC)
- Paid Family Leave Insurance Program (PFL)
- Patient Advocate, Office of the (OPA)
- Peace Officer Standards & Training, Commission on (POST)
- Pharmacy, Board of
- Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)
- Physician Assistant Committee (PAC)
- Podiatric Medicine, Board of (BPM)
- Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP)
- Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA)
- Privacy Protection, Office of (OPP)
- Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (BPPE)
- Procurement Division (PD)
- Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, & Geologists, Board for
- Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
- Psychology, Board of
- Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC)
- Public Safety Communications, Office of (PSCO)
- Public School Construction, Office of (OPSC)
- Publishing, Office of State (OSP)
- Railroad Museum, California State (CSRMF)
- Real Estate Appraisers, Office of (OREA)
- Real Estate, Department of (DRE)
- Regenerative Medicine, California Institute for (CIRM)
- Registered Nursing, Board of (RN)
- Registrar of Charitable Trusts (AG)
- Research Bureau, California (CRB)
- Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB)
- Risk and Insurance Management, Office of (ORIM)
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
- Safe at Home Program (Secretary of State)
- San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
- San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
- San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC)
- Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of (BSIS)
- Self Insurance Plans (DIR, SIP)
- Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program
- Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
- Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
- State Mandates, Commission on (CSM)
- Status of Women and Girls, California Commission on the
- Structural Pest Control Board
- Summer School for the Arts, California State (CSSSA)
- Systems Integration, Office of (OSI)
- Tax Service Center, California (TAXES)
- Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (CTC)
- Telephone Medical Advice Services Bureau (DCA, TMAS)
- Tourism, California Office of
- Traffic Safety, California Office of (OTS)
- Unclaimed Property (SCO)
- Unemployment Insurance Program (EDD, UI)
- Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission (SCO)
- University of California (UC)
- University, California State (CALSTATE, CSU)
- Veterinary Medical Board, California (VMB)
- Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of (BVNPT)
- Volunteers, California
- Voter Registration - Secretary of State (SOS)
See also
[edit]External links
[edit]- Alphabetical List of California Agencies
- State of California - Official website
- California State Government Organization - Chart showing a hierarchy of the above departments and commissions
- California State Agency Databases - Comprehensive list of state agencies and databases maintained by the American Library Association
List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions Agencies, departments, and commissions